Shabbat Shalom !
Welcome to Devarim / Words, this week’s Parasha (Torah Portion).
Prophecy 73, 80, 112;
Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22;
Isaiah 1:1-27;
Matthew 13:24-30; Matthew 24:1-22;
AMIGHTYWIND YAHUSHUA'S New Blood Covenant Prophecies
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago (this entire ministry was birthed in 1995, and what he speaks here is of the anointing. I give all praise honor and glory to ABBA YAH YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH, for it is their anointing in each page that you read, for it is not by my words, it is by the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH that I can even hear what YAH speaks). It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
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August, 6, 2022

Prophecy 73 Judgment! Judgment! Judgment!
Given to Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)
June 2, 2004
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”
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Beloved Family in YAHUSHUA,
This prophetic warning came when I was praying after watching the Bill O’Reilly news commentary. Even he has the fear of God at what is happening with the Christian symbols being removed from the Los Angeles County Seal. This newest prophecy will be sent to him and we are asking others to also send it to him in overnight mail as soon as it is posted. Perhaps he will accept YAHUSHUA and HIS protection while reading it. Please pray he does. If his name is written in the Lambs Book of Life before the foundation of the world, then he will do so. Perhaps he will even read this prophetic warning on the air.
People can mock me all they want as long as I know that I have warned the people. Like Ezk 3:17-21 states, their blood won’t be on my hands. Father YAHUVEH is so angry when this message was delivered that there should be explanations in nearly every sentence. Until the audio is released there is no way to convey the tone of voice Father YAHUVEH spoke through me a voice of rage to HIS enemies and love for HIS beloved Children. I must add, I kept seeing a vision of mouth being forced open wide with a huge funnel placed inside and a huge hand was pouring blood down its throat. I am but a messenger. Please don’t stone the messenger.
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JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT! You who will not receive the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. I speak to all those who mock ME. I speak to all those who blaspheme ME. I speak to all those who reject MY Son YAHUSHUA, you who will not receive the shed Blood that was shed for you, then I shall pour blood down your throats. I shall gorge you with your own blood. I shall gorge you for the sins that you have done in America alone.
Think not the other nations of this world have not displeased ME. Because this prophet is from America, so I say, I speak forth the judgments that shall come to America. If she were from Germany, I would speak forth the Judgment on Germany. If she were from Australia, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Australia. If she were from Canada, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Canada for there is not one nation on the face of this earth that I have not reserved judgment for.
Blood shall flow in your streets. Blood shall come to your very shores. Diseases, sicknesses and infirmities that, which you have never even heard of before, shall come upon MY enemies, those who decreed they are MY enemies. So you want to take MY symbols of anything Holy out of your view, off of the seals, out of the pledges, off of the flags. You want to evict ME from your nations, I will show you, I will gorge you with your own blood.
Because you think there is nothing wrong with murdering a baby while they are yet in the mother’s womb your own babies I shall kill, I shall slay them before you. By the hand of Almighty Living YAHUVEH, I will show you I am a God that is not mocked. Because you have mocked ME for MY mercies very shortly now you will see there is no more mercy. I will not apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities besides. I will not apologize to Ninevah, for your sins are even greater still than all of them combined! The stench of your sins reach MY nostrils. How few humble themselves and fall on their face. Oh, if it were not for the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, I would erase you all from the human race.
But I have a few, oh so very few, who I call MY Children and MY treasure, who weep and who wail before ME, who say, “Let not this sin be counted against us.” And just as surely as I spared Noah and his family, just as surely as I spared Lot and his family except one, just as surely I will provide a way of escape, a way to bless, a way to hide MY beloved ones. Go and hide yourselves, MY Children. You had better crawl underneath the shelter of MY Wings; you had better make sure the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA is covering every sin. For MY wrath is mighty, as mighty as MY Name and the Great Tribulation that is to come is not so very far away.
You want to start wars on those who have not instigated wars. You want to trample them underfoot just because you can. I have seen the weapons of man but they cannot compare with the weapons of Heaven. You mock at a movie called ‘The Passion of Christ,’ now you mock yet another movie (The Day After Tomorrow) that tells you ahead of time, for I put it in the mind of a heathen to show you the Judgment that is to come. And your politicians raise up and say, “Don’t listen, this is preposterous, this will not happen” but who are they to say? How do they know where I store up the rain? How do they know where I store up the winds?
Oh, they have there man-made machine they say can control the weather, but I am I and I alone will show what I do to this machine! I will break the very strings of their HAARP ! I will confound those that think themselves wise. For am I not the author of all wisdom and you have created nothing, it is I that am the inventor. I alone am the Creator and I will show you what I do to the weapons of mass destruction, for you shall see destruction from Heaven just as surely as Sodom and Gomorrah and the seven cities did.
So you want to mock ME? Now I will show you what happens when I the Creator mock you. The institution of marriage was created so we would be one. It certainly was never created for same sexes to be one. You even mock the institution of marriage. Hurricanes shall come that are unproportioned, like as never seen before. Tsunami waves shall wash upon the shores, they shall be MY tears. The earth shall quake in waves all around the world at the same time. As your eyes are fixed upon the skies, horror you shall see as satan comes in disguise. For you are on a collision course and you shall reap MY wrath for I am the God YAHUVEH Almighty there is but one.
Because of the mercy of MY Son I have held MY rage back. When you see one nation under God, the last of the seals go, you will have truly evicted even the word, the generic word God from your nation. You let a select few, handpicked by satan to take one freedom after another away. You remain silent yet you come to ME and pray? The enemy does not stay silent, the enemy roars and makes itself known as satan goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. So for those who do not have their sins washed in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA, for those who have not made ME and MY Son first in their life and their love, you will see these calamities come.
Oh, you say that I wink at this sin or that sin, surely God doesn’t care. If you know better and you continue making excuses, saying useless words I do not even hear, I will show you I am a jealous God. Anything you put before ME you have made a God.
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT even the very word Judge you will see your supreme court of America, sits up there on a hill so piously but I alone am the Judge and one by one they shall be taken down, for they shook their fists at Almighty Living YAHUVEH with no fear. I tell you this MY Children, the agenda of satan has started here. The antichrist system is set up just waiting for the right time and season for him to appear. You have been warned, MY Children. Hide for a little while. When I tell you to move, do not question why. Do not procrastinate or you will not be kept safe and then you will come to ME and ask ME why.
