Anointed Messages Index

Message From Jeff
Posted 8/28/01

Thus says the Lord. You must depart, satan, from attacking my daughter in the Lord. You must repay 7 times what you have stolen. In as much grief you have given her, I give her seven times the joy. Be gone satan, you stand against the work of the Lord and the Lord has prevailed against you. Be gone from her and never touch her for she has called out to Me in tears and now her tears shall be turned to joy.

As for you Sherrie, thus says the Lord, it is time to rise up as I have anointed you a Prophet to the nations. You will stand before Me anointed in white raiment. You shall stand for Me as I give you power over the enemies and they shall not prevail against you. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at your right hand and they shall not come nigh thee only with thine eyes shalt thou see the reward of the wicked. You know what I am saying. You are to overcome the evil one and destroy the works of the enemy. And you have done many mighty things in Me. But what you may have thought impossible has come to pass. I have sent you all over the world and have done many mighty works through you and now I send you with a sword and the enemy will not be given the right over you. With your sword you will cut the enemy asunder and he will die. Thus says the Lord do My prophets no harm or evil and I will not do evil to you. But touch my anointed and the anger of the Lord is kindled and the fire shall go forth and devour all of my enemies. You think to stand against the Lord and hurt Mine anointed? Thus says the Lord in the same manner you have hurt, the same manner shall be done unto you evil doers.

Sherrie, the anger of the Lord is kindled against your enemies. I sense His great anger. The Lord melt and destroy the weapons of the enemy. The  Lord break asunder their power. The Lord melt their eyesight and their senses. The Lord put them in a delusion and confuse the enemy until he does not know up from down. The Lord put up a wall between thee and your enemies that the enemy cannot pass over and may frustration overtake them. May their frustration overcome them and put them in great despair. May they run a thousand directions from you and never take to coming after you again. May the Lord have his victory in your life until he comes again. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever. And He will return quickly just like He said He would. Yes, though all of the armies encamp against the children of Israel, they will not overcome. The Lord will fight for His people Israel until all of the enemies are burned up, and the remnant gives the glory  to the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever amen!!!

Your brother,
Brother Jeff


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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5