This Prophetic-Prayer was recorded on audio tape. Here is the transcription. [Spoken by Elisabeth while she was praying in holy tongues.] We just want to say, how much we worship YOU! How much we love YOU! How much we adore YOU! How grateful we are! This is Shavu’ot. We’ve counted down to the 50th day! This is the day of Jubilee! Fifty means Jubilee! O, ABBA YAHUVEH, as I said before, the greatest blessing, the greatest joy will be [when we’re] able once again to sit on YOUR lap and to be able to hold YOU tight. And look upon a FACE that no one can look upon while they live on this earth. We worship YOU. BELOVED YAHUSHUA, we're in the Upper Room. We thank you for filling us anew, with fresh anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH. We wait for YOU, ABBA YAHUVEH. We wait for you BELOVED YAHUSHUA. PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! What is it ABBA YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA wants to say? There is NO one greater than YOU, ABBA YAHUVEH. You are the word “AWESOME.” YOU are the word “ALMIGHTY.” YOU are the word “HOLY.” And YAHUSHUA, everything our FATHER is, YOU are. ABBA YAHUVEH, no one can love YOU if they do not love YOUR SON. No one can please YOU if they do not please YAHUSHUA. There is NO salvation except through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA, which we have received. We worship YOU. We worship YOU. We worship YOU. Oh just for a moment, ABBA YAHUVEH, take your eyes off the evil in this world. Just for a split second, focus on those who worship and praise YOU. Just for a brief second. So YOUR eyes can only behold those who praise YOU, who have given everything for you. Oh how much grief YOU must have as YOU look upon this evil world. But just for a brief second can YOU focus on those of us who call YOU “ABBA,” on those of us who truly worship and praise and adore YOU. Who long to be with you again and our BELOVED YAHUSHUA! Show us how can better please YOU, BELOVED ABBA YAHUVEH. Is there anything YOU want to say ABBA YAHUVEH? Is there anything YOU want to say BELOVED YAHUSHUA? Oh, BELOVED YAHUSHUA, use us more mightily to bring Glory to our ABBA YAHUVEH. The disciples were told to go and tarry in the Upper Room, to wait for the RUACH HA KODESH to come. They did not know what to expect. YOU have named this ministry A MIGHTY WIND. We ask now that the mighty wind of the RUACH HA KODESH will come upon us will fill us anew. So we can be more pleasing unto you! So we can hear your voice more clearly! So we can know your will! So we can know how to better please you! Oh, come YAHUSHUA, come! Please, please send that AMIGHTYWIND of the RUACH HA KODESH. Fill us anew with YOUR ANOINTING. For we are clean vessels before you! Washed with your shed Blood! We try so hard to live Holy before YOU! Oh come PRECIOUS RUACH, come! Fill us anew! Oh PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS, RUACH HA KODESH, fill us anew please. What is it YOU want to say? As we worship our ABBA YAHUVEH, as we worship our BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, we worship YOU, PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH. We wait for YOU! For all the ways we fall short of your Glory, we beg YOU to forgive us in the Name of YAHUSHUA. For we know our righteousness is as filthy rags compared to our BELOVED YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH. Thank YOU, oh thank YOU, for washing us clean. Thank YOU, oh thank YOU, for filling us oh PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! Thank YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA for sending YOUR SPIRIT, giving us greater dreams, visions, revelations and prophetic messages. Oh, to hear YOUR Voice more clearly! To not have to strain to hear! To behold and see things in the physical and spiritual realm—that which you want us to see! That which YOU want us to hear! To behold YOUR holy angels coming and going and warring against the enemies! We're going to keep on tarrying. We’re going to keep on praying until we hear from Heaven this day. BELOVED ABBA YAHUVEH, in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH we pray, send YOUR PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH upon us in a mightier way. Please fill us anew. We need more Power! We need more Power to fight against the enemy of our souls! We need more Anointing, we need more of HEAVEN’S POWER! So we tarry and we wait as you told the disciples to do. BELOVED YAHUSHUA, John baptized with water. YOU baptize with the FIRE OF THE RUACH HA KODESH! This Ministry is named after the AMIGHTYWIND (Acts 2). This Ministry is named for the RUACH HA KODESH! The FIRE of the RUACH HA KODESH! This Ministry is named for the ALEPH & the TAV. There is nothing that is anything that is