America I have reserved the last judgment for you. You watch around this world as you take one nation after another but MY eye is upon you. I see your heart, the hearts of the politicians, the blood money that is exchanged, the death of the soldiers, the women and the men they die in vain, they suffer in vain, for they have pledged their allegiance to a Country that does not represent ME. Oh, you other nations that listen to this word, think you’re not better off, for again I say I reserve MY Judgments, and your own prophets speak, for you are no better, it is just that America is bolder in their wickedness. For they have lost their fear of their Creator, the one that set them apart.
I speak not this warning to MY Children; I threaten not MY Children, those that are MY beloved, those that are MY Babies, Bride, Chosen and Elect. You need not fear the wrath of your Father as long as you’re doing what I tell you to do. I will keep you safe, I will keep you hidden under the shelter of MY wings, it is in that anointing that you enter in.
The City of sin is the first wrath to enter in, to take a small cross from the seal. It shows you the power of the churches in that State. They have a form of Godliness, no desire for Godliness, no Godliness within. Those who are in those Churches where their pastors stayed silent and watched, did not even offer up a prayer, did not tell the congregation to fast and protest. You are whores, you are whores in MY sight, you sold yourself to the highest price what you won’t do for that tax-exempt status, that I already prophesied will be stripped away. Oh, but you just long for the day when you can continue to do it your way. I have told the people to flee these Churches of Babylon. But still they continue to support these Churches, pamper these pastors, making sure they have the wealth reserved for the wicked. They are nothing more than pew warmers and I will hold them accountable, for they did not flee, instead they continue to support the works of satan which is a counterfeit before ME.
So America, I prophesy through this handmaiden for she is from America, open your mouth wide because those who do not accept the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, your own blood I will gorge you with! And there is not one person who will not be able to say, when destruction comes in waves, “That I know this one or that one that died.” I warned you America, your prophets warned you. I have spoke forth warning after warning from this handmaiden many years before. All over the world they pray, “What does this prophet have to say?” How many times must I repeat MYSELF for your ears are dull, they are waxed, you are hard of hearing. You haven’t even obeyed what I have said and yet you cry out, “Give me new!” This is just a small sample.
Now I give a new warning to you. For those that believe in the coming of YAHUSHUA again, you use the word rapture, the catching away of MY faithful Women and Men and Children. I warn you now, BEWARE MY Children of a COUNTERFEIT RAPTURE devised by those you trust. When they say ” Jesus is here,” when they say, “Jesus is there, come and meet us there.” (Matt 24:23-24) Beware MY Children of the HOLOGRAM in the sky, that will be satan coming in disguise. For new weapons shall mow you down. For those who do not listen, for those who do not know, they will be evaporated, they will be nothing more than smoke. For you need not go anywhere for YAHUSHUA to come, MY Son will come where you are.
Beware MY Children of the BLUE BEAM RAPTURE , which is no rapture, for it is evil being caught away, when they thought they were coming to behold the face of Jesus. I allowed them to be deceived, for if you were truly hearing from ME you would know your word, you would know even the very elect would be deceived. This is the plan, this is the plot of the enemy, just to show you what evil is. Not all who gather will be evil, some just haven’t heard the warnings, some don’t know how to hear MY voice, so I tell you to warn them. For MY Son doth come but the devil tries to go before, so warn them. Test the Spirit that speaks.
Yes, it is true that the dead in the MESSIAH shall arise, and you which remain will be caught up in the air to meet MY Son but the devil goes before. Be warned those with ears, listen, those with spiritual eyes, see, so you will not be fooled when this counterfeit tries to appear before thee. When your own politicians around the world look up to the sky and say, “There is a greater God coming than I,” they will see apparitions; yes they will say they see space ships. It will make your news. An alien will even be interviewed. Remember MY Children whence this comes, satan goes before MY Son.
Satan mocks me in all ways, the greatest mockery is trying to steal MY true Babies, Bride, Chosen ones and Elect away. Hell overflows and the signs shall come forth from the lava that shall spew forth from various parts of this world. The earth quakes and shakes at MY wrath, at the approaching of MY true Son for MY Bride doth know the Bridegroom comes. So satan mocks and tries to go before MY Son and strip anything and everything that is Holy away from the peoples sight so they will forget the price MY Son paid. For YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is your only MESSIAH is your only guiding Light.
I warned you in the sky, I gave you this year sign after sign. I gave you wonder and amazement as comets came in different sizes. How few looked up and realized that the redemption draweth nigh. But for MY enemies, judgment, judgment, judgment is all you will know. Judgment on those who made man made famines. Judgment on those who created the diseases, sicknesses and infirmities, judgment on those who polluted the air with diseases, judgment on those who put poison in the food and water.
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT for I alone am the Supreme Judge and you will see that I am not a God to be mocked. You will see what I do to the enemies, those who sit so rich and pompous and kick the poor in the dust.
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT as I force open your mouth, to pour in MY wrath. Those who shout, “I am homosexual, I am gay and I am proud.” Diseases shall come upon you, plagues shall come upon you, people will run in fear from you and you will hide and you will cower and you will shout, “Kill me for this pain I can no longer bare.”
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT not only in America but in every Nation that has defied ME, in every City in every State I don’t care how small you are, from the City, to the Rural to the Suburbs, I know where you are. I will find you there.
JUDGMENT! JUDGMENT! JUDGMENT! For you who are righteous in MY Sons Name this judgment shall not come nigh on you. You will watch and you will look in horror, you will see those that you know reap MY Judgments be they family, friend or foe. Just as I was able to protect the Children of Israel from the plagues of the Egyptians so I shall do it again. For I am the Almighty Living Judge, I am the Almighty living Creator and I will reap Judgment, for MY enemies will wear them like clothes, like second skin.
First I weep and then I am angry and now MY Children hide yourself for a little while longer for your ABBA is very angry. But not at you MY little ones, not those that call upon MY Son, not those that try to do their very best to bring a smile to MY face and MY Son. Not those who say “Oh we are so ashamed that we are part of this human race that brings our Heavenly Father such disgrace.” I stroke your heads, I kiss your brows, I say “Hide yourself MY Children for just a little while longer” while Judgment comes upon MY enemies. Around this world sea to sea, Judgment shall come upon MY enemies.
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So it was spoken, so it is written June 2, 2004 7:00 P.M.
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)

Prophecy 80 Bride of YAHUSHUA, Pray That I, YAHUVEH, Send Your Enemies to the Winepress of MY Wrath!
Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
through Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)
January 18, 2006 at 1:40 a.m.
