REPENT! REPENT! ![]() Elisabeth: [Nikomia can also be heard speaking in the background] So Heavenly Father YAHUVEH, in the Name of Your Son YAHUSHUA on this Yom Kippur, I ask what word do you have? We come to you seeking to hear your voice, if you would honor us please with a word. We're like a deer panting for water, Father; we thirst to hear from you more. We just thank You, Father. We rebuke and we bind you Satan away from this in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, you have no part in this whatsoever, for we belong to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. You have no claim on us whatsoever. We submit ourselves to the Lord God Almighty YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH and we resist you satan and you must flee. [Speaking in Tongues] Luke 10:19, Satan, "Behold I give you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you. So, Satan, we stand on that word. Get lost devil, you have no claim on us. [Nikomia: We claim it in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH] That's right, only the word's going to come forth, it's going to be from YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. No false word can manifest through my flesh, no false word can manifest through a demon manifesting through my flesh, no false word can come forth, for in the name of YAHUSHUA, I only speak forth the words my Daddy God YAHUVEH, who created me, would have me speak, that would glorify, magnify, the name of from YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. Speak to your children, O Daddy, speak to your children if you have a word. Listen
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Go Here to download RealPlayer SP Tell the people, shout it from one end of the earth to the other, MY SON IS COMING, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Tell them, MY Children, repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, fall on your faces on this Yom Kippur day. Fall on your faces in the Spiritual realm; see yourselves flat on your faces, for the King is coming! Let the world mock. Let the Pharisees mock. It will not stop for the KING IS COMING! He's not coming for those who think they are not sinners, who think they are so righteous, that they do not even have to repent. HE's coming for HIS Children, for the Bride that desires to obey. HE's coming for the warriors who war in HIS Holy Name. He's coming for those who humbly admit all have fallen short of MY glory. Just be ready, MY Children. It doesn't matter if you know the day or hour. What Bride doesn't know when her Bridegroom approaches? What Bride doesn't prepare herself in advance? MY true Bride are hearing MY voice. They are preparing themselves. They are desiring and seeking Holiness. They abhor the yeast of the Pharisees. Hide yourself MY Children for yet just a little while. For all of Heaven rages, and against satan and his demons war rages. It is waged, for the King is coming! The Earth quakes and shutters in fear in various parts of the world. You are seeing floods, these are MY tears. Remember when the floods came in the time of Noah. Remember how he was mocked and they mocked up until the time the rains came. But I told MY Children Noah and his family to get in the ark and bolt the door, and when the floods came, the ungodly ones pounded on that door. Then they wanted in, then they believed who I am, but it was too late for them and the floods swallowed them. Such it will be again. Those that stand in MY Son's righteousness, those that have anointed their homes, those that hide in MY Word, those that strive to obey, those that love and serve and put ME first, those that know the treasures of this earth will not be what they can take to their Heavenly home. In this world they realize thieves break in. Moth and rust does corrupt that which you think is a treasure on earth you cannot take with you when you leave this earth. Instead MY true Children, instead MY true Bride build up their Heavenly treasures where moth and rust and thieves cannot corrupt. Thieves cannot steal your treasures in Heaven. So many go in lack, but they do it for MY sake, forsaking luxuries so souls can be saved. These are MY beloved; these are MY true treasures on earth. Those that cry out in MY Son's Name, in the Name of YAHUSHUA and pray so many times a day they cannot even begin to count, These are MY Children, these are the ones the King is coming for. YAHUSHUA is on the way, the KING IS COMING! HE is your atonement for sin. He is the perfect Lamb that was sacrificed. No spot, no blemish, no sin was found in HIM. HE paid for this world, HE was ransomed for this world for all those that can believe and receive the Blood that was shed at Calvary. He paid the atonement for your sin. HE is your High Priest. For those Jews that deny Him, for the Muslims that deny Him. They acknowledge Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but they will not accept HIM as MESSIAH, when it comes to the Name YAHUSHUA. Then they will be judged by the laws of Moses and they had better have not broken one commandment. How many find it hard to obey ten. Try 613. Why do you think I gave you a High Priest who will be touched by your infirmities and weaknesses? For MY desire is that none will perish. But for those who insist to be judged by Moses, then Moses will judge them and woe unto those that are judged by Moses for there is no mercy in him. So in these ten days of awe, rejoice for those who know YAHUSHUA as Lord, rejoice that HE is your MESSIAH, your Deliverer, your Healer, the One that I Bless you with when you call out to ME in HIS Name. For I, YAHUVEH, am glorified through MY Son YAHUSHUA and YAHUSHUA is glorified by HIS Father YAHUVEH. And I take great delight in protecting MY Children and confounding the enemy in many different ways. ![]() ![]() Beware MY Children of poison injected in your veins. Beware MY Children of the very air you breathe. Beware MY Children of the very water you drink. Truly if it were not for MY Mercy, life would be erased off the face of the Earth. Beware MY Children of what you have injected in you. Remember where your faith and your trust is. Stand up for what is right. Stand up for your freedoms now. Preachers, stop taking the bribes, for you've been silenced far too long. I will hold you accountable for not warning MY sheep! And if you don't speak up as this handmaiden is doing now, it will be like sheep led to a slaughter. First the very young and then the elderly and then the middle aged will fall. But not any of MY Children who on the Name of YAHUSHUA call if they will but hear MY Voice and obey, and believe that I will protect them and live Holy for ME as I am Holy and flee even the very appearance of sin. I will protect them. I will give them wisdom. I will hide them. MY angels will camp around about them and war for them. For you have been ransomed, an atonement for your sins has been made. This is what you're to celebrate on Yom Kippur and YAHUSHUA is HIS Name. And so no longer be ashamed to say the King is coming! But again I have to repeat, HE's not coming for a disobedient Bride, HE's not coming for disobedient children. So repent now MY Children before it is too late. For a great evil is coming. It's on a huge tidal wave, a tidal wave of ungodliness. But look up, MY Children, for I will raise up a standard against it if you can but believe and if MY Son's love, forgiveness and mercy and Truth you receive. Repent, this should be your cry to all far and wide for King YAHUSHUA is coming! * * * * * * *
Elisabeth:So it is spoken, so it is written on September 16th, 2002 on Yom Kippur. Started at 5:18 a.m. to 5:46 a.m. during private prayer time with my husband as we were lifting up the prayer needs of the partners. I apologize for the coughing that you heard. The satanic battle is real. The devil did not want that message out, it was just like hands were strangling my throat as I started to say, "The King is Coming!" We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but there are rulers in dark places and satan and his demons do not want the prophet speaking. But nevertheless I humbly submit this word to you on Yom Kippur. I look forward to seeing you in Heaven. In the love of YAHUSHUA, your sister, Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah
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