human—other than you use these human bodies to give forth YOUR WORD and YOU have imparted the ANOINTING in these human bodies. But this day we ask for more of YOUR RUACH. For the time is so evil! And it is written, "When the enemy comes in—like a flood—you will raise up a standard against them" (Isaiah 59:19). I understand something now, YAHUSHUA. You gave me the dream about the portal of hell. You showed me on June 5th, 2005. A holy man tried to close that portal and YOU allowed him to die and go to Heaven. This is because no human—even those of us who are anointed of YOU—can close that portal that's been opened to hell. Only YOU YAHUSHUA can do it! Only YOU YAHUSHUA can do it! For that portal of hell that you showed me in the dream. We ask now, that YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA close it. YOU stop the demons from flowing through. They think they're gonna’ continue to flood this earth, until [this] summer solstice passes. But now I call upon you BELOVED YAHUSHUA on this Day of Shavu'ot. And we ask YOU together [in one accord], please BELOVED YAHUSHUA close that portal that has been opened up to hell. Through YOUR Name BELOVED YAHUSHUA! Through YOUR Blood BELOVED YAHUSHUA! For YOU have paid the PRICE! And it is for no human—no matter how anointed—to close this but it can only be by YOUR HAND alone! So thank YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA! Thank you BELOVED YAHUSHUA! For we cry out now for the Bride of YAHUSHUA that the attacks will cease and desist. That Victory will come! Victory has come! For on this Day of Shavu’ot, we believe that YOU and YOU alone have closed this portal to hell! For satan thought he could keep it open till the 21st [of June]. YOU now I believe in faith have told me on the 12th of June you are closing it on the Day of Shavuot [2005] when YOUR servants are getting a greater anointing—YOU are closing it! Thank YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA for giving me this Revelation. HalleluYAH! Instead of '2-1' it is '1-2'. [June 21st vs June 12th] For satan has no right to open that [at this time] yet—he goes before YOU. So this day, on the Day of Shavuot, by YOUR own Hand YAHUSHUA, YOU are telling me, YOU are closing it! And now your servants—no, “now I say no longer” YOUR servants for YOU tell me not to call us YOUR servants! We are YOUR Disciples! We are YOUR Bride!—where we knew defeat, we no longer receive satan's lies! WE HAVE THE VICTORY! That's what came on the Day of Pentecost! It's through that ANOINTING we will win these battles! At any cost! SO BACK OFF DEVIL! BACK OFF AWAY FROM THE BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! FOR THE SHED BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA IS AGAINST YOU! THE ANOINTING OF THE RUACH HA KODESH IS AGAINST YOU! THE NAME OF YAHSUHUA STANDS AGAINST YOU AND ALL YOUR SERVANTS AND LEGIONS AND MINIONS AND DEMONS! For this day the Bride has been endued with new Power from Heaven! The Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH—the special elite forces come against you! In the Name of YAHUSHUA, we gather together in ONE SPIRIT & ONE ACCORD all over this world in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! For YAHUSHUA has done what we couldn't do. HE closes that portal to hell. Now ABBA YAHUVEH in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH we pray, show YOUR beloved Bride. Show YOUR beloved children where the enemy has walked in a lie! Where they have assumed the appearance of a human—send those demonic spirits to the place YAHUSHUA sends them. Expose them! Let the mask fall off of them! Let YOUR Servants, let YOUR Children, let YOUR Bride know—they have the Victory! Give us the discernment to clearly see the enemy. Underneath this unique Anointing. Thank YOU for the Gift of Discernment that has come onto us. For we must know what we war against. No longer let the wolf wear the sheep mask. For the wolf has disguised himself, put the mask on to look like a sheep. But thank YOU this day for the Victory for the lambs and the sheep. Thank YOU this day for the Victory! For this new discernment so we will clearly see the enemy that attacks us. And in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, with this greater anointing YOU will put an end to the wolves who come disguised as a sheep. The false ministries around this world, those on the television stations, those on the radio stations, those who lift YOUR Name up, but those that are not even of YOU!