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”
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Bride of YAHUSHUA, no longer cast your pearls before the swine of this world. Some swine are hidden behind pulpits, the rich and the famous who call themselves Christians, even on your airwaves. These swine are in all denominational religions. As the Pharisees didn’t understand YAHUSHUA and wanted him dead, neither shall those with the spirit of religion who are a part of the churches of Babylon understand you now. They will shun your Shkhinah Glory light.
Bride of YAHUSHUA, this year of 2006 you are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in a way you have not done before. Realize as you pray for the peace of Jerusalem, you are praying for the Prince of Peace who is MY Son YAHUSHUA to hasten HIS return and rule this earth as King of Kings, removing all that is unholy from this earth for a set and appointed time. Bride of YAHUSHUA, realize as I, YAHUVEH, command you to do this, realize that YAHUSHUA cannot return and rule and reign until Yisrael suffers greatly. Much lamentation, weeping, travailing, and blood will pour forth and only I, YAHUVEH foreknew what it would take to get Yisrael to again walk in obedience to MY Torah Laws I gave them through Moses, and to love I, YAHUVEH, where they no longer are afraid to speak forth MY Sacred Name where there is anointed Power.
They will rebuke the lies that have been passed unto them. Yisrael will acknowledge YAHUSHUA as not only YAHUVEH’s Son but also the only MASHIACH (Messiah). They will accept the Holy Blood Sacrifice which is YAHUSHUA’s gift HE gave at Calvary, HIS saving, delivering, healing, resurrection power in the Blood of the only perfect Lamb of YAHUVEH. Yisrael will not see the Prince of Peace come again to their nation until this is done. Satan will send a false peace for a short time to deceive them but then it will be as though Hell broke forth around this world when that short time is over.
Yisrael, you will return to your Creator and love and obey ME once again. Yisrael, remember King David of old and remember what he did to win the battles that he won. He humbled himself before I, YAHUVEH, and Praise and Worship is what brought the victories to the Yisraelites of old. Bride of YAHUSHUA, you must pray that Yisrael again desires Holy rulers that love and obey I, YAHUVEH. When Yisrael again loves and obeys I, YAHUVEH, as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did, then I will return what has been stolen from Yisrael, then I shall redeem Yisrael from the hands of the enemies. Yisrael is a cup of trembling terror to the entire world, for it is where the end time battle will be fought, good against evil. Satan will send his son to rule the world from this one nation because satan mocks ME and counterfeits all I, YAHUVEH, do.
I, YAHUVEH, sent My Son YAHUSHUA with MY Spirit to lead souls to Heaven and satan sends his spirit to deceive all those who will listen and follow the spirit of rebellion against all that is truly Holy, leading them to Hell, enticing them with a Mark. As YAHUSHUA has marked those who truly belong to HIM, whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of this world, so too has satan marked those who belong to him and will physically Mark them again, proving those that follow him have their names in the book of the damned or the book of the blotted out. No one that takes satan’s mark will ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Yisrael will not ever know true peace until she says, “Blessed is HE who comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.” I send the Bride of YAHUSHUA now to intercede and pray for Yisrael and for one another and I, YAHUVEH, speak forth a dowry through this handmaiden of a new anointing given to you by YAHUSHUA to HIS Bride if they can believe in faith.
Bride of YAHUSHUA, now you must believe in faith what this word speaks forth, but shortly you will no longer have to even have faith to speak it forth, you will know that you know, for as Elijah of old saw his enemies consumed before his eyes, so too shall you see the same. You shall walk over the ashes of the enemies of holiness and not look back.
1 Kings 18:40
And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.
I, YAHUVEH, have decreed war on planet earth where unholiness abounds. I, YAHUVEH give this new authority now. When prayed to ME in MY Son YAHUSHUA’s Name come boldly before ME and ask that Yisrael’s enemies be thrown into the wine press of MY Wrath. The time is coming oh so shortly, so I warn the Bride of YAHUSHUA and the Guests to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb now through this Ringmaiden of YAHUSHUA. Satan will send his false peace, first to mock the true Prince of Peace, trying to deceive and Mark the world with his Mark. Satan has even set a day of the week for this Mark to be given. Those with ears to hear and listen, Beware of the man-made Sabbath. I have sent MY Prophets to warn the time would come when all must choose which God they will serve. There is coming very shortly a son of perdition that will kill more than your worse dictators. This son of perdition will come in a form you think not. This son of perdition will come with a hatred for anyone that acknowledges another Messiah. This son of perdition has a hatred for all that is truly Holy and who have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.
1 John 2:18
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
John 2:22
Who is a liar but he that denieth that YAHUSHUA is the Messiah? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
1 John 4:3
And every spirit that confesseth not that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is come in the flesh is not of YAHUVEH: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
2 John 1:7
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
MY Holy ones will not betray I, YAHUVEH, nor YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Only those with the spirit like unto a Judas will receive the Mark and the rewards given by satan which are short lived. Yisrael shall always stand. No one will ever wipe her off the map, for My Son YAHUSHUA shall plant His feet on the Mount of Olives and rule and reign from Jerusalem. I have made a vow and Yisrael shall never be completely destroyed. Oh how different it is though for those who plot against Yisrael as a Judas or who have said they will wipe Yisrael off the face of the map. I, YAHUVEH, am the only one that has the right to punish Yisrael, like unto a wayward child. Those with the spirit of a Judas and Haman(Esther 3:1-6) modern day Hamas shall reap what ever harm is done to Yisrael. (Esther 8-7)
As the Bride of YAHUSHUA, who is MY Esther, prays for the peace of Jerusalem, realize as you do this it is hastening everything that has been preordained. The coming of the son of satan, who is called the son of perdition, you are also hastening the Great Tribulation, as you hasten the coming of YAHUSHUA to rule and reign from Yisrael and sit in the Holy Temple. When you say, “Come YAHUSHUA, come quickly,” realize the new anointing as you speak these words forth in anointed prayer. As Haman sought to kill every Jew, so too do satanic rulers on this earth and they will seek to kill every Messianic Jew also who has accepted YAHUSHUA the only MESSIAH. Ezekiel 9 has already begun. My Holy People are sealed by MY hand alone. I prewarn now, destruction is on the way to the unholy and reprobate. I have a remnant in Yisrael who are hidden and yet are part of the members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Now is the time to arise and contact this one I am speaking forth these words from, for you are one.
From this year on, you shall see the betrayal of this world’s governments more than you have ever seen before. Whatever I, YAHUVEH, have decreed as an abomination unto ME shall be flaunted in MY face by the reprobates for all the world to see. Nations shall turn on one another in words and wars with a thirst for power, greed and blood, with an insatiable thirst as unto leeches or blood sucking vampires, politicians making poor excuses to murder one another and making wars. Oh how long rebellious people of this earth, do you think you can shake your fist at your Creator I, YAHUVEH, and MY Men and women of Holiness while trampling MY Holy scriptures under your feet in mockery and hatred for all that is Holy? How long do you think I will wait before you people of rebellion will suffer the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah?
