Dream From
Doug * * * * * * * Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001
23:36:49 -0400 Hello Brother C*****, May the Blood of YAHUSHUA cover this e-mail. Hi. This is Doug B***** from Mass. I had an awesome day today hi-lighted by talking to Rev. Sherrie on the phone. I told her of my dream GOD gave me just before I woke up this morning. The day was the 9th at approx. 9AM as Rev. Sherrie said this was the number of deliverance(if I remember correctly). I was at a softball game. Women's softball and I was a spectator on the 1st base line. There was a normal amount of spectators but this wasn't the only field but one on a complex of fields. I then began to walk towards the backstop(homeplate area). Different thoughts were going thru my mind but I was not talking to anyone even though the games were being played. At that moment a great light appeared in the sky and I heard people calling JESUS!!!! and others realizing by their comments JESUS is LORD and It all is true. I then felt myself going up towards the sky. But I looked to see if my wife and children were going up to but I could not recognize anyone but knew some were going up but many were staying behind. I seemed to hover for a while knowing exactly what was happening and began to see writing in the sky it was more symbolic writing . I figured it was YAHUVEH'S way of confirming to us that it was all YAHUVEH. I again looked and searched the sky for my wife and children but knowing they were not at the game, they were headed up towards Heaven from a different location. I could not make out anyone but could see some going up. I then told this to Rev. Sherrie and she pointed out the oneness of the rapture and YAHWEY'S relation to us. HE deals with us even during the rapture one-on-one . This is the main focus HIS relationship to us one on one but in the flesh what a great experience being totally aware not afraid concerned with our loved ones and those left behind headed upward as peaceful and excited yet still concerned for others but filled with great excitement. But still one on one. IN the name of YAHUSHUA, Doug
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