An Answer to Jack Barr's hostile opinion
The answer is given by one of our partners in this Ministry Jack Barr writes: "Most definitely STAY AWAY FROM THE ALMIGHTYWIND.COM!!!!!!!!!" This is a web site by Elizabeth Sherri Elijah Nikomia, who IS, I repeat, who IS, a FALSE Prophet. " My answer is: Mr. Barr wants to keep us away from the true prophet Elisabeth. He writes his words in a form of a commandment with 9 exclamation marks! Fortunately for us, he has no power to execute his commandment and to stop the prophet from speaking. He adds his false teaching, lying to us that Sister Elisabeth is a false prophet. Remember Jack Barr, one of the Ten commandments says: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." So he breaks the commandment with full knowledge. He was informed of his wrongdoing and still, he does it. There is also another commandment in Psalm 105:15 "…Do not touch MY anointed ones, and do MY prophets no harm. " Jack Barr breaks both of these commandments. Lets look what the Bible says about breaking willingly Ten Commandments and other commandments of GOD with full knowledge. You will not find this teaching on Jack Barr website, where he teaches against keeping the Ten Commandments! He probably doesn't like this one below, so he skipped it. Therefore, I will remind it to him. In Hebrews 10:26-27 is written, "For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries." In conclusion, Jack Barr you are in danger of Hell fire unless you repent! Jack Barr writes: "I have looked at her site, a couple of years ago, and her prophecies, many of which were definitely in conflict with the Bible. At that time I wrote to her, and also wrote to the one who ordained her as a minister. The one who had ordained her was not at fault, nor was she involved with Sherrie's ministry, and she wrote to Sherrie also. Sherrie Elijah got very nasty. Ray knows Say In, who can confirm all that I say here. For with the help of the Lord, I was able to pull him out of her clutches. " My answer is: Jack Barr is such an expert in the Bible that he would like to censor GOD HIMSELF, for the prophecies received by Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah are Words received under Anointing from our LORD. I witnessed receiving several Prophecies and participated in transcribing them, and I observed the attention given to accurate transcription. Therefore, I testify that until now, the Prophecies were received and transcribed diligently. Therefore, my conclusion is that Jack Barr makes himself higher expert than GOD Himself. This is foolishness. He claims that Elisabeth "got nasty". Mr. Barr can you tell me, who is more nasty the accuser, or the one who is defending herself? It is interesting that we haven't seen any example from Jack Barr. Where can we find an opinion of Say In (from the Forum)? I would like to know, from where to where did Jack Barr pull him? In addition, I would like to know who has the clutches? I have not seen them at Sister Elisabeth! Maybe Jack Barr was speaking of his own clutches! Jack Barr writes "Since that time, I have received the following information, and repeat it here for your use ONLY, and not to be posted on any internet service." My answer is: Oh, here we have a proof that John Machaffie, writing under name "johnmac" at the forum RAPTURE NOW made the posting against the will of Jack Barr! Dear johnmac, we also object to this posting. Therefore, will you be so kind and remove this nasty posting and serve an apology to both Jack Barr and Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah? Thank you in advance for your consideration. Jack Barr writes: "Since then her ministry has turned into a 'cult,' and has broken up one family that I have documentation of, since I have written to/from the wife (Brigitte Wilson) and woman friend (Melissa) of the man (Chuck Wilson) she dragged into her 'cult.' She led this man to leave his wife and children, leaving them destitute. Sherrie had him give her all of his money, and forbid him to have any contact with his wife and children. Sherrie claims that she ordained this man." My answer is: Here is the big slander. Jack Barr is such an expert that he calls a ministry called by our FATHER YAHWEH, YAHUSHUA, and RUACH HA KODESH a 'cult.' What went wrong with this man? He neither inquired directly from Sister Elisabeth, nor from hundreds and thousands of peoples who were led to repentance by the Word from GOD coming through Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah, nor can he recognize GOD's Word in the Prophecy! Yet he proves on his website that he has quite a bit of knowledge of the Bible. Could this be then the case of which YAHUSHUA speaks