I, YAHUVEH, have given you chances to repent, especially you oh America, and yet your sins only increase each abomination worse than the last. I, YAHUVEH created you oh Yisrael and America to be set apart and Holy before ME, pouring blessings upon you and your land and people prospered and your weather I blessed for your crops sake. From this year on, I shall turn the weather against various parts of the earth using it as an enemy against MY enemies in a greater measure than 2005. Oh Yisrael and America, you are a nation that was created to be a leader. Now you lead other nations in rebellion and abominations.
You other nations watched and refused to listen and obey, so I covered your ears and closed your eyes as I spoke and roared through the fires, hail, hurricanes, floods, tornados, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. You refused to listen when I stomped MY one foot on the ground and caused the earth to quake in fear so great now that the very rotation of the earth staggers like a drunkard. What will you say when I stomp both feet in rage? Nations who slaughter MY Holy people as if they were sheep being led to be slaughtered now weep for themselves when I sent the earthquakes and tsunamis and judgment for murdering innocent Christians who had no blood on their hands, men women and children were and are being murdered because of one reason, they refuse to deny YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who they called Jesus Christ who is the MESSIAH and I, YAHUVEH’s only begotten Son.
All nations including Indonesia, I demanded your blood and your loved ones because you demanded and took the lives of true Holy Christians. And so it will continue to the people of all nations to this earth. You shall reap what you sow, if you sow holiness and obedience to MY Holy Scriptures and put I, YAHUVEH, your Creator and acknowledge YAHUSHUA as I, YAHUVEH’s Son and your MESSIAH, you shall reap MY blessings from Heaven. 2006 shall be your year of Jubilee if you can believe and have faith in YAHUSHUA’s Name that I, YAHUVEH, will deliver you from MY wrath to come especially for the faithful Bride of YAHUSHUA whom I call MY Esther.
1 Thessalonians 5:9
For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
This I, YAHUVEH, have decreed those of you who sow unholiness, making excuses to live sinful lifestyles, shedding innocent blood, mockery, rebellion, you servant children of satan who refuse to repent of your sorceries, witchcraft, voodoo, satanism, and all forms of the occult including necromancy, into MY winepress of wrath, MY meat grinder, you will go. You reprobates who love to kill and make war, who worship the spirits of rebellion, steal, kill and destroy, murder and greed. You reprobates stone, kill, torture, who attack and imprison MY Holy Seed, forcing them to become martyrs, into I, YAHUVEH’s wine press of wrath, into MY meat grinder you will go.
Revelation 19:15
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty YAHUVEH.
I, YAHUVEH, will bless those who are a blessing unto MY Son YAHUSHUA and those who bless MY Children of Holiness. I, YAHUVEH, will curse those who are as a curse unto ME and MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA and I will send MY curses of Deuteronomy 28 on all those who harm or seek the destruction and death of YAHUSHUA’s Bride, MY Esther. I, YAHUVEH, will bless MY Holy people with Deuteronomy 28 blessings reserved for YAHUSHUA’s Bride, who manifest the RUACH ha KODESH Holy Fire. I share MY secrets with MY anointed true apostles and prophets. I, YAHUVEH, will send all MY curses of Deuteronomy 28 on all who claim they serve MY Son YAHUSHUA but instead by word and deed serve satan and refuse to obey ME and manifest a counterfeit anointing called strange fire and have sold their souls as an Esau for fame and wealth, who compromise MY Holy Scriptures, teaching error and devil’s doctrines.
The fullness of MY RUACH ha KODESH is not found in any minister that compromises what they know to be true or twists scriptures and MY commandments to be conformed to please mankind or the Governments of this world. Be not deceived. I, YAHUVEH, have not changed MY mind on what is sin or where unrepented sinners spend eternity. Your morals and interpretation of sin may change but I am who I am and I, YAHUVEH, change not and neither does MY Son YAHUSHUA. I, YAHUVEH, wrote the two tablets of laws called commandments in stone with MY own fiery finger engraving them and I handed them to Moses. (Moshe) Fools who think I sent MY Son YAHUSHUA from Heaven to change these laws including the laws of MY Sabbath Day.
In 2006 and hereafter, MY Holy people will grow in Holiness striving hard to obey, love and serve MY Son YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH, in all ways. MY Holy people will not compromise with the enemy. The Bride of YAHUSHUA has MY permission and authority to call upon I, YAHUVEH, in YAHUSHUA’s Name and ask ME to put the demons tormenting them into MY Heavenly wine press of wrath called MY meat grinder, demons that have been sent who torment you or your redeemed loved ones or the redeemed people. You have been given a mandate to intercede in prayer for deliverance.
Bride of YAHUSHUA, call upon ME to deliver you from the human servants of satan who seek your death and destruction. Come before MY throne boldly without sin and ask ME in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s Name, to ask ME your Abba YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH to put these reprobate enemies of MINE and yours into MY meat grinder, the Winepress of MY Wrath. Those who dare to cast their curses, spells, hexes and do all manner of evil to try and harm destroy or kill the Bride of YAHUSHUA who are MY sealed ones. Vengeance is MINE, saith YAHUVEH. I will repay the Bride of YAHUSHUA’s enemies and grind them up in seven different ways.
Bride of YAHUSHUA, you are not to take vengeance when these human servants of satan harm you. Bride of YAHUSHUA, forgive your human enemies but deliver them into I, YAHUVEH’s hands. It is a fearful thing to fall into I, YAHUVEH’s hands. You are not to take vengeance but let I, YAHUVEH, take vengeance for you. I, YAHUVEH, will grind up all your reprobate enemies’ mind, body, spirit and soul. There will not be anything left but the sound of crushing bones when I, YAHUVEH, have finished with them on earth. Any enemy of the Bride of YAHUSHUA is an enemy of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. Some of these enemies proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and yet the Messiah’s Holy Spirit is not in them. They are workers of evil, only fooling themselves.
