Anointed Messages Index

Come Unto Me, Says The Lord!

A Word Given Through A Fellow Apostle and Prophet


God is love, God is patient, God is longsuffering, and He has suffered long, and long, and long. His children, persecuted, downtrodden, rejected, uncared for, abused, misused, muzzled, shut up and shut in cry out to Him and He has heard their cry. They have waited long and so have I, I wait no more, the time of my wrath is coming and I wait no more. 

Do not mourn for the word I speak to you my child, rejoice for the time of your redemption draws near, and nearer, and nearer. My precious, my holy prophets, come draw near to Me and stay close to my like as if you were glued to me and I to you, turn not to the left or to the right for I am with you, and for you, only be faithful, faithful, and faithful as I Am who have called and sent you, ordained and equipped you to every good and diligent work through my Spirit, is faithful, faithful, and faithful forevermore. Turn not away, turn not unto baal and his like but turn unto me, call on me and I truly shall tell you great and mighty, unsearchable, hidden and fenced in things you have sought to hear for soooooo long. 

My love for you is so great, my child, my holy vessel, called and chosen, do not be discouraged, I, I, I, I have called you, NOT MAN and I, even I have made you a fit vessel, washed in the blood of My own Son, pure and holy in my sight because of His blood and your obedience. I, I, I, I have purified and do purify you by the fire of my Holy Spirit. I do purify you in the FIRE of MY HOLY SPIRIT, I AM, I DO NOT LIE!!!!! I AM FAITHFUL AND I DO NOT LIE. I AM LOVE AND I DO NOT LIE!!!!!! 

Come unto me let me continue to wash you in my WORD OF TRUTH. Continue to worship, to worship ME in the beauty of my sanctuary, which is your heart. I AM HE, I AM YOUR GOD, I DO NOT LIE. Your heart is mine, I am the Lord, I AM your GOD and your DELIVERER. I AM and I DO NOT LIE!!!!! Your heart is mine, therefore you are my faithful chosen vessel. I loved you before the foundation of the world and called YOU OUT of it, for MY KINGDOM PURPOSES. I AM LOVE AND I, I, I, DO NOT LIE! 



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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5