![]() June 2, 2005 ![]() Myself and my fellow ministers are now under attack by the enemy more than ever as the coming of YAHUSHUA for his Bride nears. We have heard from many members of the Bride and the same is true for them as well. Yet, WE HAVE THE VICTORY! The enemy already knows it has lost, but in its arrogance, attacks the Bride as if it has any chance of winning...which it does not. I have not been well enough to keep up with my email and phone calls since May 20th. And I still ask for those of you who believe you are part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA to send me your phone no. so that I can call you when I am able. Speaking with you on the phone will allow me to discern if you are indeed a chosen one who is to be added to our Elite Force of Demon Stompers! The building of this special network will take time, but as it grows, so will the power of our prayers for one another because of the Blood of our Bridegroom and Savior, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, known by many as Jesus Christ. Thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support. We cannot tell you how much we appreciate and love all of your who have remained with us, praying and/or helping support us financially, as we prepare for THE GATHERING OF THE HOLY EAGLES, THE HOLY BRIDE OF OUR BELOVED SAVIOR, YAHUSHUA! So keep those emails coming with phone nos. I will be calling all of you when I can, so don't be discouraged. And please continue sending us your prayer requests so others can see what you need prayer for and pray for you. Simply go here and submit your request, and we will get it posted as quickly as possible. On May 24th, I was visited by two angels of YAHUVEH and I actually touched the wing of one of them. I will be posting an account of this experience shortly. I paid a very high price for this visitation and experience...and it was well worth it. Watch for it. In His Service, Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah |
www.amightywind.com | www.almightywind.com These are mirror sites, please go to the other if one is off line. We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists Click Here For More Info ![]() ![]() Mailing and Email Addresses |