Prophecy 98
PRAISE YAHUSHUA the Eternal Torch is Lit Again in Africa. Here is the birth of another Branch of
Almightywind Ministries in Africa. Please go to to visit the new Ministry Site. The Eternal Torch is Lit in Africa Again! ![]() through Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah Received May 22, 2008 Released June 3, 2008 Streaming Audio for Prophecy
There is also another word for another Judas in this Prophetic Word. In this Word Sheree Rondon from New Zealand is mentioned as well as Nico Arnold again. Let me tell you about Sheree. Sheree wrote me the end of January and said she agreed with what YAHUVEH is speaking through this ministry. Below is her first email to me. After this email I talked to Sheree on the phone and she said she was told by YAHUVEH to give her firstfruit tithes and 2 Islands, Mana Island and another Island that she supposedly owned in New Zealand to this Ministry. She sent us information through the post office about these Islands and its history and come to find out Mana Island has a very cursed past. They have quarintined the Island in the past and had to kill all the sheep on the Island because of some disease and now the government has declared it a bird sanctuary and no one is living on the island. Anyways, I talked to Sheree a couple more times on the phone and she started telling me that the words 'God' and 'Lord' were pagan and against the bible and we were suppose to take these words off the ministry sites. I told her I would not change the words on the sites and these indeed were the words YAH had spoken to me in the past. She then wote me another email saying now she was no longer going to support this Ministry with her firstfruits and was taking the Island back. Below is that email too. Sheree's first email to me. DEAR PRECIOUS SISTER ELISABETH ELIYAHU IF I MAY CALL YOU BY THE HEBREW PRONOUNCIATION,SHALOM IN THE MIGHTY Name OF YAHUSHUA HA MOSHIACH,YAH HAS TRULY BLESSED ME.I HAVE NOT BEEN OUT OF THIS WEBSITE SINCE 22.1.08 WHEN I WAS LED HERE.IM IN AGREEMENT WITH THE WORD OF YAHUWEH THAT HAS BEEN SPOKEN OUT OF THIS MINISTRY.THIS IS AN HONOUR TO BE LED HERE BY OUR MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH.AND ALL THAT IS NEW MAY IT ABSORB INTO MY HEART AND BE SPOKEN OUT OF MY MOUTH.TO BLESS OTHERS.HALLELUYAH.PLEASE PRAY AND ASK OUR HEAVENLY FATHER HOW I MAY ASIST IN ANY WAY TO YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND,AND THIS MINISTRY.MY HUSBAND AND I AT THE MOMENT GIVE OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS TO A MINISTRY IN AMERICA OUT OF A HEBREWS ROOTS TEACHINGS KEEPING SHABBAT AND HEBREW FEAST.IM NOT IN AGREEMENT WITH THE THINGS HES SAYNG ABOUT AMERICA. AS HE TEACHES AMERICA IS THE BEST PLACE ON THE EARTH.HIS 18 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER DISCERNS THATS NOT THE TRUTH WHEN I GO TO SEND E-MAILS TO HIM THEY DONT ARRIVE.BUT IM HAVING SECOND THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS MINISTRY,I WOULD LOVE TO SEND ALL THAT MOMMA RUACH SHOWS ME TO GIVE ALL THE INFORMATION FROM THIS WEBSITE ,IM JUST GOING TO HAVE TO GET THE SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR MY PRINTER TO BE UP AND RUNNING,AND WATCH OUT WORLD HERE YAH COMES.I WILL DO THE BEST I CAN WITH WHAT I HAVE.THANK YOU FOR BEING OBEDIENT.IT MUST BE AWESOME HAVING A MARRIAGE WITH YOUR HUSBAND ON FIRE FOR YAHUWEH AS YOU ARE.HALLELUYAH.I WILL BE OBEDIENT IN ANY WAY I CAN THAT BLESSES YOU.PLEASE ASK YAHUWEH OK.LOVE SHEREE. This is Sheree's email saying just the opposite of her other email. DEAR NIKO AND ELISABETH, I AM WRITTING TO INFORM YOU,I SAY THIS IN LOVE,I NOW WOULD LIKE TO INFORM YOU THAT I HAVE DISCONNECTED ALL TIES CONCERNING GIVING TITHES AND OFFERINGS AND FIRSTFRUITS FROM THIS HOUSEHOLD. TO YOUS.WE WENT THRU THE PASSOVER,CAME OUT OF THE WORLD SYSTEM[CHURCH SYSTEM AND DO NOT HAVE NO DESIRE TO RETURN TO IT [EGYPT],SO I WOULD APPRECIATE ALL THE THINGS THAT I SENT,RETURNED,THANK YOU.AS A MEMBER OF THE CONGREGATION OF YISRAEL.FORGIVE ME I HOLD NO OFFENCE.ALL IN THE MIGHTY Name OF YAHUSHUA.SHALOM. Now here is the email Sheree sent to our Sister Leayah in New Zealand trying to bribe her to leave this Ministry. 