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The new moon will happen Thursday evening Sept. 25, but will only have a lagtime (between sunset and moonset) of 38 minutes and 1.86 illumination. Through past experience, this is on the borderline whether or not the new moon will be visible from Israel on this night. If the new moon is sighted Thursday evening then Rosh Hashanah will be Friday, September 26, 2014. If the new moon is not sighted, then by default, Rosh Hashanah will be Saturday, September 27, which falls on the weekly Sabbath. So, if this happens then the Rapture could indeed be this Rosh Hashanah. COME, YAHUSHUA, COME THIS ROSH HASHANAH IS THE BRIDES CRY, WE WAIT FOR YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA ON THIS DAY!!!
YAHUVEH said in Prophecy 79, "I told you through the prophecies that I have released through Elisabeth that MY Son YAHUSHUA is coming back for HIS Bride on a Rosh Hashanah and it shall be on a Shabbat [Sabbath]. If you are not being taught how to observe MY Shabbat and MY Holy Days, and to learn OUR Sacred NAMES (see "Why We Use the Sacred Names") and MY Torah to obey, how will you know how to honor ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA as I have decreed? How will you know which day, without studying and showing yourself approved, that I, YAHUVEH have set aside to be MY Shabbat, how can you be ready when YAHUSHUA comes again?" On June 27, 2010 while Elisabeth was sleeping she kept hearing over and over again to read Prophecy 62, tell others to read Prophecy 62, encourage the Bride with Prophecy 62. She woke Niko up and asked him if he knew what Prophecy 62 was, and he said he didn't remember. So she got on the internet and checked the Ministry Site and Halleluyah!!! 'THE KING IS COMING' is Prophecy 62. Elisabeth was so happy and relieved that this was the Prophecy because she thought she did something wrong and YAHUVEH was going to use a Prophecy to rebuke her. We ARE NOT saying that 2010 is positively the year of the Rapture, but what we are saying is, everything is falling into place for this to possibly be the year of the Rapture. The Spirit and the Bride say, "COME, YAHUSHUA COME"!!! Here are Elisabeth's Words: We believe it is the true Holy Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST is His name in KJV Bible.) that holds back the antichrist and the Bride is used as a standard against evil of this world. The new Prophecy 118 is 'BEWARE, THE GREAT TRIBULATION A BREATH AWAY' which was released on June 27, 2010. This date is also the 4th anniversary of Archangel Michael's( Mikael's) visitation in South Africa and then the message given to me by Michael who spoke to me non stop while I was sleeping and said, 'Read Prophecy 62, tell others read Prophecy 62, encourage the Bride Prophecy 62'. I had gone to bed disappointed because Archangel Michael did not appear to me again. But he did come, and although I didn't see him, I heard his voice the entire time I was sleeping. Let the enemies slander, falsely accuse me, insult and mock! I will stand before throne of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA with no fear because I have heard and seen Holy Angels and YAHUSHUA visited me face to face! The devil fears and trembles because he knows I speak the truth. Amightywind Ministry (AMW) is hated by all the children of satan. When the enemies call this Ministry evil, remember, it is satan that is speaking through these enemies and false witnesses that attack me and dare to use the name of JESUS CHRIST, for they fear you hearing the warnings in these Holy Prophecies. Taste and see that the fruit is good here (AMW), don't listen to others, you sample it yourself. If your name is in Lambs Book of Life, you will feel the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT. AMW is Messianic Jewish Pentecostal Ministry so do not compare it to the organized Christian Churches. We are an outreach to Jew and Gentile. Blessed are ye when you are persecuted for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Name Sake. Apostle Elisabeth Elijah has no revelation whether YAHUSHUA will come for His Bride in 2010 but we pray and seek HIS face in love and eager anticipation for this we know 'THE KING IS COMING' for HIS Bride, not for an organized religion but for those who are striving to put a smile on HIS face each day, and striving to obey HIM in every way, loving Him and serving Him for YAHUVEH's Glory.
Listen to Prophecy 62 in this video