This ministry has had the same voice for 10 years. Now, as we near the catching up of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, both Israel is under attack with the Gaza evictions and also this ministry as our enemies try to 'evict' us from the internet. Where are the other Messianic Jewish ministries? Why are they staying quiet rather than helping us fight this battle? Because we use the sacred Names of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Even though we teach the Truth of YAHUVEH'S Word and voice His prophetic messages and warnings, we are a great offense because of the Sacred Names and because we will not throw out the 4th Commandment, instead insisting that the Sabbath be kept Holy just as we are commanded to do. By coming against these ministers and this ministry, our enemies are coming up against Almighty YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Remember what happened to Goliath. How can these who battle against the Great I AM YAHUVEH possibly expect anything but total defeat at His hand? I thank all of you who are praying for me and this ministry, for coming forth and taking a stand with us. And to all of you who have remained silent...why? Read Prophecy 79 which speaks of a warning that needs to be given, yet none is given. Why am I being demonized by these people? They do not like to be told that they are compromising the Truth and that they will be held accountable! What is Zionism? Zionists call themselves Jews but they are that in name only. Zionists are traitors to the Eternal One who is YAHUVEH The GOD OF creation as well as traitors to all those who hold the Torah sacred. Zionist Jews cause Jew to war against Jew! Zionist Jews cause Jews to hate Jews and Kill Jews! Now they are causing Jews to evict Jews from their Homes in Gaza! I love the Hebrew People. How could I not? For I am not only a biological Jew but a spiritual one, grafted into the Bloodline of THE KING OF THE JEWS, our Messiah YAHUSHUA. YAHUSHUA was born from a Hebrew woman, brought to the temple and circumcised as a Jew on the 8th Day. YAHUSHUA ministered and taught as Rabbi in the Temples and kept all the Torah laws. He never broke one of them, although tempted and yet remained sinless. YAHUSHUA honored and kept the SABBATH and all the Holy Days and Feasts. YAHUSHUA was put on trial by the Jewish Pharisees and Saducees and judged as a Jew, even unto HIS crucifixion and death. Even the way his body was prepped after death and buried in a tomb. YAHUSHUA raised again from the Dead on the 3rd day, showed himself to witnesses, then ascended into Heaven. He then returned and walked this Earth ministering in HIS glorified Body for 40 days all over Israel. It was on top of a Mountain HE ascended back to Heaven before his disciples and HE said HE would again return to Jerusalem and rule and reign! What a day of rejoicing that will be for all those who worship and obey HIM! I love Jerusalem because YAHUSHUA poured HIS HOLY BLOOD into that soil! YAHUSHUA walked the streets of Jerusalem and Israel. YAHUSHUA was baptized in the Jordon River! * * * * * * * YAHUSHA awoke me today on Aug.15, 2005 and said to warn the people of the evils of Zionism! Tell the people this Ministry is not anti Semitic (Jewish) but we are against those who call themselves Zionist Jews! * * * * * * * The Zionist movement is based on traitors, greed, blood shedding, destruction, murder and terrorism and we believe Zionism is a secular movement based on vile corrupt politics. Zionists spit in the face of the Jewish spiritual teachings, scoffing at all that YAHUVEH decreed Holy! The Zionist Jews have passed laws that allow abortions and homosexuality. Zionism is the same as Communism in that the Government doesn't care about anything Holy. In fact, they mock the Torah by blatantly sinning against it! Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Zionism is a political, non-religious movement set up by those who shun the pure Jewish religion. The Torah (Old Testament) states that YAHUVEH gave the Jewish people the land of Palestine thousands of years ago. Zionism is against YAHUVEH God, against theTorah, and against all that is Holy in the Jewish religion. