List of Predictions in the Prophecies

Prophecy 1 - Judgment Starts At The House of YAHUVEH

  1. Churches named after ministers will fall.
  2. Government will remove tax exempt status from churches.
Prophecy 2 - My Wrath Is As Great As My Love
  1. 8.9 earthquake coming to America + tornadoes and floods at same time will hit at least 15 states along with Indiana.
  2. Houses of true worshippers of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will be left standing.
  3. Abortion clinics will disappear into sink holes.
  4. Vengeance against those who promote homosexuality and mock marriage (same sex).
  5. Wealth and jobs to be given to YAHUSHUA's true children.
  6. China will experience a major earthquake and plagues.
Prophecy 3 - Beware of Satanic Plants in the Churches
  1. Satanic plants in churches.
  2. True church empowered to drive them out.
Prophecy 4 - Don't Despair When You Can't Feel Me By Your Side
  1. Storms, earthquakes.
  2. Satanic plants in the church.
  3. Earthquake in China.
  4. Chain of volcanoes at one time.
  5. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes.
  6. Preachers dropping dead at pulpits who do not condemn sin.
  7. YAHUVEH'S protection for His children.
  8. Removal of those He has ordained and called who seek to destroy those He has ordained.
Prophecy 6 - First I Weep, Then I'm Angry
  1. Removal of those He has ordained and called who seek to destroy those He has ordained.
Prophecy 7 - Hold On Tight To The Hem Of My Garment
  1. Testing the faith of the Bride; many prayers will not be answered right away.
Prophecy 8 - Will You Prove You Love Me?
  1. YAHUSHUA'S bride will NOT go through the Tribulation.
Prophecy 9 - Preach It, Teach It, Cause Others To Believe It
  1. YAHUVEH will take vengeance on His enemies.
Prophecy 10 - Take Back What Satan Has Stolen
  1. New anointing being given to the bride of YAHUSHUA, giving them the ability to see into the depths of men's souls. A greater gift of discernment. A greater gift of boldness.
  2. YAHUVEH will use the bride to rebuke the nations that rise up against Him and all that is Holy.
  3. The bride shall overcome the curses of the enemy with the Blood of YAHUSHUA.
  4. One day, saith YAHUVEH, I will cradle you (my bride) in my arms.
  5. The gates of Hell shall not prevail against My Church (the bride).
  6. I AM taking the bride to a higher plane that she has ever been before.
  7. When you (the bride) pray, blind eyes shall be opened, the deaf shall hear, the dead shall live again, souls shall be saved, enemies shall fall.
Prophecy 11 - Rise Up, Speak Up, Tell The Devil To Shut Up In My Name
  1. YAHUVEH will punish those flaunting His commandments, homosexuality, immorality, the Bible.
  2. YAHUVEH'S wrath is coming to this earth, undiluted.
  3. What YAHUVEH'S enemies fear will come upon them.
  4. Abortionists! Murderers of my precious unborn babies. For all eternity you will hear the screams of all those babies lest you REPENT NOW!
  5. Abortion clinics will be swallowed up by sink holes.
Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny, Come Forth
  1. YAHUVEH will pour out his Spirit on his handmaidens and they will prophecy.
  2. Daughters of prophecy will bring many souls to YAHUVEH. You will have boldness like a mother lioness defending her cubs.
  3. Women will have the most powerful ministries in these end times.
Prophecy 13 - Tell Them My Child, Tell Them For Me
  1. Those that don't know YAHUVEH, those that say and believe they know him but don't, will be left to suffer the wrath of Almighty YAHUVEH if they don't repent.
  2. You will be rewarded for whatever you have sufferent for YAHUVEH'S name sake.
  3. Wolves in sheeps' clothing are being exposed.
  4. Those that give sparingly and grudgingly, YAHUVEH will also give back to you sparingly and grudgingly.
  5. YAHUVEH will raise up obedient servants who will sow their sed into the fertile soul-winning ministries.
  6. Oprah Winfry must repent and return to YAHUSHUA or she will perish as did Princess Diana.
Prophecy 15 - It's One Minute To Midnight, YAHUSHUA Comes In The Midnight Hour
  1. Unless America humbles itself before Almighty YAHUVEH, it will never win another war again.
  2. Schools are dens of the antichrist.
  3. Children are being demonized through satanic music, movies, TV programs.
  4. The lack of discipline is nurturing rebellous children.
  5. The government (federal and state) has taken your rights away.
  6. Churches will lose their tax exempt status.
  7. An onslaught of demon-inspired law is coming forth.
Prophecy 16 - Don't Muzzle My Prophets
  1. YAHUVEH'S prophets shall expose the wolves in sheep's clothing.
  2. These prophets shall gather together and shout in unison for YAHUVEH'S Praise and Glory.
  3. The fruit of false prophets will be rotton.
  4. The false prophets will be full of pride.
  5. The false prophets will selling the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the highest bidder.
  6. The false prophets will twist YAHUVEH'S Word to conform to their image, not His.
Prophecy 17 - You Are Held Accountable For What You Know
  1. Warnings against Nora Lam, Larry Lea and Benny Hinn.
  2. Powerful shepherds will be stripped naked of their fame and worldly power.
  3. Warnings against Jessie Duplantis, Paul and Jan Crouch, Kenneth Copeland, Pam Clark, Craig Martin and Andrew Strom.
Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil of Darkness That Has Come From Hell
  1. YAHUVEH will allow Satan to manifest in your children who have not been taught to call upon Him.
  2. YAHUVEH will allow Satan to use music and the media to corrupt your children, who will be allowed to declare war on parents, adults and authority figures.
