The True Sabbath Day The seventh day of the week, the day commonly known as Saturday, is the Sabbath day of YAHUVEH the Almighty Elohim of Israel. It was ordained of YAH as a day of physical rest for all mankind, and the obligation to observe it arises from1. YAHUVEH's own
example The word Sabbath implies rest, peace, tranquility and refreshment. And who will doubt but that in this turbulent and confused world every soul on earth is in need of spiritual rest and refreshment. Consequently, those who faithfully remember the Sabbath of the Most High and draw apart from the world each weekend to worship Him on His holy day, will receive the spiritual blessings promised in His Holy Word; blessings that will find full scope in the ages to come. The seventh day Sabbath
according to the Bible, was blessed, sanctified and set apart for sacred
use by the God of Israel at the creation of the world, and on that
memorable occasion it was first observed by the Lord
Himself. Furthermore, all mankind is required by divine law
to keep holy the seventh day of the week. The Sabbath command is one of
the Ten Commandments, a law which is not only scheduled to outlast this
universe but which every soul on earth is obliged to observe. Therefore
as long as heaven and earth shall last, the seventh day of the week is
the Sabbath day. Disobedience of YAHUVEH's law, of which the Sabbath
commandment is merely a part, is sin. These unequivocal facts cannot be
rejected without serious consequences. Sabbath desecration is strongly condemned by the
true prophets of God and their inspired messages have been recorded in
the Scriptures for the benefit of succeeding generations of readers from
every nation under heaven. Dare we ignore their warnings? In recognition of the Sabbath commandment YAHUSHUA
the Messiah kept holy the seventh day of the week (Saturday) and
the Scriptures testify to the fact that it was his custom to do
so. Like his Master, it was also the custom of the
Apostle Paul and his companions to observe the seventh day Sabbath, the
day commonly known as Saturday. The disciple were still observing the
true Sabbath day some sixteen to twenty years after the
resurrection. (Acts 13:42-44) In his prophecy concerning the destruction of
Jerusalem, the Master advised his followers to pray that their flight
from the city "be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day." This
passage is also strong proof that Yahsuha Ha Mosiach had absolutely no
intention whatsoever of doing away with the Sabbath commandment at the
cross. On the contrary it shows his high regard for the Sabbath day in
that he advised his followers - who were mostly Jews - to even go to the
extent of praying to God about it, that He would make it possible for
them to keep the Sabbath day some 40 years after the
crucifixion! The Seventh day Sabbath is also the divine Sign
which the God of Israel places in the minds of His people. It is
YAHUVEH's Signature which He inscribes on the believer's mind to
commemorate his work of creation, sanctification and salvation through
Jesus. The Sabbath is, in fact, the eternal memorial token of the
perpetual covenant between The Almighty and His Church. What's more, it
will continue to be so even in the new heavens and the new
earth. The Sabbath rest is a token or sample of the divine
Rest of God which the Most High is eagerly looking forward to. Many
believers are going to be excluded from that divine rest because of
their deliberate and persistent disobedience of the Sabbath
commandment. Students are therefore advised to "Remember the
Seventh day to keep it holy." If they do this, they will, according to
the divine declaration, feast on the heritage of Jacob and be made
welcome in the Holy Mountain of God. In some strange way the Most high values His Sabbath days more than any human mind can appreciate. They are to Him a unique, spiritual treasure of inestimable worth. Try to understand His pleadings in these amazing words: Ezekiel 20:11-12 I gave them my statutes, and shewed them my
judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in
them. Note how the Sabbath is given a special place of honor, far above the other statutes and judgments, important as they obviously are. YAHUVEH's Sabbath is an eternal token of sanctification; the sacred sign that sets the obedient believer apart from all the other peoples of the earth. It is His SIGN, His Signature on the true believer's mind. We trust that you dear student are not missing out on this vital commandment? In addition to the weekly Sabbath day, YAHUVEH the Almighty God of Israel has seven annual Sabbaths. Every one of them is a memorial of a great event in the Plan of Salvation.
By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5