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Voices In The Wind

Many today are crying out in the wind. Turn to the right, turn to the left. Follow me and I will lead you to your destiny. Follow me and I will show you the way to riches. Follow me I have all the answers, I know the way.

The way is through Buddha, they say. The way is through Mohammed, they say. The way is through Allah, they say. The way is through New Age, they say. The way is through idol worship; of the material; worship of pleasure; worship of wealth; worship of lust; worship of sports; worship of entertainment, worship even of family. I the Bridegroom have already prepared my garments and the wedding day has been set by My Father.

Soon is the time of My return, is My Bride ready? Will she turn her affection away from me to have an adulterous affair with other lovers. I call and she does not hear, My heart is breaking. Will she be ready for Me on that day, or will she be found busy, occupied with her activities of distraction and pleasure?

Return to Me, I am patiently waiting for your attention. I am patiently waiting for your affection. I want to be the first love of your life. Turn your eyes and gaze at me once more with your eyes of love. Turn your heart wholly in my direction. Do not let distractions lure you away from Me. Do not let the cloud of deception confuse and mislead you. Have I not shown you the way? There is only one way to the Father and that is through the Bridegroom. The one and only Son YAHUSHUA, the Messiah is the way, the truth and the life. He is the spotless Lamb that was slain, He is your deliverer. He alone will lead and guide you to My home in Heaven. Others say there are other ways but if you follow them and be lead astray, the way will only lead to destruction. Spend time in My Word, The Living Word, My Bible. Sit at My Feet and My Holy Spirit will teach you the TRUTH. He is your guide and teacher. He will not lead you astray.

Men sometimes lead My people to themselves. They gather the people in My Name and don't even realize they do it for false motives. They place themselves as idols to steal the worship that should belong to me. They rob me of tithes and offerings. They use My people and place them in bondage. There is only one Mediator between GOD and man, and that is the LORD Jesus Christ.

My Bride prepare yourself, cleanse yourself of sin by washing with the Blood of My Sacrificed Lamb. The Blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for the sins of the world. Adorn yourself for My return. Those who have ears to hear, hear the Word's of the Spirit. Follow after the Spirit. Renew your minds with My Word. Be ready for you know not when the Bridegroom comes. He is wooing you, now. Listen to His Voice. The things of this world are fleeting and are not worth the loss of your very soul. Put on your spotless gown, press out all the
wrinkles, prepare yourself for My

Given to Rose Atkins on June 26t, 1999 at 5:34 am.]

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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5