JACK BARR REBUKE Explanation: There are lies on the internet regarding Elisabeth, Niko, this Ministry and their ex site manager Charles Wilson. These lies have been on the internet since 2001 and it is time to rebuke these liars and set the record straight. This is the letter Elisabeth sent Jack Barr recently. By Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah To Jack Barr and to all my enemies who seek the destruction of this Ministry, My name is Rev. Elisabeth Elijah, and I have had enough of your lies. I have waited for YAHUVEH to take vengeance on you for years now, and I guess part of that vengeance is going to be you will be sued if you don't remove the lies you have posted on your site immediately. It is one thing for you to disagree with me as a prophet but when you slander my name about things you know nothing about it is another thing. I live a Holy consecrated life before YAHUSHUA and before witnesses ever since I gave my life and soul to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH over 21 years ago. The Ministry I am in travels the world, and we preach the importance of Salvation, Holiness, obedience to the Torah laws and I am speaking of the 10 commandments, intimacy in communion, honoring the Sacred Hebrew names and Biblical Feasts, among other things. You know nothing about this Messianic Jewish Ministry or me. You never bothered to ask me anything in regards to my ex web manager Charles Wilson who was fired last year. His ex wife Brigette, wrote you a pack of lies years ago all because he filed for divorce. There was a war over the property settlement [retirement $] and because he worked for this Ministry at that time she had to blame someone so of course it was me. She is Catholic and this ministry exposes the lies of the Catholic Church and they were unequally yoked plus she insisted upon separate bedrooms for 17 years and she controlled his paycheck and all the money except for $5.00 a day lunch money that she let him spend anyway he wanted. Generous huh? Isn't that reason enough to want a divorce? Brigette was a mail order bride from the Philippines and turned more bitter and evil as the years went on. Chuck no longer wanted to live in a marriage like that, he was praying to die. We ministered to his wounds and interceded in prayer for him. We paid for his legal fee's thousands of dollars as a loan and he makes payments on it whenever he feels like it. When it came to this evil woman Chuck was not a man, he behaved like a mouse and he would be the first to admit this. She appears to have used witchcraft against him and tried to hold him with her love spells. Brigette accuses my husband and I of living together in sin before we were married. This is an outright lie and YAHUSHUA is our witness. We lived in a duplex with 2 seperate apartments. I lived in one apartment with my son and Niko lived in the other apartment with my friend Sharon and her son. Niko lived in the other apartment and slept in his apartment and ate in his apartment. He would come to my apartment to mentor my son in homeschooling, fellowship and pray together. Occasionally he would have dinner with us but my son or someone was always with us. Why didn't you just ask us and we would have told you the truth? Brigette also accuses us that we told Chuck that they were to give us their house. This is a total lie also. Chuck didn't even ask for the house in the divorce. Chuck asked for the car and his personal belongings and that was it. She got the house and everything in it because Chuck didn't want the house. Don't you think if we wanted the house, he would of at least asked for it in the divorce. This is all of public record, go check it out for yourself. Doesn't make sense does it. Jack Barr, you have slandered my good name long enough and the name of this Ministry that is only named after YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the Precious RUACH ha KODESH. The young man named Sayin, is from Hawaii. Here is what you never bothered to ask. I lead Sayin, to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and in case you don't recognize the Hebrew name of the Messiah, in Greek His name is JESUS CHRIST. Sayin, is not loyal to YAHUSHUA, he wrote me after trying to live a Christian life but his life he claimed was being threatened if he did not convert to Islam. He told me men came to him and offered him money to convert to Islam. He wanted to take the money and pretend to worship Allah, and still be a Christian. I sternly rebuke him and asked, "What is the price of your soul?" I warned him not to do this, he could not be a Christian one day and deny YAHUSHUA the next day when someone offers him money or threatens his life. I warned him what the bible says, and he became angry and came to you with lies because I rebuked him and told him he would go to hell if he denied YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, also called JESUS CHRIST! Matthew 10:32-34 (King James Version) 32Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. It is obvious you did not pray or seek if what Sayin, spoke was the truth, or what Bridget Wilson in California spoke was the truth. You never even wrote me and asked, if it was the truth, you just slandered my name and this Ministry. You claim to teach the bible and yet you know the bible says you are to go that spiritual leader, brother, or sister in Christ and accuse them to their face. You sinned when you did not do this. Did you ever hear of the commandment ' thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor?' I just tried to ignore you and waited until YAHUVEH said, "Write him and warn him to repent." Just last night I had a vision of you and I saw a dying old man. If you live out next year, I will be surprised. YAHUVEH is