  3. Abortions are to become more prevalent.
  4. States will say they own children and pass laws to keep children from being disciplined by their parents.
  5. Screams and wails that you can hear will come from the aborted, dead children.
  6. Worse plagues than AIDS are being sent (Black Boiling Blood Plague) to Ellen DeGeneres and into the White House.
  7. YAHUVEH'S rod of wrath is coming to America.
Prophecy 19 - Shed Your Dark Veil of Pain, My Children, My Treasures
  1. YAHUVEH is going to deliver you from crutches you, His own, feel you need to bring yourself peace and comfort when I, YAHUVEH, AM all you need.
Prophecy 20 - Beware of the Horror of the New Boiling Black Blood Plague To Come
  1. YAHUVEH will no longer share His own who are unequally yoked with Satan's children.
  2. Euphanasia will become more prevalent.
  3. Sink holes will swallow up every abortion clinic on earth, then close up over them.
  4. The Boiling Black Blood Plague will not touch anyone holy.
  5. It will be sexually transmitted.
  6. It will be a curse upon the blood, causing a raging fever, starvation (the victum will be unable to eat), and the pouring of blood out of the mouth. It will be black. It will also come forth from all other bodily openings.
  7. Those with this plague will not be healed even though they repent and get saved.
  8. The White House will be touched by this plague.
Prophecy 21 - Are You Ready For A Shock? Gabriel Has Blown His Horn!
  1. At the appointed time, the sound of Gabriel's horn--announcing the Coming of YAHUSHUA for His Bride--will be heard by the Bride.
  2. Hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes.
  3. The heathens' gods shall crumble into debris.
  4. The earth will open up and swallow Buddha.
  5. You shall see YAHUVEH fight and destroy his enemies.
  6. More miracles will occur in the end times than in all the Bible put together.
  7. Satan will mock the rising of the saints with an army of zombies.
  8. Risen saints will walk as in times of old and testify of Heaven and will not take the Mark of the Beast (666).
  9. YAHUVEH'S glorified Bride will fight the evil army of the dead while on earth.
Prophecy 22 - Beloved, Don't Become Your Own Worst Enemies
  1. If you die by your own hand (suicide), you will appear before an angry YAHUVEH.

    If you are contemplating suicide, please read the story of Ted.
Prophecy 23 - Church of the Pretenders, Let My People Go
  1. Church, pastors, apostles, prophets, teachers and evangelists of the pretenders, the rod of YAHUVEH'S wrath is coming [upon you]. Great plagues are going to come upon you.
  2. YAHUVEH will expose the wolves. Repent or YAHUVEH will strike you down in your prime and in your pulpits. You will be held up to open shame.
  3. YAHUVEH is dividing marriages. Those who are godly will stand, those who are not will fall.
Prophecy 24, Part 1 - Beware The Ark Door and Book of the Gentiles Is Closing
  1. YAHUVEH will rescue His Bride from the wrath to come.
  2. YAHUVEH will back up the words He speaks.
  3. There is coming a reign of YAHUVEH'S holy terror, wrath and judgment.
  4. Fire from Heaven will fall on earth again.
  5. MILLIONS will hear YAHUVEH'S voice and run into His Son YAHUSHUA's saving arms of SALVATION.
  6. YAHUVEH will only answer your prayers in the name of YAHUSHUA. Whether you call him Jesus Christ or YAHUSHUA does NOT matter! Just call upon his name!
  7. As I did for her (Widow of Zaraphat), so I will do again!
  8. What you do unto or for YAHUVEH'S prophets He will do unto or for you.
  9. YAHUVEH rewards those that diligently seek after Him.
  10. The seals of the redeemed have been sealed as Satan has marked who is his.
  11. The Godly shall become more holy, the evil will become more unholy.
  12. The earthquakes are the earth quaking in fear and they shall intensify and storms become more fierce and the lava in the mountains will spew forth for the lava is heated by YAHUVEH'S WRATH!
  13. America, war is coming to your shores and land.
  14. America, you have what you voted for!
  15. YAHUVEH will bless those that voted against the evil in Washington, DC and He will curse those that voted for the EVIL IMMORALITY and UNHOLINESS with their votes!
  16. YAHUVEH shall put America to OPEN SHAME before the entire World!
  17. YAHUVEH will for your sakes [the Bride] send miracles like you have never seen thus far!
  18. You [the Bride] shall walk in your glorified bodies witnessing for YAHUVEH for 40 days, warning others NOT to take the mark of the beast! Then you shall be the greatest witness of my Word!