—CLEAN HOUSE! BELOVED YAHUSHUA, in YOUR Name we ask you now. Knock them to the ground! Knock them off their pedestals! Those that operate under strange fire, LET THE FIRE CONSUME THEM IN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA, WE PRAY! They have played games with YOUR lambs and YOUR sheep. They have pretended to be that which they are not of—demons control and possess them. They put a façade on! But get that façade away, we pray! Cause shame on them this day! ABBA YAHUVEH, YOU are the GOD OF CONSUMING FIRE! We thank YOU we praise YOU! Our enemies shall be consumed with YOUR FIRE! Just as surely as Elijah of Old called forth the fire from Heaven and the prophets of Baal were consumed. Take no prisoners! ABBA YAHUVEH! On this day of Shavuot this is the way YOU are having me pray! Under this new Anointing! For you are not ALMIGHTY only IN LOVE; you are ALMIGHTY IN WAR! Thank you for enduing the Bride of YAHUSHUA with a greater Gift of Discernment. Thank you for enduing the Bride of YAHUSHUA with a greater Anointing for VICTORY! And those who send their curses. those who send their spells and enchantments, those who have used satan's power to attack those who are YOUR Bride of YAHUSHUA—we ask now ABBA YAHUVEH, consume them with YOUR FIRE! For every curse, for every spell, for every enchantment, for every contract they've made with satan to try to take the life of those who are Holy before YOU YAHUSHUA. Let every spell, every enchantment, every hex, every contract that they've been made, let them wear it! Let there be no escape! Let there be no prisoners! Let this be their fate in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH we pray! YOU know their names. YOU know where their covens are at! This is the Gift for the Day of Shavuot! Those who truly belong to YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA! Those who truly are filled with the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH! A greater Anointing has come upon all of us this day. Those who live Holy before YOU! Those who desire to do only YOUR will! A greater gift of the Anointing has come this day! Thank YOU for telling me this. Thank YOU OH BLESSED, OH BLESSED our BELOVED [ABOVE ALL]. Bless YOU, OH HOLY & RIGHTEOUS, RIGHTEOUS YAHUSHUA! [Thank YOU], in YOUR Name we call! Thank YOU [that] the Bride of YAHUSHUA will be as Enoch! We will be translated into Heaven and death will not come upon any of us. These are the words YOU fill me with this day—to bring encouragement to the ones who pray—on this Day of Shavuot. This is our Day of Pentecost. For we need this new infilling! And YOU have been faithful and YOU have filled us this day! And each and every day that we walk on the face of this earth! Thank YOU O Praise YOU Beloved YAHUSHUA! Each and every day we will walk in a greater anointing! And the enemies will flee from us in 7 different directions! Or they will be as a Goliath and fall! And never again, [never] rise again! These are the Words YOU have placed in my mouth! This is the Power YOU have endued on your Bride this day! On this Shavuot day! Giving a new meaning to the Words “Submit yourself to YAHUVEH, resist the devil and he shall flee” (James 4:7)! No evil can stand in our way for we've been endued with a new Anointing for the Glory of YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA on this Shavu'ot Day! Thank YOU and [we] paise YOU for turning the tides! For we are YOUR Children and again we cross the Red Sea. Thank YOU! Praise YOU ABBA YAHUVEH in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for drowning the enemies! Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH! For empowering the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH in a special way! Where we will be able to do all things [unto YOUR Honor & Glory]. Where we will see more of Victory than we see of defeat! It's for YOUR Glory ABBA YAHUVEH! It's in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH we pray! If we will receive the praise reports giving YOU all Praise, Honor and Glory! When the people hear this message, they will say that they have felt the new Anointing! They will say that they have seen the new Anointing! Greater Discernment! More Victory! Whatever it is that the enemy has sent against them! The tide has turned. The enemy now runs! For in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH this Day of Deliverance has come! For the Bride of YAHUSHUA should not fear the enemy of our soul. Instead the enemy of our soul, should fear the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! And so it has been spoken, underneath this unique Anointing in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Oh ABBA YAHUVEH let YOUR SON YAHUSHUA be Glorified! Thank YOU Oh thank YOU for giving this new special anointing to YOUR Bride! Oh BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and ABBA YAHUVEH be Glorified! Thank YOU for giving this special unique Anointing to YOUR Bride! Run enemies! Run! We come against you with an anointing like David! No goliath can come against us in the