Note: Read about Angie Ray
From Alberta, Georgia, 10.15.2005
Please - Dear Sister Sherrie, whom I just became acquainted with through this website and I thank YAHUSHUA for leading me to this site from the result of a SEARCH Submission that I did looking for information on Dr. Angie Ray Ministries and found the information about your Ministry - THANK THEE ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH for His infinite wisdom and blessings.
I praise YAHUVEH and THANK YAHUVEH for the precious stand which you and your husband along with others associated with you have taken and are taking for the TRUTH of Almighty YAHUVEH/YAHUSHUA!!!
I was so excited when I began reading all the information and Truth of YAHUVEH that you have on this website - It's so refreshing to find others that believe as you believe, confess as you confess and believe, plus live by the TRUTH of YAHUVEH - Once again, I thank YAHUVEH/YAHUSHUA for you.
My prayer request is that you pray for my deliverance from a Satanic attack on my life!
I'm saved and filled with the "RAUCH ha KODESH" (HOLY GHOST); with the evidence of Speaking in Tongues and have been for 29 years and I just marked my 29th anniversary October 12th - I praise YAHUVEH for blessing me to hold on to his faith all these years and it's His grace and Spirit which has enabled me to do so. I've suffered with a spirit of nervousness and fear for years but just recently I've been attacked by the enemy so much so that an evil presence and force is with me and around me always; even when I go to bed it shakes me and I can look in the mirror as I plead the blood of YAHUSHUA against it and see it's evil countenance on my face (countenance) and when I look in the mirror at this ugly creature, I see someone else's eyes - not my eyes! I'm not sure how this creature has been able to oppress me like this or what I've done or I'm doing which would cause this Satanic attack (because I try to live my life Holy before Thee Almighty, according to His TRUTH, everyday !
of my life) but I ask you with all my heart to please pray for my deliverance because that's why I was looking for information on Dr. Angie Ray Ministries through the Search Engine because I heard that she has and I've seen her broadcast before on The WORD NETWORK; a DELIVERING MINISTRY but after reading your article about her ministry; I now plainly see the Hand of Almighty YAHUVEH working on my behalf by allowing me to come across your ministry and besides connecting me with brethren who believe as I believe; which is His whole TRUTH as he has taught to me throughout the years; I also believe that he had me come in contact with you for my deliverance!!!
Please fervently pray for my deliverance and I'll wait to hear back from you either via email or phone.
YAHUVEH'S continued blessings & Peace upon your ministry and life.