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I normally do not respond to what I find on the net;
but what you do is not in vain if YAHUVEH be with you
so be encouraged.
I want to write you of things you already know..
I saw you sight for the first time this morning
early..and was immediately ready to close the browser
when I saw the 'content' was directed with words of
knowledge and prophecy... this in order to prevent me
from the sadness so many sites bring me if I read
them. But I read on on was glad I was obedient and
encouraged by the site.
First excuse my grammar and spelling .. words of
thought are difficult for me to put down in 'good
english'. and also there are NO visions nor "thus
saiths".. set forth in this writng to you.
I have not the move to do so from HIM in this .. only
what I am sharing so as to encourage you to keep up
the work being done.
Concerning the de-cried destruction forseen and
foretold and proclaimed by the site content and to
those who would attack you for it...
Often we see that YAHUVEH would proclaim his word to
destroy the disobedient children of Israel ( ‘we are’
Israel - if grafted in – in which tribe your tent is
set one may not know in the natural but only by
revelation ).
And it appears and so it is that on purpose He, Yah -
would wait on the reply of Moshe (moses) many times –
who inevitably spoke the promise and interceded and
caused the destruction to cease.
So those also to whom the Father reveals such things
for this age and in this time – afresh - and in
keeping with what was already spoken and proclaimed
for this age by the prophets of old – can likewise as
Moses delay and even stay destruction.
To often it is heard on high - the voices (believers)
that call for destruction and judgment on the earth
and especially on America- calling as it were fire
from heaven to destroy because of the apostasy in the
church or for the sins of America as a whole. Even
though Judgement comes – the ‘spirit of gloating’ and
‘..aha..I told you so.." must be resisted…
THE SPIRIT – that set-apart, holy wind - Ruach
Ha’Kodesh – the brooding / birthing / moving Spirit of
YAHUVEH does not lean one/teach one, to this end but
rather to the example of Moses and others – to pray
for the sins of the people – the church / the BRIDE –
to seek the MERCY of HIM who alone can deliver. To
proclaim the covenant given and kept – that even
though we are flesh and will break it and yet HE KEEPS
IT for HIS NAME’S SAKE (Psalms).
(Luke 9 - heed YAHUSHUA’s test of our spirit - ..when
we would take up a mantle to ourselves and call down
fire before the time.)
Even so one must know that despite the PEACE / UNITY
that is become the ‘banner’ and ‘roll call’ to the
people of the earth - both in the organized Churches
and the Secular circles – the time of YAHUVEH’s decree
is already sent forth.
Many do not have issue with warfare against the
principlaties and powers and the sons of the Abandoned
one – and some even will take up the reflective role
of our Christ YAHUSHUA to – ‘stand in the gap’.
Yet what about that wrath which is sent directly
(allowed) from YAHUVEH our GOD ?
As YAHUVEH himself sends forth judgement and even the
‘spirit of delusion’ which so pervades the Churches
of today because ‘they love not the truth’ – who would
withstand HIM? What can one do ?
We must grow beyond ourselves and allow the SPIRIT to
teach – remember the favour (grace) and mercy showed
ourselves allowing it to flow back out from us.
We MUST do as Aaron of old, who stands between the
dead and the living; he holds smoking censor of
propitiation to stay the plague which he feels to be
devouring his generation. We MUST DO AS YAHUSHUA daily
"And Aaron took as Moses commanded, and ran into the
midst of the congregation; and behold, the plague was
begun among the people: and he put on incense, and
made an atonement for the people. And he stood between
the dead and the living; and the plague was
stayed."—Numbers 16:47-48.
There is more to know from the whole chapter as well
.. Numbers 16:26 (warning).
The Father did not wait for any dialogue from Moses -
and Moses knew the decree/plague was sent forth and
had even already begun ….so he commanded Aaron to act
quickly in his office of PRIEST -- Aaron stood
between/before the spoken decree - the breath of
YAHUVEH full of destruction and judgement… and
restrained it – and those behind him LIVED for the
wrath was restrained.