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is a Zionist Jew and he now turns Jew against Jew, forcing the soldiers of the Israelite army to evict or arrest the Jewish settlers in Gaza who once were the soldiers' family and friends. All these settlers wanted was to live in the homes they raised there families in. Oh, what a sad day this is for Israel...for instead of David running toward Goliath, David runs away from Goliath! Everyday as I pray for YAHUVEH to answer the Jewish Gaza settlers prayers and rescue them, tears stream down my face. There is a remnant there that are Messianic Jews. Please intercede in prayer for all the Gaza Settlers. Imagine if you were there, being evicted from your home, or it was your family or loved ones. Imagine if this was your home and you did not want to abandon it, only to be given over to your enemies. ![]() One brave woman speaks for multitudes of Gaza settlers. In the Jewish settlement of Morag, a farming community of 29 families, a religious woman holding a baby in her arms pleaded with Col. Erez Zuckerman, whose battalion has been charged with evicting the settlers. "We are all Jews, we are all the same people. How can the army do such a thing?'' the unidentified woman, her hair covered with a scarf according to religious custom, said to Zuckerman in footage broadcast on Channel Two. Opponents of the withdrawal have criticized Sharon, who was one of the biggest supporters of the settlers in Israeli politics, for abandoning promises to bolster the settlements. Some even compared him to the Nazis. Dan Davidovitch, a 59-year-old resident of the Gaza settlement of Ganei Tal, said Israeli police in black uniforms reminded him of the Gestapo, the Nazis' internal security police. Why are they dressed like that?'' he asked. "It makes no sense to me.'' * * * * * * * From Prophecy 42 (given 12.18.2000): "What country, what nation has the loyalty, what state, what province, what island, has the love and the loyalty Israel shows forth as they battle to keep the land, the Great God I AM YAHUVEH their HaShem Adonai gave to their forefathers long ago?...Proceed every battle as it was done in the past with musicians, songs of praise, worship, and prayers! Do you not believe the words in the Torah? Do you not believe the words in the Torah? Israel, you are the nation the world does not understand, so envied and abused, so hated without cause! For you desire peace and yet you've never known peace! You give away land and homes that I have not told you, to give away merely to keep peace! Do you not know the more you give, the more they will demand? Do you not know, you cannot satisfy the spirit of greed? Look to Me O' Israel, once again for the Great God I AM YAHUVEH is your deliverer!" PRAYER IS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR ISRAEL! Sharon has betrayed his people and this is only the beginning. On 10.28.2002, Prophet Boy Elijah had a dream: "I saw Israel Prime Minister Sharon shaking hands with the new leader of the Palestinians (not Arafat), then betraying and attacking the Israeli people." And all for the sake of PEACE(?) he is forcing the EVICTION of his own people from their settlements in Gaza. IT IS JEW VS. JEW...settler vs. soldier. Blood has already been shed in this conflict and there is more...much come. WE NEED A MIRACLE, WE NEED THE INTERCESSION OF ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH to keep this from mushrooming into all out WAR in Israel! ISRAEL SHOULD NOT GIVE UP ANY LAND FOR ANY REASON BECAUSE IT WAS GIVEN TO THEM from Almighty YAHUVEH Himself when he promised Abraham all the land he could traverse. We have a remnant of YAHUSHUA'S Bride now living in Israel who are interceding on behalf of their people for this atrosity to be stopped! INTERCESSORY PRAYER WARRIORS, ARISE, for Israel needs your prayers now more than ever! Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah Links to Prophecies About Israel: 26 - Hear Me, Fear Me, Believe Me 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells 33 - The Horror, The Horror, The Horror! 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday, Today, But Tomorrow... 37 - Bless And Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem 42 - Surrender Enemies Of Mine, Drop Your Weapons 43 - "I AM" God The Potter, You Are My Clay! - Part 1 43 - "I AM" God The Potter, You Are My Clay! - Part 2 48 - Yisrael, Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael! THE POWER! THE POWER! THE POWER... 57 - Beware The Trojan Horse! 63 - O Israel, Where Is Your Blood Sacrifice? ![]() | | These are mirror sites, please go to the other if one is off line. We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists Click Here For More Info ![]() ![]() Mailing and Email Addresses |