in John 10:27? Here is the verse: "MY sheep hear MY voice, and I know them and they follow ME". Perhaps Jack Barr does not hear the Voice of YAHUSHUA! Or is it a case of a "Wolf in sheep clothing?" Please judge for yourself. Jack Barr claims that Mr. Chuck Wilson was dragged into her "cult"? Where are you going Jack with your slanders? What is the purpose of your madness? I would like to explain to the visitors of this website that I have met Mr. Chuck Wilson last year and have spoken with him over the telephone in May this year. He lives and works in Alaska. He asked me to give to Sister Elisabeth a gift he bought for her even though he is no more working for this ministry. I have never heard from him the allegations made by Jack Barr. I know that Mr. Chuck Wilson had a wife, an immigrant from Asia, and they agreed to divorce. Chuck felt bitterness towards his wife, but not towards the ministry! His voluntary gift for Prophet and Ring Maiden Elisabeth proves it! But probably Jack Barr does not want to hear about it. This could spoil his slandering story! Jack Barr writes: "She has collected much money and lives a lavish lifestyle. Sherrie now lives in a semi-commune with a man called Paul, who has changed his name to Nikomia. They have been living together for some time without being married, as I understand it." My answer is: This is another lie. I have joined the ministry and traveled together with them for more than one year. I don't see much money and lavish lifestyle. To the contrary, we live by faith, not knowing where the support will come from. We gathered our belongings together and share all expenses the church was doing it at the beginning, see Acts 2:44-45. Mr. and Mrs. Nikomia are married. In conclusion, Jack Barr your understanding is failing you. It is time you learn before composing your writings. How can you claim you are Christian if you sin against your Sister, her Husband and all of us from this ministry? You call yourself, "reverend". Ask yourself, how much will our GOD revere you, such a liar? Jack Barr writes: "I looked at her site recently, and it is even worse now that when I first examined her web site a couple of years ago." My answer is: Let us see. I have observed the site for the last two years and I could see over 80 Prophecies that have no equal in value for our lives on the entire internet! Certainly, the website of Jack Barr doesn't have even one Prophecy of the kind Elisabeth received from GOD! Is this then a reflection of Barr's jelousy? Repent Jack Barr of your sin! You speak against the Word of GOD! Jack Barr has written: "Oliver, Be VERY Careful of most of these sites out there, for every website of Prophecy out there, there will be 500 to 1000 false prophets as opposed to the very few true prophets of God like Raymond Aguilera, and Thomas Gibson. I know for in years past the Lord had me go through and study these false sites, showing me what was wrong with each one of them, before I was led to Ray's site, and Thomas' site." My answer is: If you, Jack Barr, are attacking an Anointed Minister, the most important Prophetic Ministry today established by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, then you are not led by the same SPIRIT. My question is: By what Spirit are you led in your slandering attacks against Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah? Jack Barr has written: "There are a few more true sites out there, but if the Lord God does not send you to any of the false sites, for the purpose of study, then you will have NO protection from God, and will become more and more confused, mixing up the words of Satan with God's Word, until you will think that Satan's words are the words of God. Do not put that trash into your head, for then you will have to fight against it, which will hinder your walk with God. If the Prophecies do not Glorify God, and agree with the Word of the Bible, then it is false." My answer is: Finally, reasonable words. Would you like, Jack Barr, to follow your own advise? Answer to us, what does it mean that you slander Prophecies received by Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah which Glorify GOD and agree with the Word of the Bible? …well, the only one answer is, you represent Satan! In summary, Jack Barr, I am abhorred at your "Slandering Attacks". I pray to our HOLY GOD YAHWEH that HE may remember your sin on the Judgment Day, unless you repent of it! The end The answer is written by, Adam M. Serving our LORD YAHUSHUA (JESUS CHRIST) since 1993. | | Please go to the other if one is off line. We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists Click Here For More Info ![]() ![]() Mailing and Email Addresses |