By John Roberts, July 9, 2002
While Palestinian suicide bombers continue to kill and maim
innocent Israelis the U.N. Security Council late Tuesday, March 12,
2002, approved a U.S. SPONSORED resolution that "affirms a
vision" of a Palestinian state. Fourteen of the 15-member council
voted in favor of the resolution, with a Syrian abstention the only
This is the first time the United States has voted for a
resolution that includes language regarding a Palestinian State.
President Bush is also the first U.S. President to openly support the
reduction of Israel's national borders to the pre-1967 boundaries, with
the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, including U.S.
and U.N. recognition of a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem.
Bush has now finally come forward and publicly explained his
actions to the overwhelming number of Americans that support the nation
of Israel. In an internationally televised speech President Bush
proclaimed that he has "a vision for a Palestinian State."
Bush’s vision calls for Israel to pull out of the "occupied
territory," remove all settlements in the West Bank, and accept the
establishment of a terrorist Islamic state on their land, with a
Palestinian capital set up in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.
In the Bush vision Palestinians need only stop blowing up innocent
Jewish women and children and "change their government" in
exchange for a Palestinian state.
Notice how carefully Bush worded his vision. He did not call for
Yasser Arafat to step down. The Bush spin doctors have chosen words that
allow the Israelis and the Palestinians to interpret Bush’s words in
two different ways. Israelis want Arafat gone. But in the eyes of
Palestinians Bush was merely calling for Palestinian elections. If
Arafat should get reelected then the Palestinians will have complied
with Bush’s vision.
I find it quite alarming yet prophetic that President Bush, the
man that declared war on terrorism, now has a vision for given the
Egyptian born Islamic terrorist Mohammed Abd al-Rahman abd al-Bauf
Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini, a.k.a. Yasser Arafat, his own country on
two-thirds of Israel’s land.
Isn’t Yasser the Chairman of the PLO terrorist organization? Isn’t
Arafat the terrorist that would sneak across the Jordan River to blow up
Jewish school children? Didn’t this same Chairman ordered the attack
on Jewish athletes at the Munich Olympics? Haven’t the Israelis
recently found documents, payments, and weapons in Arafat’s
headquarters bound for Palestinians suicide bombers?
It is a fact that Yasser Arafat led an attempt to take over the
country of Jordan. After losing that war he fled to Lebanon where he led
a Palestinian incursion to take over that country. After being thrown
out of Lebanon Arafat has now set his sights on establishing a base for
Islamic terrorism in Israel.
Arafat is an Egyptian terrorist in search of a safe haven from
which to export terror upon the West, Christians, Israel, and Jews. Bush’s
vision would give Yasser what he wants.
The truth is Mexican Americans, Spanish Americans, and the 500
tribes of American Indians have a much stronger historical and legal
case for being granted their own independent state than do Arab
Palestinians. But with our open boarder with Mexico and new laws
granting illegal aliens free education and free medical and Indian
casinos in every town it’s becoming a non-issue; they are taking
control of the U.S. in their own way.
The point being how would Americans feel if Israel sponsored a
U.N. resolution expressing a vision for a Mexican American homeland in
the Southwest, Spanish state in Florida and California, and two-thirds
of the the rest of America to go back to the various indian tribes?
Who was on the land first? Isn’t it true that the American
Indians and Mexicans were established on the land now called Texas well
before it became a state? At least Israel can say they were a nation
established thousands of years ago, well before anyone called themselves
Palestinian Arabs.
That brings us to another potential solution to the crisis in the
Middle East other than the President’s vision of taking Israeli land
and giving it to Islamic terrorists. Why not set up a Palestinian State
in Texas? The President’s home state does cover an enormous amount of
land, and Texans are always bragging about how big things are in the
lone star state. I believe all of Israel would fit many times over into
the boundaries of Texas.
In fact the millionaire Bush family owns vast tracts of land in
Texas. How about setting aside a few square miles on their ranch to be
used as the site of a Palestinian capital? Then the Bush family would be
close to Yasser Arafat; the Egyptian born terrorist that inspired the
President to sponsor a U.N. resolution expressing "his vision"
for a Palestinian homeland.
How do you think Texans would feel about giving up their land for
Yasser Arafat and his PLO? And how do you think Americans would feel
about having Palestinians in their back yard? These are the same people
that threw block parties and celebrations after hearing of the 9-11
terrorist attacks that took thousands of American lives.