5.6.08 Dear Leah & to the congreagation of Yisrael, Shalom I am commanded to write this letter, conformation came thru Lorraine from Napier, therefore I have no choice. Father spoke to her, & she gave me that word, therefore I write to bless, & to warn. The last email, I sent, was to tell you that I had received Word from Our Covernant Father, In response to that Word. I said yes I will do it. I asked Father Yahuweh to show you and the Congregation He did that, Yah told me that you and your family would have the firstfruits of Hongoweka Bay & all firstfruits coming from me. I said I would do it. But I warn you as long as you connect yourself to Egypt (Almightywind Ministry) and anyone in Egypt who are not immersed as Yahuweh brought your husband you and your family into that immersion. You have made a Covenant with Him, He brought this married together, He done this. Your covenant is with Him not man. Anyone coming between this marriage will bring judgement on themselves, we are in the wilderness right now as I speak. (write this letter.) We are in trial. He has set the lambs apart from the goat. We who go into the promise land are to be severed from those that are disobedient, the Ministry are disobedient not only did Yah send me but others. They had your arms to Israel plus restoration scriptures two year ago Father Yahweh sent the truth then, Father Yahwen has & will bring others into these peoples path until that door be closed, not His will, but those who make though's choice. Seing prophecy clearly & what is being sown from this ministry, as Yahweh has shown me, satan is going to be the only winner here. I seen judgement come on people where Yahuweh has sent me. I am nothing. but He who is in me is the Mightly one. He sent me to give you His Word, I have done my part. If yo don't want the promised land & the inheritance that Yahoshua (Joshua and Caleb have, the blood is not on my hands. I was commanded and give this word to you in love. Yah already knows the answer, you know how to disconnect, you done that with me. And I'm your family. Im not offended I forgive. Hongoweka Bay and all that Yah gives to me all that I release to Yah thru firstfruits will be given to your Husband & yourself when yhou come into line as Yisrael. Yah has other covenant people to take your places. Yah is going to have His way, what happened to those that stayed in the wilderness. They wanted to go back to Egypt and they died. They brought judgment on themselves. I seen what happened with Gill (Jill). Now she has returned to serve Yahuweh, she came back before passover and has been forgiven she left Egypt never to return. Yah's mercy. Wow what a Father we serve. As for me and my house we will serve Yahuweh, Yahushua, & MOMMA Eema Yah. Shalom. Sheree There you have it folks. Again the enemy tries to buy this Ministry off and our family. We have never done anything to Sheree yet she tries to divide and destroy this Ministry. "The Eternal Torch is Lit in Africa Again!" May 22, 2008 (Begins with Holy Tongues…) Oh Elisabeth, Elisabeth, think it not a coincidence… as soon as you light the Eternal Torch that shines so bright reaching South Africa, reaching all of Africa, and shortly the world shall see it lit bright, that you come under attack. Remember the Prophecy that I told you that I would speak forth out of you? It was started and it was never finished. You need not have to test the spirit of other Prophets as Coenrad sends you a Prophecy to be tested. I told you I would speak forth a Word through you. Satan would rather take your life than have that Word spoken forth. He tries continually this day. The Holy troops that I have surrounding you and protecting you in this house, MY Holy Sanctuary, shall intercede and shall pray and their minds shall not be upon groceries, (today was grocery shopping day) they shall not leave this house for I am about ready to give birth and finish that which I started in you, for the Africans pant for a Word, not a "feel good word", not a word patting them on the back, patting them on the head and saying, "Do not worry South Africa. Do not worry Africa. YAHUVEH will bless you. Do not worry about returning to Holiness. Do not worry about stopping your chanting and your voodoo and then walking into a church, do not worry, YAHUVEH will bless you." There is a price to pay when you mix good with evil. I am going to speak forth the Truth from you Elisabeth, the new African website, shall lift up the Eternal Torch, but it shall be the RUACH ha KODESH FIRE that comes forth out of Amightywind Ministry! It shall not be promoting others! You know not their spirits. You know not their lives. Beware MY beloved Son Coenrad. Beware who you promote in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. Beware MY beloved Son Coenrad. Satan takes this Ministry down (the South African site Coenrad & Nico Arnold put up) but I tell you, I have raised it up like a Lazarus! And what Nico Arnold tried to do has failed! And