  19. All those who refuse the Mark of the Beast shall be saved!
  20. Many of my Pastors and ministers have been cloned! They once were Holy before me! They once preached the Truth and now preach the Doctrines of Devils!
  21. You will be held accountable where you sow your seed while you have it.
  22. They [greedy, evil pastors] will be held accountable one day very shortly for stealing what is meant for Holy Tithes and offerings and instead feed their appetites for GREED!
  23. YAHUVEH will hold you responsible for sowing seed into ministries that lead my people to false doctrines!
  24. I will bless those that obey me!
  25. One-third of the Earth shall be destroyed!
  26. There is a time coming when gathering in buildings publicly in America will cause great FEAR! Other countries Know this now!
  27. I have saved my WORST for LAST!
  28. Those who believe, YAHUVEH will protect you from above the Flood of my Wrath!
  29. For those that do and are living Holy as if I will come at any moment, I will NOT surprise them; they are waiting for me NOW.
  30. When it looks like no one will survive, YAHUVEH will come again with His Saints behind Him!
  31. I am coming to ELOPE with my BRIDE in the midnight hours when those NOT watching for me least expect me!
  32. Those expecting their Groom shall be caught away with me, ABOVE all the Horror that is to come to this earth!
Prophecy 24, Part 2 - Beware the Yeast of the Pharisees
  1. There is NO Mercy for the Pharisees without Repentance! [These are those who have been cloned, having given themselves over to Satan, asking him for blessings or protection.]
  2. They [pastors] will be held accountable one day very shortly for stealing what is meant for Holy Tithes and offerings and instead feed their appetites for GREED!
  3. YAHUVEH will reward them [faithful pastors] OPENLY one day very soon!
  4. YAHUVEH will hold you responsible for sowing seed into ministries that lead my people to false doctrines!
  5. YAHUVEH will remove your blessings if you continue to promote these LIES of the Pharisees! I will bless those that obey me!
  6. A FLOOD of YAHUVEH'S Bowl of Curses that will overflow on this earth and NO one will escape EXCEPT those He has already Sealed.
Prophecy 25 - America, My Hand Is Set Against YOU
  1. Destruction and weeping is coming [to America].
  2. You will see destruction as far as you can see.
  3. The ones who are not ready, waiting, and living Holy, you shall see destruction on this coming day.
  4. YAHUVEH will have MORE mercy on those who acknowledge and serve a false god than on America.
  5. America, YAHUVEH will take you like a wad of paper and He is setting you aflame for all to see! The merchants shall weep around the world for all your evil deeds.
  6. America, the flames of YAHUVEH'S Wrath shall encompass you.
  7. Everyone is NOW sealed! It was determined before the foundation of the earth.
  8. The White House shall burn and all political leaders, those that fight against Almighty God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, shall return back to the flames from which they came.
  9. The ones who have my Holy Spirit shall live and not be in fear.
  10. Whatsoever you speak in faith you shall have in YAHUSHUA's name.
  11. I will speak to each of you at the proper time as to what to do and what to say.
Prophecy 26 - Hear Me, Fear Me, Believe Me
  1. Those who bring me shame shall live eternally cut off from their creator, in pain and anguish untold.
  2. I will protect all those who insist on being Holy as I am Holy. Living Holy, thinking Holy, speaking Holy, a living witness to the heathen.
  3. Some of you will hang your heads in shame, not knowing how you grieved my Holy Spirit by not keeping my Sabbath Day holy.
  4. The hard times are approaching and you will be held accountable for what you now know. You no longer have any excuses.
  5. My bride will honor me by keeping my Sabbaths holy.
  6. Those who curse my elect I shall curse. Those who dare to kill, torture, oppress, possess, attempt to silence my babies, bride, chosen ones or elect. I will repay them as in the days of David and Goliath, as in the days of the evil Pharaoh.
  7. In 1999, from this time forward, the ungodly will become more ungodly.
  8. In 1999, my babies, bride, chosen ones and elect will see my loving hand of deliverance reaching forth from Heaven and see YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the Holy Spirit deliver my babies, bride, chosen ones and elect, doing what was otherwise thought impossible.
  9. Starting in 1999, I will speak forth bolder, louder, more frequently, as my son YAHUSHUA approaches.
  10. Satan will send his servants forth and steal, kill and destroy in a greater way.
  11. One day you will long to see 1998 again, you will be sorry you threw my blessings away. You will regret you did not obey. You will regret you did not sow seed for the troubled days ahead.
  12. My true church will arise in victory.
  13. 1999 will be a year my true servants will stand and say to the world, "I have decided to follow YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the Holy Spirit."
  14. This year, 1999, will be full of Satanic power.
  15. You will see manifested the power of Satan, Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, the Unholy Trinity. Using science, government and religion and man-made doctrines to deceive many.
  16. Satan will use science and say it is being used for good, instead beware, it is being used for evil!
  17. For the Heathen will still deny YAHUSHUA as Messiah and be held accountable even after YAHUSHUA proves his delivering power for all eyes to see.

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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5