Miraculous Escape From Car Accident |
Revised August 24, 2013
Beloved family of mine in YAHUSHUA, I am posting this picture sent to me today because the next time you see a car accident and wonder how they walked away think of me and how Jesus protects those that are HIS. Think of this picture. I am asking our site manager to please POST this letter as well as the picture. I have not mentioned this accident yet to the congregation. To Give GOD the GLORY I shall now! My car was a red Monte Carlo and not damaged quite this bad but bad enough. Unrepairable like the one attached to this email. I think my angels Protected me the same only stood between the car and the truck that hit me. Not to mention others cars from hitting US! As you know it was a Head on collision and even spun my car into another side road. "The angels of the LORD encampeth around about them that love and fear the LORD and will deliver them" memorized that. :) As some know my son, dog, and I also walked away...to the GLORY OF YAHUSHUA! Nov. 4, 1999 was the car accident and still have bruises from the airbag Dec. 2, 1999 Praise GOD for the airbags! Most of all for OUR angels that protect US from the evil the devil seeks to do to us. My son and dog were not harmed again the angels were guarding and protecting. I pray over my dog and anointed him asking YAHUSHUA for protection and long life for him so you see the devil had no right to him! My son is always covered in prayer. Interesting enough another Brother, David Penick wrote me and said at 3:30 p.m. Nov.4, 1999 He had a vision of me at the throne of GOD and I was standing there transparent and innocent and clean from sin. He did NOT know about the accident for he had only days earlier written me and said he found the site and felt led to pray for me for many hours! He wrote me to tell me though he didn't know me 7 hrs. He prayed! Now here is this same man with a vision of the most frightening time in my life. Praise the LORD! 15 minutes earlier before the accident I had been praying in the spirit and covering myself and son with the shed blood of our YAHUSHUA! The LORD had just spoken a private word to me something that had been confusing me, harming my faith, and causing MUCH pain for I had received conflicting messages about someone. I had PEACE on what I know that I know was the Holy Spirit speaking and settling this issue at last. While driving and praying I did something I suggest ALL do. I always ask forgiveness of my sins for any known or unknown ones. "For all have sinned and fell short of the glory of GOD." Only YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, HOLY SPIRIT, ARE PERFECT! When the accident happened I had just picked up my son from school. I don't want to dwell on the accident only to say at the time of the crash I screamed "Jesus Help me!" There was NO time for anything else then the sound of crushing metal. I must have passed out for a few seconds. Don't remember air bag in face. My young son said he was praying in tongues! Usually that is what I do! Smoke filled the car and our car doors were jammed shut. I must admit I am the one that panicked and my 11-year-old son stayed calm even breaking the glass of the window so he could get the car door open. YAHUSHUA had to have one of us calm at least and sad to say it wasn't this handmaiden. Even the dog was licking my son's face and was calm! The other man in the truck escaped without injury also. Praise the LORD YAHUSHUA! He also was a Christian. When I got out of car everyone looking and no one helping it was this man that held me in his arms as I was badly shaken up and bruised and limping my arms were cut but PRAISE YAHUSHUA the devil must have been angry for the GOD we serve had said once again to me, "You shall not die but live to declare the works of the LORD!" Another Brother Scott blessed me today with sending this picture of what appears to be an angel in front of a totaled car wreck! Where would I be without the prayer warriors YAHUSHUA has raised up? Some don't even write me to let me know they are praying. YAHUSHUA will reward you one day for covering this minister and ministry. David Penick is my new blessing in life he has an anointing like the true Warrior King David of Old. He is humble, and a Psalmist and prophet. The mightiest and gifted man of GOD I have met thus far. I don't say this to build him up but to give all GLORY to YAHUSHUA and the Holy Spirit for bringing him in my life when I needed the mighty anointed spirit of David of Old manifesting through this Brother in YAHUSHUA! As the LORD leads we will be posting some of his anointed teaching on spiritual warfare of a King David and the prophecies given to him. MORE will be written and posted what he saw that day he interceded for me at the time of the accident when I must have said the most POWERFUL prayer I ever said "JESUS HELP ME!" David intercedes for me like no one has ever done before. David prays the Goliaths will FALL in the spiritual realm that encircle me! Pastor Harry Regan had just called me maybe half hour to hour earlier and prayed the most POWERFUL anointed protecting prayer around me posting huge angels from Heaven around me and my son! I wondered why at the time for I didn't sense the danger yet as he was praying the Holy Spirit prayed through him the protection needed. Be assured we have angels that protect US! Check out this photo and tell me what you see after you pray. READ FIRST!!!! Then take a look at the picture below. The picture of a car accident is one of several that were taken by a professional police photographer. After developing the pictures of this accident scene, the officer found what looked like to be some type of a figure? in one particular picture. Thinking it was a problem with his camera or its film, he performed tests on both. They checked out PERFECTLY! Thank you for your Prayers and Love, Elisabeth Elijah
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