Some reading this will say, “Who is the Bride of YAHUSHUA?” I tell you this; your actions speak louder than your words. The Bride of YAHUSHUA worships, loves and adores I and MY Son YAHUSHUA (loving us above all others,) desiring our will in their lives and praying how to serve US and please US, how to put a smile on the face of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. They refuse to compromise; they refuse to believe satan’s lies. The Bride of YAHUSHUA strives to obey MY laws as outlined in the Holy Biblical Scriptures. The Bride of YAHUSHUA lives Holy lives because they are Holy. They embrace the Jewishness of YAHUSHUA as they keep and honor MY Sabbath and count the Holy Feasts as a blessing, and observe them and acknowledge YAHUSHUA MESSIAH their Bridegroom in all of them.
From this day forward I command the Bride of YAHUSHUA, MY Esther of new, to observe the Feast of Purim and make merry. Celebrate and praise ME for delivering Esther, for without her, how would the blood line of YAHUSHUA come forth? There would not have been any Hebrews on the face of the earth left if Haman had succeeded. What Haman attempted to do once will be tried again in the same way. Bounties will be placed on all Jews and believers in YAHUSHUA. That same Spirit came again through the Spirit of Hitler, so it will be done again, when the son of perdition comes, who is the son of satan. Bride of YAHUSHUA, study the book of Esther.
Bride of YAHUSHUA, rejoice, again I, YAHUVEH, say rejoice. This is the year of your Jubilee. Do not be focused on the judgments and vengeance that I will pour out on your enemies, the reprobate and heathen. For those who worship, love, serve and obey MY Son YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH, you are saved and washed in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA and you are not appointed to MY wrath, but instead you shall be blessed if you can but, in faith, believe you shall receive your year of Jubilee.
Bride of YAHUSHUA, so many of you struggle with frail sickly or old bodies that have aged before their time because of constant physical, emotional, spiritual attacks and an onslaught from satan’s servant children or demonic spirits. Your enemies have worn you out physically and mentally yet spiritually you keep growing and become stronger in YAHUSHUA’s Name and through HIS shed Blood at Calvary.
Rejoice Bride of YAHUSHUA, very quickly now you shall be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air alive and your bodies shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkle of an eye. And when you return you will no longer be hindered in frail earthly vessels of clay but instead supernatural in strength, youthful appearance and healthy in all ways. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Victory over all your enemies and every demon. If you want to eat food you can eat all you want yet food is not what will give you nourishment. Instead the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH will nourish you. Every Spiritual Word that proceeds out of your mouth through the Holy Scriptures will nourish you.
Matthew 4:4
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of YAHUVEH.
Luke 4:4
And YAHUSHUA answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of YAHUVEH.
If you want to sleep you can, but sleep will not be necessary to restore your strength.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon YAHUVEH shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
No jail bars will hold you; no doors will hinder you from going where I tell you to go. You will have bodies that can be invisible as you will it; you can take on various appearances as you will it. No distance will be impossible even if it be to Heaven or another planet or at the far end of the world or even the moon. It will be as easy as thinking of a place and you will arrive. No man, woman, demon, not even satan himself can keep you from going where YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA tell you to go.
John 20:19
Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came YAHUSHUA and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
You will be as Elijah and Enoch of old. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will have bodies that cannot be harmed or die except for MY Two Witnesses at that scriptural time by a supernatural weapon from the bottomless pit inspired by satan. But 3 ? days later, MY Two Witnesses shall live again in that Glorified Body and be caught up to be with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the Bridegroom.
Beloved Children, be not weary in well-doing and in obedience to I, YAHUVEH, and your Messiah YAHUSHUA whether you are the Bride or the Guests. Blessed are all those invited to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. As you see, the evil grow by leaps and bounds. It only hastens YAHUSHUA’s return.
As you see, the unholy rich and famous who are mere men and women who are nothing more than illusions, idols of this world who forget their bodies are made but of dust in MY hands and in MY timing I will return their clay bodies back into dust again. Yet their spirit bodies will suffer for eternity in Hell and then the Lake of Fire for the sins they have committed in their earthly bodies. So envy them not.
Be not deceived, for there is an eternal price to pay when you mock YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH. It is like unto trying to stick a needle into I, YAHUVEH’s eye and I will repay. And I shall ground them under MY feet making mincemeat out of their lives until their last breath on this earth. Then these enemies shall feel the consuming fire of MY wrath in Hell and the Lake of Fire. I, YAHUVEH defend MY Son YAHUSHUA’s Bride the redeemed sealed ones in a way I have not done before.
For it is at this appointed end time and hour on January 14, 2006, I awoke Elisabeth Elijah [Elisheva Eliyahu] and I told her after a human enemy came at her while she slept trying to kill her through the spiritual realm, to pray to ME and ask ME to send her reprobate enemies to MY Winepress of wrath also called MY Meat Grinder. I anointed her during prayer with her [household] not only for [them], but for all the true Bride of YAHUSHUA they also have authority to ask ME to do the same.
Enough is enough! The Bride of YAHUSHUA is not to be trodden under foot by the servant children of satan. I, YAHUVEH, give this new anointing to the Bride of YAHUSHUA. The servant children of satan and the bride of satan, who attack the Bride of YAHUSHUA, shall reap the curses of Deuteronomy 28 a thousand fold and wear them like second skin. They shall moan in agony and say, “If it wasn’t for bad luck, they would have no luck at all.” I shall personally trod these enemies of the Bride of YAHUSHUA under MY feet and your blood shall run like a crimson river as I, YAHUVEH, put the enemies of the Bride of YAHUSHUA into MY winepress of MY wrath.
Members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, you have been given a unique anointing. I pass this anointing unto you by having YAHUSHUA’s Ringmaiden Elisabeth Elijah [Elisheva Eliyahu] speak it forth by anointed prayer and written words. Members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, if you are willing to boldly believe and receive this new authority I, YAHUVEH, give you I will boldly deliver you from your and MY enemies in a way you have not thought of before. Bride of YAHUSHUA, ask ME and see if I will not send the demons tormenting you into YAHUVEH’s meat grinder which is the winepress of MY Wrath where I will uncreate them.
Bride of YAHUSHUA, I give you this new authority and new anointing this day when you ask ME in YAHUSHUA’s Name not only for your sake do I give this anointing, but for Yisrael’s sake. How many will choose to accept this standard against the evil in this world? It is your choice. It is only reserved for the Bride of YAHUSHUA. All others who pray for this will be denied.
Offending some who refuse to listen, enlightening others who hear the voice of YAHUVEH.
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu), January 18, 2006 at 1:40 a.m.

Prophecy 112 Beware of the unrepentant sinner, encourage the holy who repent & obey YAHUSHUA!
Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
through Apostle Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)
Received July 10, 2009
Released July 14, 2009
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”
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I had a dream on July 9, 2009 and when I woke up, I started to Praise and Worship YAHUSHUA and unexpectedly YAHUSHUA spoke forth this Word. The dream is posted below this Prophetic Word. We ask anyone who has the interpretation of this dream to please email us. All interpretations we get a witness to, will be posted on the Ministry site.
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While yet you sleep I pour forth MY LIVING WATER on you (Jeremiah 2:13, John 4:10-14). You have always known this that the Anointing I have given you is electrical. How many times people in the past have held your hand and their hand has gone numb? Now be obedient, record the dream (Acts 2:17; Hab 2:2) to the best of your ability for what you have remembered is what I wanted you to remember.
Just know this, the ones that I have called YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, the ones I have also called your spiritual children, cry out to ME to heal their spiritual mother and mentor, MY Ringmaiden. You tell them as they pray for you and the others who minister by your side: I take these blessings, I take these prayers, I hold them close to MY heart. They are a sweet fragrance to MY nostrils (Gen 8:20-21; Ps 141:2; Ezek 20:41; 2 Cor 2:15-16; Phil 4:18; Rev 8:3-4).
You wait for a special day M’lady [my lady], it is not anything [in your flesh] you can hasten. And yet I tell you this, for everyone who’s lifting up those prayers for you I only anoint you more. I give you back things and I restore, albeit [even though] it is not that which you have wanted, but it does hasten the time. So faithful they are.
And when you see those that you thought were faithful and you see they cannot walk by your side ‘no more’ (for I have divided them) –this is for all the YDS’s I speak to now who are MY faithful front liners, the faithful prayer intercessors, the Holy ones, MY elite force:
Take your eyes off of the fallen. Continue not to grieve for the fallen –those who started in the YDS and put their hand to the plough and said, “This is too hard. I’m taking my hand off the plough. The MASTER expects too much. This isn’t as much fun as I thought it would be, to serve faithfully by your side Elisheva. This is too hard. I want to enjoy this world. I want to do things my way.”
These are the fallen. These are the ones who will be in the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). These are the ones who will suffer in a different way, but MY darling –I speak to the faithful YAHUSHUA’s Demon Stompers:
Just as Moses became weary and had to have someone to be able to hold his hands up in the battle (Exodus 17:12) –as long as his hands and his arms were held up for he had not strength to hold them up alone— I use these YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers. I use the prayers around this world and faces you do not know –the missing parts of the Bride, MY obedient Bride. They intercede and they pray for you and yet their names you do not know. Many of their names you do not know but I use the prayers of these righteous ones, the righteous ones of the front line YDS’s to lift your arms before the battle.
[The battle] is so heavy –for I have anointed you Elisheva. I have imparted in you a unique Anointing and there is a price to pay for this Anointing –for you see others can speak and I hear them but your unique Anointing is, you speak and, if you will but just believe, there is nothing that you won’t ask that I will not reply to (1 Sam 3:19). And you will hear the answer.
I speak to you in your sleep. I tell you of this great Anointing I place in your hands. And I have proven again and again and again in ways that are secret–even beyond your grasp or comprehension.
[My children] be grateful I do not force you to carry the cross that I force Elisheva to. I anoint your hands even while you sleep. Does not MY Word say, “I anoint your hands for war”? (Isaiah 45:1, Psalm 89:20-23, 92:9-11)
Precious YDS –YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers— I’ve anointed your mouths. I’ve anointed your hands to war, to tear down the strongholds, to bind the princes, powers and principalities of this world (2 Corinthians 10:4). When you but speak MY ear is inclined to you, as you pray and you live in Holiness, as you fight the enemy and the temptations of this world.
Because you obey and because you love this Ministry & MY Ringmaiden and you faithfully intercede for them—this Ministry —as well as Kathrynyah and Adam for they are a team. All the translators who take the Holy Fire and put them in other languages do not underestimate your rank. But continue all of you, to stay humble before ME –for each one of YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, you march in your own ranks. You keep your eyes on your Heavenly prize.
You are a Holy intercessor. And when you see the others fall by the side, those that cannot measure up to be called MY Holy Bride, take your eyes off of the fallen. Keep your eyes on the ones that have stood strong no matter what has come, no matter the persecution, the temptation. I’m not saying that you’re perfect; all of you are a work in progress.
You will know when you reach that grade for it will be when I tell Elisheva, “Announce it now”. And I will send a sign of the Holy Angels and they shall come to you again Elisheva. The time is not afar off (Matthew 25:6). If I would tell you too soon and if I could give you a date, you would make the mistake of just living for that date. The work would not get done. The souls would not be reached. You would just count down. This is why I said, “I will not let you know until it is time for you all to come home”.
Thank you Beloved YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers. Thank you for your prayers. As you pray for her and the others, so too the blessings come upon yourselves. As you give this hour up to focus on others, MY eyes are ever upon you. Not everyone is qualified to be a Holy intercessor. The ones who have fallen –it is because they no longer desire to stand up and keep their hand to that plough. Grieve not, but rather rejoice, for I did not leave you alone. You are the meaning of a Holy family. Not just in the good times, but in the bad times you share one another’s burdens.
And to all the invisible ones the same blessing goes to them. Yes the enemy attacks harder, but that’s because the rewards are so much greater. You store not your treasure up here on earth, but it is stored up in Heaven (Matthew 19:21). And Elisheva they shall stand by your side along with My beloved Adam and Kathrynyah and all those who have been a blessing onto you, all those who have been a blessing onto this Ministry and offered up their sacrifices and were willing to be persecuted (Matthew 5:11-12), to be a farmer, a gardener in this harvest field of Amightywind Ministry (Matthew 13:35), (which belongs to the Aleph and the Tav and the RUACH ha KODESH). I tell you this, they shall stand by your side and I shall thank them personally, one by one. And your rewards all shall be people, gathered from all countries and nations, standing in a long line just wanting to meet you and say thank you.
Those of you who have humbled yourself and allowed your testimony to be posted before the world, you shall be introduced to those whose lives were changed and altered because of your testimony. Does not MY Word say, “Through MY Blood and their testimony…” (Rev 12:11) people’s lives are altered and changed –if they can but just believe I am a rewarder of good things to those who continue to follow ME.
So grieve not for the fallen. Grieve for awhile and realize –but do not continue to live in this grief— for I must show and I must prove who truly is the obedient Bride. Truly I tell you this, the Holy are more Holy. But they pay a price for this Holiness –just like those who walk the path of unholiness who started out on the right path carrying their cross and then threw it down and said, “I’m no longer going to carry this cross. I’m no longer going to follow the direction given from Heaven. I’m going off on my own. What YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH asks is too hard” (Luke 14:25-27).
