Confirmation Emails - Elisabeth on Channel Z - 6.11.2005
Got two further confirmations on what Elizabeth Elijah spoke of, re the opening of the pit and the demons roaming the earth. Here, anonymously, are other confirmations: "Dear Zeph, I heard your show last night and I thought I should let you know that I have dreamed of the demon portal also and posted it on my site last year. It was just like Elisabeth said, in a barren desert area. If it were in America, I would say it was some place like New Mexico. I also have dreamed of UFOs and Clones and Zombies all in the past year. However, I refer to these dreams as visions as I am convinced they are from God and they are indeed prophetic. The first vision of UFOs and aliens I had was in 1997 and the Lord spoke to me and said they are demons, then He said, they are coming and they are not nice. I have had two dreams of Zombies and been praying for meaning. I knew it was prophetic, but so far reaching that it was almost incomprehensible. It was a confirmation to hear the Lord showed Elisabeth the same thing. Below are my dreams. If the Lord sees fit, perhaps we may talk and share, amen. I have also contacted Elisabeth, perhaps I may hear from her. That would indeed be a blessing. Thank you for your consideration. Much love and many blessings in Christ Jesus. (Name withheld) "" * * * * * * * And this: "Hi Zeph, I listened to ELISABETH ELIJAH today and my mouth dropped when I heard her tell about her dream of a blue circle in the dessert. I had the same type of dream very vivid of a blue circle 4 or 5 days ago. It was in a field not a desert and something happened not sure what but all of a sudden I started seeing men with NSA, FEMA, FBI, POLICE jackets on all around this blue circle. I was invisible to all in the dream but I do remember trying to talk to them to ask them what was going on. It has do be connected. I believe more than one portal has been opened. Bless you in our Lords love," * * * * * * * The UNHOLY ARISING... just like out of a horror movie, counters the holy resurrection when Christ Jesus arose from the dead. * * * * * * * We built a Tabernacle for the LORD...that opposes the portal that is here. * * * * * * * I believe the PORTAL isn't spatial, but INTERIOR, as the Kingdom of Heaven is interior. Meaning... that DEMONS ARE LITERALLY TAKING OVER HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF NEW VESSELS PER DAY UPON THE EARTH. * * * * * * * Satan is building his army--YAHUVEH already has his PEOPLE. * * * * * * * JULY looks to be horrific--and the project Deep Impact also is a heralding sign (on July 4) to their NWO to be consummated by August 25-27, 2012. * * * * * * * The Lucy Lights are trying to do this ARMAGEDDON-DAY OF THE LORD-BYPASS. * * * * * * * But that day has begun, in slow motion, and now speeding up. * * * * * * * The prophets have spoken and warned. Now it is time for overt war. * * * * * * * Shalom | | These are mirror sites, please go to the other if one is off line. We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists Click Here For More Info ![]() ![]() Mailing and Email Addresses |