Amightywind Legal Defense Fund
Amightywind Ministry Filing Lawsuit
Present Day Battle Between Elijah and the Prophets of Baal.
August 26, 2010


Updated in red on August 27, 2010

We are called to gather the people of YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, YAHUSHUA, and the RUACH ha KODESH to Mount Carmel for a real present day battle between Elijah of New (Prophet Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah), her husband Nikomia and all who believe that Amightywind Ministry is truly YAHUVEH's Ministry against the prophets of baal. What has been a battle on Youtube has now been declared by YAHUVEH/YAHWEH to now become a public battle for all to see.

As some of you know Elisabeth, Nikomia and Amightywind Ministry has been under attack by George Cook and several others. Cook claims to be a Messianic Jew yet he holds their worship service on a Sunday, try to figure that one out. Cook has even stole the name of amightywind by posting a website on the internet using amightywind's name and attacking Elisabeth, Nikomia and Amightywind Ministry, but we know they are truly attacking YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the RUACH ha KODESH and the Truth. Cook has posted slanderous and libelous lies, and stuff so outrageous and stupid it is unbelievable anyone can believe these lies, yet unfortunately there are many who do believe these lies. So YAHUVEH/YAHWEH has told this Ministry to sue these people for these slanderous and libelous lies and defamation of character. It is also against the law to use our trademark name of 'Amightywind' and lead others to their site with our name in their attempt to destroy this Ministry. This is called cybersquatting and we are suing them for this also.

Do not go to this slanderous website or view these slanderous videos unless you know, that you know, that you know YAHUVEH/YAHWEH is sending you there to pray against these people. YAH says warn the people not to let the spirit of curiosity get to them and they view these evil videos and go to the evil websites. These websites and videos are dangerous and they use mind control, mind manipulation and many other spirits to create doubt and confusion in the true followers of YAHUSHUA. YAHUVEH/YAHWEH says if you will not obey HIM now, why will you obey HIM in the Great Tribulation? This is not a game. These people are after your souls. YAHUVEH/YAHWEH says there IS NO reason for HIS people to view and read these slanderous lies against HIS Ministry. We are to keep our eyes on YAHUVEH/YAHWEH and watch HIM take vengence on the enemies of your soul.

We need the True followers of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH to come forth and support us in this battle. We have retained an attorney and we are in the process of gathering the information we need to properly sue each individual who is part of this attempt to destroy this Ministry with their slanderous lies and cybersquatting. Our attorney is the top internet attorney out there as YAHUVEH would have no less than the best representing HIS Ministry. This could be very expensive but nevertheless YAH has instructed us to do this. WE need YOUR help, support and prayers in this litigation. Please pray about financially supporting Amightywind Ministry in this battle as we will need all the help we can get. If you are led to help us financially and you send us a donation, make sure you mark it as a donation for the legal fund for the battle on Mount Carmel. We have no idea how much this will cost us yet, but if any finances raised for this purpose are not needed or used in case of a settlement, the finances will be returned to the donor upon request.

Elisabeth and I (Niko) want to share this with you. If it was up to us we never would have taken this option of litigation. We would have preferred to negotiate a deal and every one involved just be quiet in the future and everything is forgotten, we just wanted the illegal site down and the lies to stop. YAHUVEH/YAHWEH would NOT allow us to do this. YAHUVEH would NOT allow us to negotiate anything with these people. These people came out of nowhere. We have no clue who they are. They initiated this battle but YAH will end it. These people also claim to be christian, but by their fruit you know who they really serve.

Back in December we got an email from someone bragging about a video he did on youtube against this Ministry and the next thing we know Cook and his gang are putting up videos also attacking us and then in March or so Cook says he has a surprise for us in a couple weeks, and that is when he put up the website using our name and cybersquatting in violation of the law. Elisabeth contacted one of these people attacking us and asked, why are you attacking us like this and do you want to know what the answer was, because we can. That was the answer, because we can. They think this is a joke and they think they will get away with this, but we promise you this, they will not get away with this.

YAH is taking this very serious. In fact, as we were in prayer regarding this matter YAH said this was all part of HIS plan, I had to laugh when HE said this. HalleluYAH! So watch people as you see the prophets of baal fall again as they fell against Elijah of Old in the Scriptures [I Kings 18:1-40]. So it was then, so shall it be again. VICTORY IN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for the PRAISE, HONOR and GLORY of our HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH/YAHWEH.

Make sure you watch the videos posted above. YAH instructed us to do these videos and they are very anointed. We made the Rawhide video, because we can!

Elisabeth and Niko

Please email us and let us know if you will join in this battle at:

Please send donations to:

P.O. Box 40007
Upper Hutt
New Zealand 5018

Please make checks out to 'Almightywind'
and not to Elisabeth and if you are sending
a money order please send an international
money order not a U.S. money order.
Thank You

Visit Elisabeth's Youtube Page here

This Video is Proof the enemies websites and videos are dangerous
and they are using mind control and manipulation!