But you see I will send another one along the way. And they will see that cross that has been forsaken and laid down: the calling and the work that I have decreed. They will pick it up and they will carry that cross (Mark 8:34). They will be willing to suffer persecution and ridicule. They will be willing to sacrifice their time and their finances. They will be willing to sacrifice whatever it is I require them to sacrifice. And the Anointing to a job that was cast down and forsaken, I will only anoint more. And yes, I will require more but one day in Heaven, MY Beloved Treasures, you will see it is all worth it as I personally thank you to your face.
So I say “well done” to those who are MY faithful, obedient Bride. I say “Well done but never allow yourself to be entered into pride”. For I know very well how to humble each one of you so you keep your eyes upon ME and you continue to grow in the Anointing I have given this Ministry.”
[End of Part 1 of this word. Keep reading for Part 2. Do not skip Elisheva’s prayer. ]
[Elisheva:] Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU. Thank YOU YAHUSHUA, thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, thank YOU Beloved IMMAYAH our MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH, our MOMMA WISDOM, our MOMMA Glory, our MOMMA SHKHINAH.
Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU. Bless all the faithful around this world. Bless those who we do not know their names. Bless those that we do know their names.
Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU [for] the work in this harvest field that YOU call the Ministry.
Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU that they lift our names up and thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU that the blessings come back upon them.
Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH our eyes are off of the fallen now. We grieve but just for awhile. We will keep our eyes focused on those who strive to obey you ABBA YAH.
[ Elisheva starts praying in Holy Tongues again]
We worship YOU. We worship YOU. Whatever price YOU require, we pick up our cross and we follow YOU (Mark 8:34). We are, in faith, water walkers through your Name YAHUSHUA our Beloved MASHIACH.
We thank YOU for Anointing us greater. We thank YOU for the Anointing in our hands. We thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, we Praise YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for all that YOU have done and all that YOU’RE going to do.
For the faithful who truly obey YOU, we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH. YOUR requirements can be heavy for these mortals’ flesh but it’s all worth it. Each one pays a different price, those who follow YOU and worship YOU and put YOU first in their life and their love, those that strive to be as an Enoch to be pleasing unto YOU in all ways. (Hebrews 11:5)
Thank YOU beloved YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, thank YOU precious RUACH ha KODESH our IMMAYAH.
What we cannot do through the flesh, we can do through the Name and the Blood and the Spirit within us all because of YOUR love –all because of YOUR Blood that we are washed in continually 24 hours a day, all because of the Ephesians 6 armor that never, ever comes off.
Oh Beloved YAHUSHUA, we worship YOU. Thank YOU for the faithful who stand by the side of Truth. This Ministry that YOU have used me to give birth to on this earth, through this internet is unusual. And only those who want to eat spiritual meat will receive these Truths. And what a price I have to pay, but YAHUSHUA forgive me when I don’t say that it’s worth it every minute of the day.
The lies, the slanderers, the enemies that raise up, those that would rather kill me just to shut me up, those full of jealousy and covetousness, those that say,
“Because I can’t hear this GOD of my salvation the way that you do [Elisheva] then I just throw these words back at you because I can’t walk Holy, because my hands are drenched in sin, because I succumb to the temptation. Who are you that say that you can’t?
So I hate you with a hate because you show how filthy I really am. I hate you with a hate –and I curse you daily— where once I called you friend because you showed me the path to Holiness and you showed me the path to Truth. But I now hate you, you Ringmaiden, because you show me a Light from Heaven. You lead me to a new relationship with YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. But because I prefer the darkness –for the light blinds my eyes— I hate you.
Leave me alone and let me live in darkness(1John 3:19). Leave me alone Amightywind Ministry. My sins I do not want to see. Leave me alone. Yes, I started out on the right path. Yes, I tried to forsake sin. Yes, I tried to live for this YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. But it’s too hard to follow HIM. Leave me alone. I want my sin. I brand you a liar. You can’t be a Prophet for I am not one. You cannot be Holy. How could this God live within? I brand you a liar, otherwise I would have to admit I am the liar. I point my finger and say, ‘you have to be a sinner, you have to be as filthy as I am’. I try to judge you by my own standards and I don’t care what your God says.
So leave me alone Amightywind Ministry. I don’t want to hear I’m unequally yoked. Instead, I’m going to brand your Ministry as an evil joke. I’m not going to worry about standing before YAHUVEH for HE’S all mercy and all love. Away from me Amightywind Ministry I don’t want to hear that I have to live in Holiness. I hate you Elisheva. I curse your name more each day. I gather with the enemy each day who plot your life to slay. Oh, but I still call myself a Christian. Who’s to say that I’m not? For I know who Jesus Christ is. I know the price that HE paid on Calvary. And see, that’s all it takes. It doesn’t matter if I am Holy. It doesn’t matter if I live to sin. It doesn’t matter that I rebuke you and all the truths in this Ministry, I still belong to HIM.
So away from me Amightywind Ministry, I want no part of your anointing ‘no more’. I put my hand to the plough and I tried it, but I want no part of it anymore. Where once I embraced you as a friend, I embraced you as family, I even supported your Ministry –no matter how loud you yelled and say, ‘this Ministry does not belong to me but it belongs to Heaven’. I smiled and I said, ‘it’s still your Ministry’. And I even planted seed financially. I figured I might buy a few blessings if I was nice to you. But no more, no more, it’s just not worth it.
I see how the others around me are blessed and I get angry and I shake my fist. I see how the faithful, the holy, the obedient, the repentant who walk the path of Holiness embrace you and I am jealous for that love. I am jealous because I do not have what you have. And I hate you and I hate what this Ministry speaks forth, for it has shined its light upon my darkness. And I just want to hide –knowing that I’m not part of YAHUSHUA’s Bride because the requirements are far too high. And deep in my soul I know through the Great Tribulation I shall go and the price I will have to pay, because I refuse to listen to you this day.
So in my heart, I know the Truth is coming forth –but I don’t want no part of that truth because I can’t walk the path you do, the path YAHUSHUA wants me to take. I would have to give up too much. I would have to admit that I am wrong and you’re right and the GOD of Salvation truly speaks forth from your mouth. I don’t want to admit this, for if I do –and I stop hating you— for if I do, I’m through. I could not abide to look at myself in the mirror ‘no more’ – to admit that you are rich in faith and I am poor.
So I will continue to hate you. I will continue to curse this Ringmaiden. I will continue to curse all those who follow the Truth, because I prefer to live in my lie until the day I die.
