I Want What Is BEST For America!

I just had the worst dream regarding my own government getting angry with me, chasing me, (representing the Christians). Pray this doesn't happen! After all I am also an American, and only want the best for this country and for all countries. Peace is the best thing we can pray for. Victory over the evil ones that seek to take our Peace away, and freedom! America is battling satan, and we know Good always triumphs over evil in the end.

I rejoice to know that people are actually getting the food we are now dropping! Prayers are powerful! Pray also in agreement that President Bush does not put the airlines in the Federal government’s hands.

President Bush so far has said he doesn't want to do this, also doesn't want to issue ID cards, and I applaud him for that. I know President Bush, has a lot of pressures on him, people pulling him this way and that, if only he would not do what people want him to do, but instead do what he knows is right according to the bible. This is my constant prayer for him. Allow the wisdom of Jesus Christ our YAHUSHUA, lead and guide him in all his decisions. This ministry backed President Bush shed many a tear when it looked like he would lose. Satan, tried hard to keep him from winning, but Heaven had the last word! Please pray for President Bush, to be the GODLY President we voted for. My constant prayers are for this nation and Israel to be Nations that will always be blessed and protected by the hand of YAHUVEH and his son YAHUSHUA. LET US NOT JUST SAY GOD BLESS AMERICA! Instead lets put power behind that sentence and be bold and in the face of the atheists and say "JESUS CHRIST OUR YAHUSHUA PLEASE BLESS, PROTECT, GUIDE, AMERICA AND OUR LEADERS, SPIRITUAL AND POLITICAL! "

In fact, I feel led to post that! And so we shall. I know Jesus our YAHUSHUA, loves America very much, including North America, Canada for his children are in this Nations, and my prayer and we should all be praying YAHUVEH will spare America, Canada, until there are none righteous living here. This is my prayer and hope in the name of YAHUSHUA our Jesus Christ!


American Politicians must realize we are the last nation that is free! We must fight the terrorists yet not lose that freedom. My prayer is Jesus Christ our YAHUSHUA, Please bless, protect, provide, guide and save your people in America, Canada, and around the world! I traveled a lot and always when you hit America, there was such a sigh of relief! There really was no nation like America, and although she has transgressed with passing some laws that go against the bible, there are still millions that have held unto the standards in the Bible. YAHUVEH spared Lot, and his family, yet destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. If only Ten righteous had been found that evil city would not have been destroyed! But Lot, could not find 10 righteous, living holy people, but in America and Canada there are millions! How much more will he spare America, for Millions of Christians and Jews are covering this nation in Prayer, praying wisdom and guidance for our President Bush. When I hear of a terrorist attack that may be happening, instead of just grieving and feeling like its hopeless which I was doing for a short while! The Holy Spirit "Ruach" said to pray it doesn't happen and believe it won’t! That the plans of the enemies will backfire and come to nothing! We are not powerless, for we serve the Almighty GOD of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA!

I heard James Robinson on TV say all President Bush wants is that James and we cover him in prayer! Well I am going to let President George W. Bush, know we are doing that! And expecting miracles of protection for our nation and blessings!

If my people will humble themselves fall on their faces and repent I will heal their land! This is a promise in the bible! Truly the fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much! But we must state which name of the GOD we pray to or the prayers are null and void. The name of JESUS CHRIST our YAHUSHUA is the way to the heart of our Heavenly Father YAHUVEH! There is no other name or intercessor. Satan seeks to take America and turn it into Babylon, but right now it doesn't have to happen! While we have freedom to speak we must pray for this country in a loud voice in one accord! Before it is too late.


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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5