HERE COMES THE Listen To This Message in Real Audio (before tape started) Pray, My childrlen, pray and fast. (tape) For it is Satan that seeks to steal it away. Tell Chuck to put up this picture before the world. I will pay attention to who pays attention to your needs that I have given thee. O, how easy it would be for Me to pour forth the money from Heaven. I could have an angel knock right at the very door…but how would the people be blessed if I did it this way? But this fast shall not be like any ordinary fast. For I have told you that you must also cleanse yourselves. So Nikky I'm commanding you to buy a juicer. Elisabeth knows what fruits and vegetables. It is to be for all four of you. All four are to fast. All four are to pray. Get the intercessors praying this very day. Put the picture up. Fast also for wisdom and direction of where I want you to go and what I want you to do. For Satan has raised up lieutenants to fight against you. I'm teaching you something through all of this, My children. You must storm down the gates of hell, in My Son's Name. When you want something bad enough, you must fight for it and not just give up. I put the spirit of persistence in Elisabeth, that's why she wouldn't even take it out of her favorites. You are to keep on fasting until I tell you to stop. That is why, Nikky, I was not concerned with the weight that you put on. That is why your appetite today, Elisabeth, did not seem to be quenched because I'm putting you on a fast starting tomorrow. So Nikky, freeze that turkey and use it for a day of celebration when you see My hand move. For you children, you see, I have more than one reason that I put you on this fast, for the days are dangerous. You must hear My voice clearly. Not even your appetite can get in the way. No preservatives in your bodies. Nikky, make sure every vegetable and fruit is washed. Do not buy a cheap juicer, one that will tear up, for I will have you use it time and again. Only vegetables and only fruits are you allowed to eat. For your bodies lack the vitamins and nutrients robbed by the preservatives in the foods. So you see, My children, not only do you have to have this miracle financially, and wisdom and knowledge and revelation but for your own bodies' sake…I call you to fast. Any kind of fruit juice, any kind of vegetable. You can eat fruit, you can partake of vegetables. Take this fast seriously, My children, for if you knew what was facing you ahead, you'd understand why I AM telling you to fast NOW so that I can more clearly lead you. And Nikky, do this quickly tomorrow before anyone eats anything. I'll not tell you how many days. Just take it day by day and ask that My blessing be upon it. And ask others to help you in this. When you put this picture of this MIRACLE BUS up, for truly My children, it will be a miracle… and only if you obey Me. Depending on those who also intercede with thee who are willing to fast and pray. But I tell you this, My children. I won't tell you how this will end, but I told you I will do exceedingly abundantly you dare dream or ask for. And Elisabeth you never again thought you'd see this. When you pray…BELIEVE! Do NOT let doubt enter in. Fast, My children, for I have spoken to the wealthy to give to thee and Satan is fighting it. |
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