So leave me alone, you Ringmaiden. Leave me alone, YAHUSHUA. I prefer to think of you as only a God of love –not as the ONE who cursed that fig tree that did not produce fruit for THEE. Leave me alone and let my ears stay deaf. Leave me alone and let my eyes stay blind. Leave me alone and let me curse and slander and lie and your very name Elisheva Eliyahu, I malign, [speak harmful untruths and slander]. And I stay with your enemies and I fight [against you] with them because at least they accept me for who I am.
So leave me alone Amightywind Ministry, no longer my sins I want to see. I prefer to believe the Bible the way that I believe. I know in my heart one day the price I’m going to pay, but it is worth it on this day. For I can’t see Heaven yet. I can’t hear from Heaven as you do and this world around me is all that I have. So it is so easy Elisheva to hate you (Psalm 37:32). I’ve not yet heard the words, “depart from me worker of inequity, I never knew you” (Matthew 7:23). And I refuse to believe YAHUSHUA would say this to me. I don’t even like the Name that you call HIM. I call HIM Jesus Christ for if I were to admit to that Hebrew Name I would have to admit to all of my shame.
You fed me spiritual meat (1 Corinthians 10:3), well now I spit it back in your face, for it’s easy to drink the milk (1 Peter 2:2, Hebrew 5:12), but so hard to swallow that spiritual meat. Just give me the milk to drink, I can believe that. Give me the God that just says ‘I’m pure love’, that ‘I am mercy’. Do not teach me of this YAHUVEH of judgment and the same one that blesses me is the same one that curses me. Just leave me Amightywind Ministry. Do not come to my house ‘no more’. Don’t speak to my spouse or my family or friends, otherwise they will end up forsaking me and show the real sinner that’s locked within. And then they will despise me and they will curse me, if they find out that you told the Truth and I have lied. And then what will my end be? A life of loneliness is all I would see”.
[Elisheva’s Tongues change and Part 2 of the Word continues]
Now Elisheva, I know you were wondering what in the world, have I just done? I’ve given you a new Anointing, MY Beloved One. Now you hear the words of your enemies. And I am speaking them forth –where they will know that I tell you even what they say. Not only that, as others listen to these words they are going to realize why the enemies tell these lies.
So, Elisheva, is it worth the price to be persecuted for MY Name sake? For now you not only heard the Words from Heaven, now you know the words that are locked in your enemies’ hearts and souls –those you once called your friends, your family, those you once called your daughter and son. Nothing is hidden MY daughter, for now this day I have given you a new Anointing.
Those who truly follow and worship ME, those whose names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life will say, “I want to follow the Truth that lights the way. I’m determined to follow YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. I’m determined to not look back. I will not be as a Lot’s wife (Genesis 19:15-26).” This world is full of Lot’s wives. The churches overflow with them, but Elisheva they shall come and they shall go. But in the end I shall reveal the spirit within them.
And now this Prophetic message shall be translated again into other languages. Some will weep and hide their face in shame and repent to ME again and let you know the spirit within them I showed. And they will do all they can to prove “I’m in this Ministry with you, I will preach forth these Truths”.
And to those who have done this, I will forgive them and I will anoint their hand again to be put to the plough –if they will but just admit, “I have sinned now” and realize I AM no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). I do reward those that diligently seek ME.
I AM the ALEPH and the TAV. Keep proclaiming it to all –for there is no MASHIACH, there is no LORD, there is no SAVIOR, save [except] I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, the only begotten SON of YAHUVEH, and there’s no way into Heaven’s gates except through MY Blood and MY Name.
So keep speaking it forth, Amightywind Ministry. A Holy Bride, come join by their side and become one. Those who read from afar do not even introduce yourselves to those who labor in this Ministry, but now is the time to come out. Let them know you’ve been there all the time, so they don’t feel alone.
A special blessing on each one I have pronounced from Heaven –when you read the Holy Prophecies and you write and you say, “I receive them”— a blessing you have in store in ways you do not understand, for just giving this encouragement to them.
This is the blessing I have for you this day Elisheva as you wake up not knowing –MY love— I would speak forth again. But write this down and record it for you have heard from Heaven.
So as I give you a word of rebuke for another one and you grieve. And you mourn as you see another fallen one. Take your eyes off of them, and put your eyes on the ones who stand tall. And although they can get knocked down by the enemy at times, they call on MY Name and through MY Blood I raise them up again.
These are the ones who fight for the Truths I release through this Ministry –for what this Ministry teaches is only that which I recorded long ago locked in MY Holy Word, locked in the Books of Old. These are the ones who embrace you and love you because they know that I am within you, because they know I speak forth out of you, because they perceive the RUACH ha KODESH within you.
I speak not only to you now, but I speak to everyone who helps minister by your side. Oh, how great, how great, how great, how great your blessings shall be. Just continue, continue to follow ME. And the same rewards I have stored up for MY Ringmaiden and all the faithful Bride with your own eyes, you too shall see –the rewards to those who follow and are faithful to ME. Your YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH will never leave or forsake you. So, take your eyes off the fallen and keep your eyes on those who follow ME in obedience and in loyalty and in sincerity they truly do love ME.
[End of Word]
Given to this Child, Warrior, Bride of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH
July 10, 2009
If this Prophecy has been a blessing to you please email and let me know.
Dream July 9, 2009
Invitation to Heavens Party
We were gathered in a room and I (Elisheva) was in a red chair, there weren’t many of us just maybe a handful of us and there was going to be a big party, a big celebration and everyone was very excited. All the people in the room knew that they would be going except for one man and he was sad. The one man said, “I won’t be going. I have to stay here and work. I am not worthy to go to this party. I am waiting for my next call.” I was the one who told the others in the room that they were going to the party. I looked at this man and I said, “But you are coming to the party. You are invited,” and he said again “No, I am not worthy to go.” The rest of the people said, “Prove it, prove it Elisheva that he is coming to the party. Put your hands together and clap 3 times.”
My hands were resting on the arms of the chair and I said, “You know I don’t want to do that,” but the people continued to tell me to clap my hands 3 times and they said, “YAHUSHUA wants you to do it.” I said, “The Anointing is so strong.” Then I looked at the sad face of this one man and he started to get hope in his eyes that I would clap my hands 3 times. So, I took my hands and I put my palms together. I heard YAHUSHUA then say to me, “Clap your hands 3 times.” So, I clapped my hands 3 times real fast and the one man broke out with a huge smile and everyone cheered and praised YAHUSHUA because we all then knew we were leaving for the party and we were not going to leave the one man behind.