I vouch for the anointing on this handmaiden prophet of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA she is my only daughter in the LORD YAHUSHUA. She is a mighty anointed warrior in YAHUSHUA. I have known Shandra for years now and watched her lovingly grow in the gifts of the Ruach ha Kodesh. Only 19 years old and much wiser in the spiritual realm then her years. - Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah * * * * * * * Dear all: I am writing to you @ 3:03 am EST time, here to share the prayer urgency. It is not only the major cities involved in nuclear fallout but other places. I was lying down and the Ruach ha Kodesh prompted me to pray (I was about to go to bed). Well, I heard two words in my spirit…nuclear fallout. And well, here goes. the Holy Spirit brought back an article yesterday in the local Newspaper here about SC will dole out fallout protection pills in places closer to the Savannah river site (the nuclear plant that our country is sending plutonium rods at to store) which is about 40 miles from here, for those in a 40 mile radius. I had a vision of getting the State Newspaper (the biggest newspaper here in SC) saying that the plant gotten attacked. I went back home to North after the debris (obviously when it was safer) settled and my house was gutted as well as everything that is unrecognizable. I was crying with a friend on my shoulders, and well, everyone I knew was well...dead. I was really devastated that I was weeping and crying and interceding still feeling the effects of that that vision, that warning. I am going to intercede some more, pray for the protection of all people in every city for this not only going to be major metropolitan areas but in places least expected. Love to all, Shandra * * * * * * * Posted on Sat, Oct. 19, 2002 S.C. decides to dole out anti-radiation pills by Jaymi Freiden South Carolina is the latest state to decide to distribute free doses of pills that could protect people from some forms of radiation poisoning. South Carolina public health officials will distribute 800,000 doses of potassium iodide early next year to 400,000 residents living within a 10-mile radius of one of the state's four nuclear plants, plus one in Georgia. The five sites are: Virgil C. Summer in Jenkinsville; Oconee in Seneca; H.B. Robinson in Hartsville; Catawba in York; and Vogle in Waynesboro, Ga. Each person would get two tablets. One 130-milligram tablet provides a day's protection against some forms of radiation that a nuclear disaster would release. The pill counters the effect of some radiation poisoning by saturating the thyroid gland with potassium iodide. That saturation blocks the accumulation of radioactive iodide, the same substance released in the 1986 explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union. The thyroid gland secretes hormones vital to growth and regulating metabolism. In babies and children, it is one of the most radiation-sensitive parts of the body. When thyroid cells absorb too much radioactive iodine, it can cause thyroid cancer. The pills will be distributed either through individual counties or the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control, said agency spokesman Thom Berry. But even though medical experts say taking potassium iodide is the next best thing to an evacuation in terms of protection against a nuclear disaster, it isn't a cure-all. "It's not a magic pill," Berry said. "We still recommend people listen to their local public safety agencies if there ever is a release of radiation and to do what they recommend." |
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