The point is this … let us seek to, as our HIGH PRIEST
daily does – claim that propitiatory-covering and
bring forth the smoking censor of our lips full of HIS
PROMISE. And lift this up continually before the
delusion and the wrath sent forth that those behind
us/ with us will be spared and LIVE – for we know what
things MUST come to pass and even hasten it when we
pray "COME QUICKLY" …. Yet let us hold fast in doing
this thing so that the glory of the Most High fills
the earth as it is written - let us learn this
intercession lesson.
Hold to the promises – HOLD to your roles as Kings and
Priests – for there is no laity in the kingdom of God
– and you have been translated there already – so
Abide There ! .. accept the WORD that say it is so.
Move beyond the fact that you are ‘being saved’ and
.. and soon – so very soon if we faint not - the soul
and body (flesh) will reflect that which is already so
in the SPIRIT – that which has been so in those born
of Elohim/God since before the foundations of the
For too long many have left the works of God to coined
phrases such as " it must be the Lord’s will" or .."
the Lord’s will be done.." .. making vain the powerful
words of that ‘way to pray’ given us by our Lord and
People ! WE were created in the tselem and demut
(image and likeness) of the Elohim – YAHUVEH God .. ..
YOU were created/ born to DO THESE WORKS …
YAHUVEH gave us the example plainly concerning our
prayers/ WORDS ..how to WORK for these 6 days before
we enter HIS REST to come…… he said ..
LIGHT BE! And it was …
… HE SAID ….
The Will of God needs to be spoken and performed by US
be one with HIM and have THAT MIND in us?
So no longer cry upon your beds about the apostasy in
the CHURCH or the evil in the WORLD – neither be
dismayed concerning all the works of witchcraft and
counterfeit works seen being done in this Egypt we
live in. Rather STAND up and BE who you are. Bind the
soul-powers ….the principalities…. Have dominion over
the earth and subdue it …command the forces of nature
as the Spirit leads and begin to raise up the axe
heads from the rivers…fill the oil vessels to pay off
debts … cure poisoned waters with salt and the Spoken
WORD … …stop the rain and start it where you are …
heal the sick in body and in mind … multiply that
which would provide for only a few into provision for
multitudes ….. walk with testing and discernment and
YES RAISE THE DEAD if they are fallen in these last
days we live in ..
Will we lay upon the DEAD for 3 days to raise – to
multiply – to fill – to test – to receive .. to HEAR
and OBEY the VOICE of YAHUVEH.. ???
May YAHUVEH God pour out his anointing upon us to do
People will survive fires of great heat while
buildings melt around them, others will be moved
instantly to another place of another tongue and begin
to speak the WONDERS of the KINGDOM in the tongue of
that land , trees will grow and bear fruit overnight
to feed those in the places to where the Father will
keep them… water where there is none to give them
drink… all these things will HE do and more causing
the testimony of HIS people to be increased in
proportion to the rise of evil.
Just as mercury rising in measure to the heat – this
is the wear against the saints of that anti-christ
spirit already present.. and so by the blood (gives
them the right standing to do so) and the testimony
they will overcome the Abandoned one .. with all their
rough edges worn away as river rocks are worn by the
torrents and so becoming smooth powerful weapons
(warriors) in the sling of the ALMIGHTY.
We must accept what has been given us in the birth ,
death and resurrection of our Master YAHUSHUA , Jesus
the Christ….some would say that in times of old they
accepted healing more readily than forgiveness .. and
today we claim forgiveness but do not lay hold on
healing…. Yet we know it is the SAME POWER and ACT.
Concerning YAHUSHUA also known as Jesus the Christ….
Accept the power of the blood atonement.
Accept the DEATH ( ‘once’ appointed to man because of
sin) as your own.
Accept the resurrection.
