Apostles Nikomia and Elisabeth The site will not be updated daily for at least a month, due do to the
fact we are taking off and relocating ministering on the road with the
SHKHINAH GLORY BUS. We will not have internet access immediately but we shall
be checking on the email about 3 or 5 times a week so feel free to write and
thank you for your patience when we don’t get back to you right away. Time is short, shorter then any of us can dream of and sacrifices for
YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA are part of the testing all his Children will be going
through one way or another. Thank you for your love and prayers and financial
support, especially at this time, for it will take money to travel by bus. We
are grateful to those of you who are faithful in your tithes and
offerings. InJesus Drops All Non-Paying
Ministries We are no longer linked to InJesus.com because we could not pay their
new fees. They are now charging like the majority of others who are in
ministry. We asked them not to drop us from their links and email groups but
their only reply seems to be "SHOW US THE MONEY!" One day these
people will answer to YAHUVEH and stand at the judgment seat of YAHUSHUA. Below I share the email I wrote and received no answer. If I do receive
an answer, then I will publicly apologize if they link to us again. I give
them this warning and please forward it to them if you feel led. The Bible
says you can’t serve both man and money you, you will love one and hate the
other. I share this open letter I wrote below I ask you to send your comments
to Andy Shepard ashepard@injesus.com
and ask why he is treating Ministers who are gathering in the harvest of lost
souls no better than a heathen would. Actually the heathens would be more
compassionate. -------- email to InJesus.com ------- Greetings in the name of YAHUSHUA, Please would you reconsider dropping Alpha &
Omega AlmightyWind Ruach haKodesh Ministry, for souls are getting saved and
backsliders returning and people getting encouraged and delivered each day
people are reading about the horror of what abortion really is and women are
changing their minds about killing the innocent babies in their wombs. I can
send you the email to prove it if you want. However we are apostles and are
only source of livelihood is our Heavenly Father that raises up tithes and
offerings to support the ministers and ministry expenses. P.S. The harvest is great and the laborers are
few this ministry is not named after a man or woman but like your Ministry
named for the GOD we serve. ------------------------------------------------- Please pray that YAHUVEH will raise up another way to reach the people
and if you signed up for our InJesus email group so you receive our
announcements before they are even posted then PLEASE send me your email
address for the names on the list is no longer accessible to us. If you know
of another website that is helping to get announcements and prophesies out
free then please will you help us by sending the prophecies to that group.
Please prayerfully consider becoming part of this ministry. Thank you and one
more thing...PROPHECY 71 has already been written down but I am waiting for
YAHUVEH to finish what HE wants spoken, please pray for me as I seek HIM harder
than I have ever done before in regards to this war that is NOT of HIS making,
and Planet X, among many other things. Love and blessings Apostles Nikomia and Elisabeth
www.allmightywind.com | www.almightywind.com These are mirror sites, please go to the other if one is off line. We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists Click Here For More Info Mailing and Email Addresses |