The Biblical Institution of the Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot

In contrast to the somber tone of Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur, the third feast is a time of pure joy. The time of introspection and searching now make way for the feast called; "The season of our rejoicing."

The Names of the Feast

The Feast of Tabernacles or Booths: The name comes from the Hebrew - Sukkot; meaning - tabernacles, booths. It comes from the command in (Lev 23:42-43). The impermanent leafy shelters were to remind the Israelites of God's faithfulness during their forty years of wandering in the wilderness. The tabernacles symbolized man's need to depend on YAHUVEH for His provision of food, water, and shelter.

The feast of Ingathering

The command to build tabernacles and dwell in them coincided annually with Israel's final harvest of the season, and so the name "Feast of Ingathering" was used of the holiday as well. We see this being applied to the feast in Lev 23:34; Deut 16:13. The emphasis is on the relationship to the holiday to the final gathering of the crops in the fall. Ancient Israel's economy was agrarian. The seasons guided Israel's activities. Each season's plentiful harvest brought a renewed sense of relief and thankfulness that they would not go hungry for YAHUVEH had once more provided for His people. It is this feast which provided the Pilgrims with the Biblical foundation for the first Thanksgiving observance.

The Season of Our Joy - Simcha

The agricultural year was at an end, the crops were gathered into the storehouses. The work was done the harvest was over. God gave Israel seven festive days to set aside all worldly cares to thank and praise Him who had provided in abundance. That too was the intention behind the institution of our own thanksgiving celebration

The Feast

The impact of the holiday upon the Israelites was so significant that the feast of Tabernacles came to be known as the "Feast of the Lord" or more simply "The Feast." The Hebrew word behind the term feast is "Hag" in fact means to dance or to be joyous. It was the high point in the yearly cycle - it was the feast.

The Commanded Observances

What exactly were the Jewish people commanded to do during the seven days of Sukkot? The building of Tabernacles. The Israelites were commanded to gather bunches of boughs (or Lulavs) to wave before YAHUVEH and build leafy tabernacles in which to dwell for seven days. Living in tabernacles was a reminder not of an unsettled time in the wilderness but, of the sustenance, care, and protection given by YAHUVEH in the desert. The prophet Isaiah reflects this attitude in (Is 4:6). The foliage reminded the Israelites of their humble origins and of the way YAHUVEH cared for them. The tabernacles were a reminder that YAHUVEH would shelter His people and give them food as long as they were obedient to Him.

The Command to Rejoice

We read in (Deut 16:13-14) the key aspect of the Feast was rejoicing in YAHUVEH. In contrast of Yom Kippur and Rosh haShanah, Sukkot was to be a time of rejoicing. The Israelites were to rejoice in YAH'S provision for their daily bread and their spiritual lives.

Celebration of Sukkot in Biblical Times

The Jewish people were not required to go up to Jerusalem for the feast of Rosh haShanah or for Yom Kippur, but they were required to do so for Sukkot. Jerusalem was dotted with thousands of lean-tos. We see in addition to the commandments of building tabernacles and rejoicing before YAHUVEH; two customs had been added to the celebration by YAHUSHUA'S time.

The Ceremony of the Water Drawing

The Jewish tradition describes a major ceremony of Sukkot, called the Ceremony of the water drawing - in Hebrew called - Nissuch Ha-Mayim, and is rooted in the agricultural nature of the feast.

Rain was a prominent feature in the celebration of Sukkot.

The water-drawing ceremony was a joyous occasion. The Levitical priest would draw water from the pool of Siloam in a special golden pitcher. He would be joined by a crowd of people who would return with him to the Temple - through the water gate.

As the priest arrived - shofars would sound and he would pour the water on the great altar. The ceremony of the water-drawing held a significance much deeper than the agricultural implications. The rain represented the RUACH ha KODESH, and the water drawing pointed to that day, when according to the prophet Joel, YAHUVEH would rain His Spirit on Israel (Joel 2:28). This ceremony took on an even greater meaning when YAHUSHUA attended the feast in (John 7:37-39) and proclaimed that He would quench the thirsting of the soul.

The Illumination of the Temple

Another ceremony of the Feast of Tabernacles was the Illumination of the Temple.

At the end of the first day of the feast, the priests and Levites went down to the Court of the Women. Four golden candlesticks were set up in the court with four golden bowls placed on them - and would be lit. The light emanating from the candlesticks was so bright that the Jewish tradition says; "There was no courtyard in Jerusalem that was not lit up with the light" (Sukkah 5:3). The mood was very festive, people would dance well into the night holding torches and singing songs of praise to YAHUVEH. The meaning of the lights was to symbolize the Shkhinah Glory of YAHUVEH that had once filled the Temple. Again this whole ceremony took on a new and greater meaning when YAHUSHUA stood in the Temple (John 8:12) and declared that He was the Light of the world, for in Him dwelt all the fullness of the glory of YAHUVEH (Col 1:19). In YAHUSHUA we see the fulfillment of the feast of Tabernacles (John 1:14). YAHUSHUA is God tabernacling among men. It is interesting to note that the word "dwelt" implies a temporary dwelling - a sukkah booth.

The Future Sukkot

The prophet Zechariah writes of a celebration of Sukkot in the future. YAHUVEH deems this feast as so important that the Gentile nations are commanded to observe it as well - (Zech 14:16).

Universal themes in the Feast of Tabernacles

In Jewish sources Israel's role in world redemption is a major theme. In commenting on (Ps 109:4) it is said; "At the festival of tabernacles we offer up seventy bullocks (as an atonement ) for the seventy nations, and we pray that rain will come down for them." Israel is considered a nation of intercessors for the sins of the Gentiles.

The Meaning of the Prophecy in Zechariah

The prophet Zechariah spoke of the end of days, when Israel and the nations would together celebrate the feast of Tabernacles. This day of restoration will take place after the time of Jacob's distress (Jer 30:7), or in the New Covenant, the Great Tribulation (Mat 24:21). Israel will be restored, both spiritually and nationally. Her enemies will be crushed, and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will reign, not over Israel alone but over all the nations of the earth (Zech 14:9). YAH will command the faithful among the Gentiles to come to Jerusalem and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Zech14:16).

Why did YAHUVEH choose the Feast of Tabernacles, and not one of the other major festivals, as a test of obedience for the Gentiles? Some scholars believe that Sukkot, as the feast of ingathering, is the most appropriate time for God to gather the human fruit for His kingdom. Ultimately, the whole earth will become the sukkah booth of YAHUVEH, and He will reign for all eternity (Rev 21:3-4).