Brian Stewart A Vision About
The Coming New Age/Occult Explosion/Harvest The following vision was received on 14.1.99. There was a great explosion of light within the heavens, like the birth of a new star. Below the explosion, was a dark hill with lots of pre-cut channels leading from a central point and then radiating out in all directions on the earth. In the channels were small seeds. Suddenly, after the explosion, there was a mighty rush of water from the top of the hill which then poured down through all the channels. Then, the seeds began to sprout forth like a harvest waiting to be gathered. This is what the vision means: The 'water of life' was a poisonous water of spiritual death which was deceiving all those who dwell on the earth and which will pollute their hearts, minds and spirits. The darkness within the scene signifies the present and future evil darkness, which will engulf the world. The explosion of light signifies the coming explosion and intensification of occult/demonic powers that will cover and take over the whole earth. The light, seen within the vision, was a cold light with no warmth. It was a false light. Satan was the source of the light. "An Angel of Light". The fact that the channels were pre-cut suggests that the seeds of spiritual deception that are now being planted throughout the world, and only waiting for the right time to spout forth. The rush of water signifies the coming forrent or tidal wave of spiritual deception, which will engulf the nations and the entire world system. The events depicted within the vision were all seen to happen very suddenly and very quickly. Everything is now being prepared by the powers of darkness for the arrival of the Antichrist and his world kingdom! Please note: "New Agers believe the world is on a 2000-year cycle linked with the signs of the zodiac and that the 2000 year will signal the beginning of the new age of Aquarius, the water carrier. The New Age, symbolized by the water of life, will be an age of renewed spirtuality which will bring about a basic change in the way humankind thinks and acts due to its new spiritual relationship with the cosmos." - Dr. Clifford Hill: "Shaking The Nations" A VISION ABOUT THE E.U. The following vision was received on 23.12.98: There was a picture of a dark storm tossed sea. The sky was also dark, a heavy kind of darkness. Out of the sea, the continent of Europe was seen to be arising out of the sea. The appearance of this was like a rocky island. On the top of the island was a lighthouse giving off its beam of light. Behind the lighthouse there was a gigantic figure of the Beast. (It is interesting to note that the Book of Revelation talks about the Beast arising out of or coming out of the sea.) The figure was shrouded in a mist. This means that he, the Antichrist, is not revealing his true identify until the time is right. The whole scene was against a backdrop of heavy darkness! This is what the vision means: The ocean or sea is the world. In the dark and stormy times ahead, it could well be that the E.U. would prove to be something of a haven of stability in terms of its political and economic power, in a crumbling world system. The fact of the island arising out of the sea means the growing world power and influence of the E.U. system. The darkness all around indicates the presence of evil within the world and spiritual driving force behind the E.U. The light of the lighthouse is a false light (Satan is an angel of light). A lighthouse usually warms of danger in an area, something to be kept away from! The fact that the beast was stepping onto the dark island: Means the antichrist will use the E.U. system as a stepping stone to total world power. It could well be the rock/island of the E.U. system is part of his future power base. Though the Euro, for the time being, seems to be floundering on the international money markets, this may all change in the future. Given the 'bubble' status of the U.S. economy, it is quite possible that when the U.S. economy crashes then the present world status of the dollar will also crash as well. It could then be that the Euro might well come into its own as a world currency in the turbulent times ahead. This vision does not conclusively 'prove' that the E.U. system will be the Antichrist's power base. But the vision does suggest/show that the E.U. system seems to have an important part to play in the End Time events. | | These are mirror sites, please go to the other if one is off line. We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists Click Here For More Info ![]() ![]() Mailing and Email Addresses |