spiritual realm! You shall fall and never rise again in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! For we come against not with the weapons of man. We come against you not wearing the armor of man. We come against you with the weapons from Heaven! We come against you wearing the Ephesians 6 Armor from Heaven! We come not against you in our name; we come against you in the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES! ABBA YAHUVEH! In the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH we pray! We take the wealth now of the wicked in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on this Shavuot Day! We thank YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for taking the wealth of the wicked and putting it in the Holy ones' hands! In the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, we receive the ‘Anointing to prosper’ as we use it for YOUR Praise, Honor and Glory! Thank YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for the gathering of YOUR Bride. Thank YOU Beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! It won't be long before we see the BRIDEGROOM before our eyes! Thank YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! We are as the Five Wise Virgins before YOU (Matt 25)! In this year of 2005, these are the Anointings—these are the blessings, reserved for YOUR Bride! I no longer can even feel my hands! For YOU have sealed these Words with your hands? That holds […] so tight! I remind YOU, these hands are but human flesh. Thank YOU! Thank YOU! Thank YOU! Blessings upon each and every one who lifts up a prayer for this Ministry on my behalf. Oh FATHER O ABBA YAHUVEH! YOU know where each one is! Thank you for assembling YAHUSHUA'S DEMON STOMPERS! In such an anointed way! They can see this prayer! They can hear this prayer! They will know wherever they are scattered around this world! We are joined together in one accord in that Upper Room! And the RUACH HA KODESH shall come! Stop whatever they're doing! Let them feel the POWER in this prayer. Let them know a new Anointing has come! Because they have tarried and waited for this new Anointing! For a new weapon against the enemy! Oh ABBA YAHUVEH we worship YOU and it's in YAHUSHUA's Name we pray. Oh that these Words this day have been pleasing unto YOU. For our hearts are laid right before the Throne. We worship YOU. We praise YOU. We love YOU. We adore YOU. We only want to bring a twinkle to YOU eyes! A smile to YOU lips!—Laughter! To YOUR lips! Look upon your little ones! Look upon the Bride of YAHUSHUA! Gather us in YOUR arms! Let us feel the peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7)! For in this world we walk on top of hell. We would have no chance ABBA YAHUVEH if you had not sent YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to [us, to Earth], if it were not in for HIS Name that we pray. YOU know each one of our needs, even before we ask. Thank YOU, oh thank YOU, oh thank YOU this day. No longer will the Bride of YAHUSHUA be in lack. Thank you, oh praise YOU BELOVED ABBA YAHUVEH for this unique Anointing this day. Thank YOU, oh thank YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA for sending the COMFORTER, YOUR RUACH, this day. SHE [feminine in Hebrew, RUACH] fills us each and every day, but on this special day, YOU have pronounced new Anointing for the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, for everyone who lifts up YOUR Name and has given YOU their life—they shall walk in Victory if their desire is to be YOUR delight. Thank YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA. We worship YOU. We worship YOU. PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH thank YOU. It's through the anointing that all the yokes and bondages are broken. Those who are sick are now healed. Those who were demon-possessed are delivered! Those who are demon oppressed are now delivered in the Name of YAHUSHUA! Those that have lack, now have abundance for the Glory of ABBA YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA. YOU know our hearts. YOU see everything. We are naked before YOU. We hold nothing back. Let it be done YOUR way in YOUR Name YAHUSHUA we pray. Run wolf run! For the sheep and the lambs are coming after you! In the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, we will have Victory over you! In the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, we DO have Victory over you! On this June 12th 2005, this new Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH does now abide. Because our ABBA YAHUVEH is not a man that HE can lie! All Praise Honor and Glory goes to ABBA YAHUVEH, to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and to the RUACH HA KODESH. ![]() By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5