now the voice shall only speak forth louder. I sent Michael (The Archangel) to Elisabeth on the 27th of June, this anniversary is coming up. I want it posted, not only in Afrikaans but in English for there was a reason and there is a plan. Just as surely as I sent Joainneyah on that day, for she had to come before Michael would come, for Joainneyah does not know it but she is also used as a seed that has been planted in this household and in this Ministry, not only to represent the Dutch but to represent her native country, Suriname. I'm not going to speak much more, just understand why the attacks are leveled at you Elisabeth. The rituals have been done. Nico Arnold made a pact with the devil that this Ministry would come down. Sheree, you do not speak for ME! This Ministry is not for sale! Neither for fame nor fortune! For Elisabeth made a vow long ago, she would not be as a whore and sell ME out. There is no price on this Ministry other than the price one has to pay to pick up their cross and follow ME! Other than the price of living Holy before ME! Other than the price of being obedient to ME! You want to know who the Bride is? Do you fulfill these qualifications? This Ministry is not for everyone. It is either for the enemy's destruction or it is for the blessings of those whose names are written in the LAMB'S Book of Life. But not everyone will be blessed. There is a price to pay to be this Ringmaiden. There is a price to pay to be called, "The Five Wise". There is a price to pay to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! How many of you are willing to pay that price?! Oh I listen and I shake MY head and I weep as one rapture date after another is given and even they, if truth would be said, do not meet these qualifications. They say, "Grace, grace, all it takes is grace! It doesn't matter how I sin. It doesn't matter how I offend YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. We'll do it our way. We'll set the date. Let's see, let's do math, we'll get it to line up! I awoke at 4:44… no, I awoke at 1:11..." Away from ME!!! Away from ME!!! Away from ME!!! This is not the qualification for you to be caught to meet ME in the air!!! Where is this in the Holy Scriptures? You are in the countdown of the omer and I am in the countdown of MY patience! The more they try to destroy this Ministry, I have put you on notice again and again, and two that are only fit for MY Judgment, shortly now this Prophetic Warning will go forth as I name names and this is just the beginning! I told you 2008 was going to be like a war like none other! I am YAHUVEH and I DO NOT LIE!!! You cannot kill MY Ringmaiden! You can do your sacrifices, your voodoo, your witchcraft, your hoodoo, you can make your contracts with satan but you cannot kill MY Ringmaiden! You cannot stop the Eternal Light that shines so bright through the Aleph and the Tav and the Almightywind RUACH ha KODESH Fire Ministry! For those of you who think you can attack, you have only fallen into satan's traps and he laughs at you for he knows what I will do to you. To those of you who say, "I will give you land. Here Amightywind, here Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah, here I will give you land. I will give you houses. I will give you islands. I will tithe forever into your Ministry, just do it my way." Away from ME! There is no strings attached to any gifts you give this Ministry! All you have done is taken a rope and hung yourself! Every, every, every Prophecy that I have spoken forth from this Ministry, ought to be transcribed into Afrikaans and others of Africa for I have placed in the very midst of you Prophets that you do know their spirits. I have warned before. Listen carefully to what I say, wolves seek to creep in. They want their words spoken forth from this Ministry but you will discern who the sheep and the lambs are and woe be unto any wolf that thinks they have fooled you for I will strip the mask off them and expose them like I'm going to do these two the Judgment is pronounced on. Nico Arnold, I told Elisabeth that she could trust you for you carry the name of her beloved husband although spelled in another way. At that time I spoke these Words, "You could be trusted." But then you turned into a Judas. Because living Holy is just too hard for you. You cannot measure up to the Spirit of Righteousness. So you would rather throw parts of the Bible out. You went searching until you found what you were looking for and just as a Judas betrayed ME, so too the ones that love you, you betray them, going so far to even