LEARN THE LESSON of the raising of Lazarus:
Many also believe that God can heal and prevent death
today like the woman did. And even after the death
when asked if she believed she replied to YAHUSHUA that
she of course believed and accepted that Lazarus would
be raised in the resurrection at the end of days.
Many of us still give her answer today …yet reject
what our Lord provided even BEFORE HIS DEATH AND
RESSURECTION and so teaches us in this ‘raising of
YAHUSHUA was desperate ..for the GLORY of GOD be
displayed on EARTH..
- That if ‘one’ believed into HIM .. then even IF
their flesh was destroyed it could rise back up again
( re-read it to encourage ourselves –
--for .." my people DIE because they lack the
.. and all this was SO even BEFORE CHRIST had PAID
the death penalty and blood- atonement .. HOW MUCH
MORE should we walk in this TRUTH NOW …
For many the word of YAHUVEH to Jeremiah is also to you
". . . but thy life will I give
unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou
goest."—Jeremiah 45:5.
Do not think that the Spirit speaks against the loss
of life and destruction that is here and comes… just
hold to the promises and walk in them NEVER
questioning the sovereignty of YAHUVEH GOD … nor
Do not listen to the voices of belial and infected
reasoning which says : Where is your GOD ??
… why are you not raising the dead or healing the sick
.. if you are not yet doing so….
For know this that as Amos picked his garden and was
told GO … so too you will KNOW … until then OCCUPY and
walk in what you do know and PROCLAIM it.
Also do not ever feel that you are THE LONE VOICE in
To be true many are in ‘that wilderness’ because many
of the ‘Beit-El’ , Houses of GOD , today are nothing
more that huge pits – devoid of the truth .. as Amos
the prophet so warned they would come to void
Besides YAHUVEH declares HE will make HIS case with you
in that WILDERNESS ..so take joy…
Know this, that the one singular voice unheard by
human ears which speaks the WORD of the SPIRIT of
YAHUVEH (written or revealed) has global – even cosmic
impact… for it is HIS WORD after all that IS
ABOVE all seek and WAIT on HIM by walking in what YOU
DO KNOW ..until the next line , precept or WORD is
.. the Jordan Rivers of our life will not part until
we step into them with "WORDS of PRAISE in your MOUTH",
for the promises he has given to us.
We should be encouraged to share what the Father is
revealing/ teaching each of us no matter how simple we
think it is nor how odd in some cases. For who today
would kneel down before a man or woman they had not
seen before and allow that person in the name of
YAHUVEH to spit , make mud and rub it on any part of
their being?
…. Think about it.
We must remember that HE operates differently with
‘the individuals’ at times and so just because we cannot understand an operation does not mean we should
endanger ourselves and the BODY by attacking it
immediately – rather go to the Father in Prayer and
hold up the the propitiary-covering and censor as did
Aaron asking for understanding and binding that which
is not the SPIRIT of YAHUVEH or contradicts the
revealed WORD and move on…. DO NOT BIND THE PERSON unless specifically directed. (be careful those that
are not called to speak but only to know and pray in that moment)
The Ruach Ha’Kodesh - the "right SPIRIT" will NEVER
be offended because you say you do not want it to lay
hands on you or that you do not understand everything
it speaks through an individual.
Rather the SPIRIT will recognize that you are one of
HIS doing as HE commanded and ‘testing every SPIRIT
that it be of GOD’….
In fact this simple assertion oftentimes reveals the
‘soul-spirit’ as NOT of YAHUVEH – for it will immediately speak curses on you and say you resist
YAHUVEH…. Yet even Saul after sending many men with intent to murder – then going HIMSELF to MURDER could
NOT RESIST the SPIRIT of YAHUVEH but came under it, and (standing) began to prophesy and praise the Father. So
DARKNESS grows thicker … Jesus/YAHUSHUA prayed that we be kept through it not taken out of it (see John) so
be encouraged.
A Brother in YAHUSHUA