furious with you for what you have been doing to me all these years. Ray Aguilera also believes lies and years ago we wrote to each other and respected one another as prophets. You have turned him against me also. Again Ray Aguilera, will answer to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH for this. If you have any sense of morality you would send this to him also. This is what Self-proclaimed prophet Raymond Aguilera said to some pastors he was contending with in 1992, he voiced this manmade warning supposingly from God: "For I protect My Prophets, I protect My Apostles, and you don't fool around with the people I choose. .. Before you go against an Apostle, you pray and you better be Right, for My Wrath will be upon you, without Mercy." And then he goes on to say this laughable threat. "What do you do? You stone My Prophets, you mock them, you torture them, you kill them, and you blaspheme against Me. And you laugh and dance on their graves. .. See, you Pastors .. I know you're going to try to Crucify My Prophet. .. And you think you have a fight on your hands. You mess with him and I'll land on you so hard you wish you had never lived." I find it hard to believe that anyone can't discern Raymond A. is a false prophet and an egotistical man. Since when would YAHUVEH who Raymond calls JEHOVAH say, "You mess with him and I'll land on you so hard you wish you had never lived." The real reason that Raymond joined forces with Jack Barr to attack me is two fold, one is Raymond is Catholic, and the other reason is anyone can read the prophetic messages given to me and if you are filled with the RUACH ha KODESH you quickly discern it is not a woman writing the prophetic messages, and not something taken from the news. You quickly hear the voice of YAHUVEH or YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH speaking forth. Raymond A. so called prophecies are laughable especially the one above, it is because of jealousy he and Jack Barr among others attack me, because I am a true prophet and Apostle of YAHUVEH and from Raymond's own words he messed with a true prophet and now he must pay along with the other enemies. It is Raymond that is the false prophet not me. Can you picture YAHUVEH landing on someone and saying, "Now don't you wish you never lived?" Jack Barr, I know the real motivation for what you have done, you use my name to get yourself in the search engine and promote your own works. I won't even call what you do a Ministry! You boast how your family tree goes back to 1600 naming many of their names. Well, all I have to say is if they have your spirit of religion, you will be joining them in hell also. Jack Barr, can you spell the word P R I D E? The bible says it goes before a big fall and you're about to take a fall that will wind you up in hell. When I read your website posting how you lift up the name of Jack Barr and the Barr family, and then I compare it to this orphan who only lifts up the name of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). That is the only name I lift up before the world. You named your Ministry after yourself. Ray Aguila named his ministry after himself, and I am the one that does not name the Ministry after myself, and people can?t discern whether to believe your lies or not? They are being tested by YAHUVEH and don?t even know they flunked the test by believing your lies! How can people not discern what a evil spirit you are truly of? My question is, do they not know pride is one of the abominations of YAHUVEH? Do they truly have a relationship with HIM? I am not surprised when I heard you had a heart attack, you shall reap what you have sowed and there is no way I believe you will be in Heaven if you don't repent and redeem what you have done before you die! I will tell you this as a prophet, who you have slandered and called a false prophet, I have been sent to warn you this is your last chance to repent and remove the lies off the Internet because you do not have long to live. Repent and post a retraction and apology. Jack Barr and Shirley Barr there are laws against what you have done on this Internet. I am also going to write your Internet Service Provider or have our lawyer do so, and they will without notice take your site down. Chuck Wilson never gave you permission to post what you did. In fact I am also going to write him and suggest he sues you for slander also because he needs the money! You are not attacking a Ministry named after themselves, you are attacking a Ministry that gives all glory to the Holy Creator ABBA YAHUVEH, The Only Savior YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and the Sweet Holy Spirit in Hebrew called the RUACH ha KODESH! Your ego and pride Jack Barr had you name your ministry after yourself. Your work is stubble and hay and your pride in your family tree means nothing to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. There is not a day goes by Jack Barr, I don't ask YAHUVEH to take vengeance on you and your evil works you have done against me, or move your heart to repent, and this goes for all my enemies that try and destroy this Ministry and my name. Until I hear you repent or you are dead I will continue to remind YAHUVEH in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as it is written. Romans 12:18-20 (King James Version) 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. I have obeyed YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and I have written you this day as it is decreed in Heaven on this date. Repent Jack Barr and Shirley Barr for the evil you have done to a saved, sanctified with the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who is a child of the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS ,MY SOON COMING MESSIAH AND BRIDEGROOM! I