Dr. Richard Eby
Passes Away!
Can The Rapture
Of The Bride Be Far Off Now?
YAHUSHUA'S BRIDE, don't give up the faith!
Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!
YAHUSHUA can't be far off from coming for His Bride!

Richard Eby Goes Home To Be With The Lord!
Dr. Richard Eby went to be with the Lord yesterday, December 26, 2002.
will come as a great disappointment to many because of the belief that the
rapture would occur while Eby was still alive. Because of the wording Dr.
described, he thinks it is a distinct possibility that Dr. Eby's life is
like that of Methuselah, the son of Enoch. Meaning of Methuselah
"When he dies, judgment begins." Methuselah's life was an
indicator of God's coming judgment. This judgment was delayed as long as
Methuselah was alive.
The very day he died, God's judgment came via Noah's Flood. Jim's email
the case the end of Eby's life may be a sign of the rapture and judgment
just afterward. Others I speak to say judgment's here. Yesterday I sent a
word of terror strike Dec. 31 in Times Square. I am not as sure as Jim
there is a rapture pre-trib. I am not so sure we are not now in the
tribulation. The Bible Encyclopedia says that Methuselah was the oldest
man of whom we have any record. He lived before the Flood, and died at the
age of 969 years, in the year of the Flood. The Last Days mention things
will be like in the sinful days of Noah. Methuselah's name is mentioned 7
times in the Bible.
Enoch lived 65 years, and became the father of Methuselah. Then Enoch
with God 300 years after he became the father of Methuselah, and he had
sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were 365 years. Enoch walked
with God; and he was not, for God took him. Methuselah lived 187 years,
became the father of Lamech. Then Methuselah lived 782 years after he
the father of Lamech, and he had other sons and daughters. So all the days
Methuselah were 969 years, and he died. Genesis 5:21-27.
The patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the
of the ark, in which 8 persons, were brought safely through the water. 1
Peter 3:20.
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is
patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to
repentance. 2 Peter 3:9.
What Did
God Really Say To Dr. Eby?
I spoke with Ron yesterday and
learned that a year or so ago, before Eby's
health deteriorated so badly, Ron had a chance to sit down and talk with
at length. Ron asked him to repeat his experiences to him, and precisely
he actually heard the Lord say.
Eby told Ron that the Lord told him that He is going to use his life span
an indicator, or an example, so that people will know when He is coming.
says that Eby always interpreted that as meaning the rapture will happen
before he dies. But he asked Ron, "What do you think it means?"
At the time, Ron said he was not sure, but in the last few days he
believes God may be giving him some new insight. Ron says that he is not
certain, but because of the wording Dr. Eby described, he thinks it is a
distinct possibility that Dr. Eby's life is like that of Methuselah, the
son of Enoch.
There are different possible
meanings to Methuselah's name, but one meaning
is, "When he dies, judgment." Methuselah's life was an indicator
of God's coming judgment. This judgment was delayed as long as Methuselah
was alive, but as soon as he died, God's judgment came via the Flood (from
which Noah and his family were saved, in a type of the rapture, as with
Ron believes it may be possible that based on the exact wording Dr. Eby
reports that he heard, he may not live to see the rapture but the end of
his life may be a major sign of the rapture and judgment just afterward.
Ron says that in his books, Dr. Eby honestly gave the best possible
description and explanation for his experience as he understood it at the
time. Again, it is not clear, and it is possible that the rapture may
occur before Dr. Eby dies, Ron says. But if he does die, Ron emphasizes,
we will know that we are really "at the door," and it will
confirm the new understanding just described.
We should be prepared for any eventuality. I have not spoken with Dr. Eby
and I do not know anyone who has, but I did see a report the other day
that his health has further deteriorated badly and he may not have much
By the way, the Bible Encyclopedia says that Methuselah was the oldest man
of whom we have any record. This very ancient man lived before the Flood,
and died at the age of 969 years, in the year of the Flood (Gen. 5:21-27;
1 Chr. 1:3). This fact, plus the possible meaning of his name, suggests
that Methuselah's very godly father, Enoch, received a prophecy from God
when his son was born, thus the name. Methuselah's great age may be
further evidence of God's "long-suffering...in the days of
Noah." (1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 3:9). Methuselah's name is mentioned
seven times in the Bible
Jim Bramlett