try to bribe, not only another member of the Bride, but a member of their family, for their webmanager is no ordinary webmanager, he is totally sold out to ME. And when you come to him with your deal, he rebukes you for the devil that you are. Sheree, sitting so comfortably over there in New Zealand, you come as a little sheep and a lamb and you say, "Teach me. Mentor me." For truly it is MY desire that you learn. But I know your heart. And I know the heart of the one called Jill. I know your motivations. Do you not know that the letter killeth and the SPIRIT giveth life!? I am not impressed with how much Scripture you can memorize for does not even satan quote it backwards? You say you're offended because they use the word "Lord" and "God", because they have the Name of Jesus Christ as they teach the Hebrew Word that is Sacred of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH side by side. Who are you to tell them? Who are you to teach her? She has but one TEACHER and I sit in Heaven! Who are you to call this Ministry "Egypt" and say, "It is not of Israel"? What price have you paid? What Standard of Holiness do you live by? You shall pay the price. You and your cohort Jill. For I tell you this, the land that you offer as a bribe, will remain uninhabitable. You cannot give away to a Holy Ministry land that is cursed, fit only for the birds. You cannot say, "YAHUVEH told me a tenth of all I have goes to this Ministry," and turn around and say, "Wait a minute, I have changed my mind. You did not do it MY way. You did not allow ME to manipulate this ministry. Elisabeth, you refused to be my puppet." Away from ME Sheree! I gave birth to this Ministry many years ago through one named (Elisabeth) Sherrie Elijah. Who are you, you Sheree of New Zealand to come at them, to come at another branch of the Ministry? Leayah is one of them. She's not one of you. And the Eternal Torch is being lit in New Zealand as another branch of this Ministry. You cannot bribe Leayah. You cannot say, "Just leave Elisabeth and do it my way. Leave Amightywind and I'll give you the land. I give you my tithe." Leayah and Osana, her husband, laugh in your face. Keep your cursed land for it isn't even yours. (From what we now understand, the island Sheree supposedly gave the ministry has been taken over by the government and has been designated a bird sanctuary. Sheree say's the island is still hers and she pays taxes on it still but it is a government bird sanctuary. A little confusing to say the least.) And you Nico Arnold, you try to take the webmanager and you say, "Leave them and I will let you use my internet server provider, but if you do not leave them, then I will take it away" and so that's what you did, but you see, Nico Arnold and all those behind him secretly that lay in wait, you could not stop this Eternal Torch from being lit again and now it is going to speak forth even in a mightier way for there was no anointing in anything you did Nico Arnold, you who said you would make a website, a new one for Almightywind. You were offended as your hard work is thrown back in your face for all you know is technique and nothing about the anointing. This is where bitterness and resentment entered in as you were told again and again, "We cannot use it, it is not anointed." So instead of seeking MY Anointing, instead of receiving the mentorship of Truth, you allowed the spirit of Judas to creep in. This Word is going to encourage those who know the Truth that is speaking forth in this Ministry, who I have anointed as Prophets from Africa to write to Elisabeth and Niko for they will discern and your lights shall join together and shine even brighter, for Africa I have not forsaken you. But I am not patting you on the head and saying, "All is well." For all is not well. But this Prophecy shall come forth and is being birthed in Elisabeth now and what I started shall be finished but not just right at this time. End of Word Elisabeth: May 22, 2008. I awoke with this Word after having to rebuke some attacks, some voodoo and witchcraft and we did communion and it continued and we heard that there was going to be a Word and yesterday on May 21, 2008 was given birth and we just got to spruce her up, clean her up a bit and it's going to be linked from and that's all. Over and out. Praise YAHUSHUA! Amen. Offending Most, Enlightening Others Apostle Elisabeth Eljiah Nikomia If this Prophecy has been a blessing to you please email and let me know. Contact Us Contact Us Click Here for Printable Text
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