promise you my ABBA YAHUVEH is the only Father I have ever known in this world. I am an orphan and HE does take vengeance on my enemies, every time I cry DADDY he hears me. YAHUVEH?S ears are inclined to my cries! If you do not repent, and redeem what you have done, I have no doubt you will go to hell for this sin and you will not live much longer. Mock me if you want, but Rev. Angie Ray another Goliath of evil mocked and she had people fasting and praying all over the world, because I exposed the truth in her church when I visited and it was mixing voodoo with Christianity. She lied and had her congregations pray for my death, months later she died and I still live to declare the true works of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the Precious HOLY SPIRIT whom I call the RUACH ha KODESH! Just one word of warning to you Jack Barr, it is proof by your actions that you have a spirit of religion but no relationship with YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, or the Precious RUACH ha KODESH. I read how you had a heart attack that nearly killed you after you posted the lies about me and this Ministry. Here's a word of warning, when I complain about you to ABBA YAHUVEH and ask Him to stop you and take vengeance on you and your jealous friends that you have helping to slander me. I hear the words I pass onto you ?Jack Barr is a dead man." I know your spiritually dead that is for sure! Jack Barr you spread lies from people who have written you who I have never met in person and you do not even care when I write the truth so you can hear both sides of the story. In fact I suspect one of the women who claims to have written me is Brigitte Wilson?s attorney who represented her in the divorce case against Chuck Wilson. Jack Barr, you are a hypocrite because although you say you teach GODS word, you break the commandment by bearing false witness against me. You know that you never wrote me and asked for the truth before posting your lies on your site. I look forward to you answering to YAHUVEH for all that you have done to a woman who is washed in the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA, walks in obedience and holiness, baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT, I have been ministering to the people for over 20 years sacrificing all to do so. Jack Barr, the letter killeth and the Spirit giveth life. By this shall all men know you are mine, by the love you have for one another. I pray for your sake you turn from this evil you have done to a Sister in YAHUSHUA and Pastor and repent before you die in your sins. I am baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT and it was in a Assembly of God Church over 25 years ago. I have been an ordained Pastor for a very long time. If you would take the time to read my testimony you would see that for yourself. Perhaps you want a face to go along with the hatred and slander? How about a testimony? I see you have children, what would you do if someone attacked your daughter the way you attack me unjustly! I see, you and I even preach the same salvation message. You have a lot to answer for when you stand before YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Need I remind you what happens when you attack a born again Jew unjustly or an orphan? Just so you know I am both a orphan and a Jew on both sides of the parents. Don't say anyone didn't warn you Jack and Shirley Barr. ![]() We Rebuke and Refute the Lies of the Enemies
used by satan to try and destroy Elisabeth and this Ministry Amightywind Ministry Testimony By Ministry Partner, Katherineyah There are those on the internet out to discredit this Ministry and Elisabeth as a prophet. I live and serve with the Ministry and would like to refute the lies they have told and to state that the devil hates this Ministry. He hates this Ministry because it speaks the truth and he, satan, will do anything to discredit it and of course who else can satan use but satan's children and servants to try and destroy Elisabeth and this Ministry. The true Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH recognize the lies and tactics of satan and that is why thousands cover her and this Ministry in prayer daily. For those reading this if you have been blessed by this Ministry won't you take the time to drop her a email and also write our enemies and let them know you don't believe their lies. Also please agree in prayer that YAHUVEH will take vengeance on those seeking to destroy this Ministry and Elisabeth. Enough is Enough, stand up Holy People and tell the devil to shut up in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Those of us in this Ministry seek to obey ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the PRECIOUS RUACH ha KODESH in all we do. We do nothing but take it to prayer and wait for THEIR direction in our lives given through Words, dreams and visions. Know that we do NOT live a lavish lifestyle. We do NOT live immorally. Our every moment is focused on YAHUSHUA and consecreted to prayer, worship, and ministering. We do NOT spend money on anything but the necessities to run this ministry. Website ISP expenses keep going up especially as much space as we use for both of them. I won't list all the expenses for this ministry which includes food, European rental house and rental car expenses. There are 5 of us so the food budget in Europe is a wakeup call compared to American prices. The ex site manager of Amightywind, Chuck Wilson, divorced his wife after an unhappy marriage. She was bitter about this and made many false accusations about the ministry and Elisabeth as a result. The woman, Brigette Wilson, had never met Elisabeth and had nothing to base her lies on. She twisted the truth and reported it as fact through Jack Barr