who have denied, removed MY Ten Commandments also called the Torah,
you stood by and watched without protest as a tablet of stone was
removed in Alabama without lifting up a prayer of protest or weeping
and wailing or helping Judge Roy Moore in anyway. I tell you this;
YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW ME! I have allowed this test as I told this
Handmaiden and partners of this ministry to fulfill this prophecy in Ezekiel 9. How
few protested and protest even now. Where are the millions around the
world who should be protecting MY Commandments, only a remnant has
done so.
political leaders pass laws defying I, YAHUVEH, once again. Even as
this is written they debate when to strike out the word GOD from your
currency, pledge, and rewrite the constitution, while stripping MY 10
commandments from public view. All
those who have done this or not protested or not prayed and wept
against this, know this, you have been tested as in Ezekiel 9. I,
YAHUVEH wrote the
Ten Commandments in a tablet of stone, now your hearts are hardened
like unto a stone. You were a rebel before the foundation of the
earth and you have not changed. All those who don't weep and protest
against abortion, you are a rebel also and have not changed. And can
only change depending on the choice you made in the battle good vs.
evil before the foundation of the world.
were the Holy Children in America and around the world, when Judge
Roy Moore was out numbered by the heathen and the American
Government? He fought to keep a stone monument that he had designed
and erected in honor of YAHUVEH and displaying the Ten Commandments?
A Judge is to stand for righteousness and truth. Judge Roy Moore,
Heaven promoted you with that title and no one can take it away from
you. You are honored in Heaven for what you did on Aug. 27th 2003 in
Alabama. Every tear you shed is recorded in heaven and came as a
sweet fragrance to YAHUVEH's nostrils because of your love and
loyalty to HIM and YAHUSHUA. Those who set themselves up as Judge and
jury over you, and the corrupt Judge, who took away your promotion
given to you by Heaven of Supreme Chief Justice of Alabama, will
taste what it is like to swim in the Lake of Fire. All who took part
will stand before YAHUVEH, the JUDGE of ALL CREATION!
all the people who did pray and intercede and encourage this man, and
wept with him, and grieved with him, your tears are also recorded in
Heaven. He sacrificed everything because he refused to compromise the
truth. Why did not every church around this world, especially in
Alabama and the so called Bible belt support this man and protest
with him? I will tell you why, "You feared you would be attacked
also." You let your brother in YAHUSHUA be out numbered by the
heathens. You made excuses and said, "Well he did break the law
and not remove the monument when he was told to do so." Howdare
you! You were tested and you failed the test. How many storms,
droughts, heat waves and floods, will it take to wake you up and
fight for what you know is Holy and right. Just wait until YAHUVEH
stomps HIS foot and your earth quakes in fear. Just wait until
famine, pestilence and disease cover your states and you will pray
and ask why?
Ones encourage him; do not forget the price he has paid. He did what
so few of you do and that is to stand up against the crowd and speak
out against what you know is evil. Homosexuality is running rampant.
Children are being brain washed at the age of Pre Schoolers to think
homosexuality and same sex marriage is normal. What a stench in the
nostrils of YAHUVEH the judicial and political systems have become.
The churches of Babylon embrace and encourage their congregation not
to speak out against sin or sinners. The organized Churches have that
which YAHUVEH calls an abomination, standing behind the pulpits and
call themselves preachers. The few Holy remnant in these Churches are
chased away, or rejected and insulted. The Pastors lie to the
congregation and say, "Any day can be a Sabbath" and
continue with the manmade Sunday. They will very soon weep for what
they shall reap for teaching and doing this.
McCain is the son of Cain. I said it once, I'll say it again. Hillary
Clinton, your soul is as black as black can get. There is no lesser
of evil running for president. All of you are evil in MY eyes. And
the only hope there was, the media will not even give attention. You
see I always have a people and they are the hidden ones. Oh
how few Judge Roy Moores I have for they will not speak out like he
does. America, oh how different it would have been if the one you
call Judge Roy Moore, your president he would have been but there's
no desire anymore for morality or Holiness and it goes from one
nation to the next!