and Ray Aguilear. The words she has said about the ministry and Elisabeth are out right lies. Chuck Wilson was fired by the Ministry in 2006 due to unsatisfactory performance on his part. Jack Barr?s site also quotes a man named Sayin, a young man whom Elisabeth led to the LORD YAHUSHUA and who later accuses her of being a false prophet. What Sayin doesn?t mention is that he was not loyal to YAHUSHUA. He wrote to Elisabeth after trying to live a Christian life but claimed his life was being threatened if he did not convert to Islam. He told Elisabeth that men came to him and offered him money to convert to Islam. Sayin wanted to take the money and pretend to worship Allah and still be a Christian. Elisabeth sternly rebuked him and asked him, ?What is the price of your soul?? She warned him not to do this, telling him that he could not be a Christian one day and deny YAHUSHUA when someone offers him money or threatens his life. She warned him what the Bible says about that, and Sayin became angry and came to Jack Barr with lies because she rebuked him and told him he would go to hell if he denied YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, also called JESUS CHRIST! Jack Barr has accepted lies as if they are truth and not once contacted Elisabeth to question the veracity of the accusations made against her. As to the truth of the Prophecies, read ?Proof Behind the Prophecies? on the website to see many things are becoming a reality. Cloning of animals is being done. Can cloning of people be far behind and is it being done but not yet reported? How many years before YAHUSHUA was born did the Prophets declare HIS coming? Often FATHER GOD says to pray HE will delay Judgment and when HE does the critics label Elisabeth a false prophet. Delay does not mean it won?t happen in GOD?S time. As a matter of point, many things YAHUSHUA prophesied have not yet come to pass. Does that mean HE was a false prophet? It is easy to report the news as if it is prophecy. A true Prophet of GOD sticks his or her neck out and is willing to go out on a limb to speak the messages they hear GOD ALMIGHTY speaking to them. Those of you who hear the voice of GOD YAHUVEH in the Prohecies given to Elisabeth, ask yourself this, how could YAHUVEH possibly let her or any of us here with the ministry get away with anything immoral? Would HE not be the first to chastise us? If you met Elisabeth face to face you would see how anointed she is and yet remains very humble because she knows she has to pay a heavy price for this anointing. Only we who live with her know what that entails, for one thing slanderous lies being spoken about her. Yet she knows she is to count it all joy when she is persecuted for YAHUSHUA'S name sake, for such were the prophets of old. Following this ministry is an act of faith that the Word and teachings given are from the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the precious RUACH ha KODESH and none other. The Whore of Babylon, the Spirit of Jezebel and the Spirit of Religion hate this Ministry and are the demonic forces behind those who seek to discredit the Ministry in any way they can. These demonic spirits truly are of satan. This ministry is not about a religion. It is about a loving, obedient and Holy relationship with ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and PRECIOUS RUACH ha KODESH. Religion cannot save you. Only the Name and Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) can save you. If you follow this Ministry and support it, you will be tested. YAHUVEH is a Refiner of metal and HE will remove anything in your life that is not of HIM when you truly seek to listen and obey only HIM in your life. This Ministry is not named after any man or woman as other ministries are. It gives all honor to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and Precious RUACH HA KODESH. We say to the enemies of this ministry, Jack Barr and Ray Aguilear, Zeph Daniels, Rich Keltner, (Watchman radio) ex site managers ex wife Brigette Wilson, Sayin, Linda Newkirk, Sherry Shriner, Harry Walthers, and YAHUVEH knows all of the other enemies names ?Enough is enough!? Stop promulgating lies as if they were truth. You will held accountable before ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH for your actions. None of you know her, we who live with her and Niko know them the best. We have been with them for nearly 2 years now and the fruit of this Ministry is good. What Elisabeth prophesies comes to pass . We can write a book alone on the world wide salvation reports and their testimonies. We pray all those who have read these men?s and women's lies and if you want to know the truth will contact us further so we may tell you what they don't want you to know. A word to the witches, warlocks, an the people who send their voodoo curses, and do rituals and sacrifices to try and take Elisabeth's life and destroy this Ministry you are only harming yourself. The shed blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH covers her and she lives a Holy obedient life to YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA, all the evil you do will only boomarang back upon you. We wear the full armor of YAHUVEH ephesians 6 and it never comes off. * * * * * * *
This is what YAHUVEH said about Jack Barr in Prophecy 92.How can you believe Jack Barr who is only fit for YAHUVEH's destruction? He is not a Pastor or a Prophet, only another evil mouth spewing forth his venon on the internet directed at the true Holy Prophets. He is another one who has the spirit of religion, doomed to hell and the Lake of Fire. Satan especially loves to claim a persons soul who professed to be a Christian, and yet by their fruits you know them.
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