Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah

“Wake up, you who slumber, from your deep sleep some are in spiritual comas! Examine your behavior, repent of all your sins and remember YAHUVEH the Creator. Remember YAHUSHUA is the ONLY Messiah and only through HIS shed blood and his life HE gave at Calvary can anyone have forgiveness of sins and enter into Heaven.”

Remember it is not enough to just ask forgiveness but you must turn away from your sins. That is true repentence and putting action behind your words.

There is a Hebrew custom to sound the shofar horn after the morning service of Shabbat for an entire month before Rosh HaShanah in order to wake us up to the need to properly prepare our mind, body, spirit, and soul for the Awesome Days of Judgment which are approaching. Yom Kippur the 10 days of awe.

Remember, Today is the day of Salvation, tomorrow may be too late. Judgment is here and America is being used as an example for betraying Israel and forcing them to go along with a so-called road map of peace, evicting people out of their homes in Gaza and the West Bank. Now the border is open where the enemies who are the Palistines promised to protect Israel and instead tens of thousands of the enemies flood Israel through Gaza where once it was protected by the Israeli Troops. How Sharon could believe that the enemy's camp would protect Israel is beyond my wildest imagination. What utter chaos there is now. There is NO peace that will come from it.

Remember the warnings in the Bible when they say Peace, Peace, the end will come. America and all the nations taking part in this so-called road map to peace, you are responsible for the Jewish blood on your hands. Israel is not to give away what our Creator YAHUVEH said they were to keep. Here is the sad truth...YAHUVEH didn't take it from Israel, Israel was betrayed by their own leader, and Sharon gave it away out of fear and intimidation and greed. Sharon, how many pieces of silver did you betray your own people for? YAHUVEH warned through the prophetic messages given to me, that I was faithful to post before you, that America don't betray Israel, or you shall reap what you are sowing. And that goes for the other nations also.

How can anyone not see that these hurricanes are the wrath of YAHUVEH is beyond me! Read your Holy Scriptures and see for yourself. He sends HIS wrath in the storms, quakes, floods, famines, droughts.

Beware America, for you executed Terri Shindler Shavio before the whole world, forcing her to go without food and water and she died on the 13th day because of your heartlessness. You watched as Hurricane Katrina caused people to die, especially in New Orleans, a Modern day Sodom whose main religion is voodoo, and occult in all forms including satanism. Why did you only care when people starved and went without water for 5 days and did all you could to save the lives in New Orleans…and yet let a innocent woman die a horrible death of dehydration and hunger! How few did anything to even lift up non-stop weeping intercessory prayers in her behalf? I warned you through a prophetic message YAHUVEH spoke through me HE used her to test your hearts and Florida you would pay for allowing this to happen in your state, and so will all those who has Terri Shindler Shavio's blood on their hands! It is not over with yet, it has just begun, thus sayeth YAHUVEH!

America, YAHUVEH warned again and again to REPENT, for you are like unto a Ninevah and have been given your last chance, and still through all of this tragedy you shake your fist at GOD YAHUVEH and say we will only rebuild again. Did you care when the people wept and cried in Gaza and the West Bank in Israel while they were forcifully evicted and carried from their homes amidst their prayers and weeping? Did you weep at their loss of their homes and buisnesses? Why do you think YAHUVEH cares more for those that are homeless in New Orleans, and the other States hit by the Wrath of YAHUVEH? Do you really think YAHUVEH is pleased to see innocent women and children murdered on a daily basis in Iraq and other nations that disagree because of greed?

This year there was a mighty shofar blast which preceded the ones man made. It was the shofar of our Creator and FATHER YAHUVEH who sends A MIGHTY WIND in the form of hurricanes - “the stormy wind which does His bidding” (Psalm 148:8) – to wake up the entire world. YAHUVEH stomps HIS foot in anger on the earth and it shakes in a mighty earthquake! YAHUVEH sheds tears for no repentence and Floods come and destroy homes and kill people! WAKE UP PEOPLE AND REPENT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! YOUR LIVES AND SOULS ARE AT STAKE! YAHUVEH is the GOD OF CONSUMING FIRE! HIS rage is in YAHUVEH'S nostrils and HE breathes on land and it is on fire with HIS CONSUMING FIRE!

The same time this Ministry, named 'Amightywind' for 10 years now on the Internet, is under vicious attack for standing up for obedience to the commandments and Holiness, and I am being accused of the most sickening lies straight from satan's mouth from satan's servants mouths, trying to get me to get off focus and defend myself and this ministry.

Satanic cults coming disguised as Christian, but are not Christian, these people are filled with legions of demons! They tried to infiltrate this ministry and now because they failed they are furious and know that they can't stop this ministry, so they try and wear me out with trying to keep up with each new lie and liar they send. I was told long ago my husband and I were to be like Nehemiah and not come down from the wall, but to continue to preach the prophetic messages given to me. I am trying hard to do this.

In YAHUSHUA'S name anyone whose name is found written in the Lamb's Book of Life will recognize that the voice that speaks forth from this Ministry and Minister's mouth is Holiness and will rebuke and recognize and refuse to listen to any lies sent from satan with one goal to discredit this Prophet so then you will ignore the prophetic messages given to me. Remember even YAHUSHUA was accused by satan's crowd. I am ignoring these lies, for those of you who wonder if any of it is true then it is quite evident you have not a relationship close enough to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA to recognize what is Holy and what is not Holy. I suggest you fall on your knees and pray to YAHUVEH to forgive you and get a relationship so you can discern the truth!

Hurricanes are more popularly called “natural disasters”." But anyone who is willing to take a deeper look can see the Divine wrath and Judgment in the eye of the hurricane called Katrina and also Rita, among other names. The message is clear for all of mankind and especially for the Jewish People. "VENGENCE IS MINE SAYETH YAHUVEH, I WILL REPAY!" Israel that message goes for you also, for how few of the Jewish People truly live Holy anymore! REPENT ISRAEL, BECOME THAT HOLY NATION YAHUVEH DECREED YOU SHOULD BE!

We join the world in prayer for those who can yet be saved through the shed blood of YAHUSHUA and whose lives and homes can be rebuilt if they rebuild while standing on the Solid Rock who is YAHUSHUA and not on the sinking sand which is Unholiness and disobedience. We look forward to the entire world waking up in time to stop YAHUVEH from being forced to send HIS wrath again on the disobedient. The people who truly do serve and worship YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, putting them first in their lives and love, and yet lost their homes and loved ones, know that your loved ones are in Heaven where you will see them one day, and your homes can be rebuilt. But YAHUVEH does not want you to be like a LOT and rebuild in Sodom again! YAHUVEH had you forcibly removed to give you the wake up shofar blast. "Flee Sodom before it is too late!"

There are always some righteous people that die along with the heathen. To comfort people who have loved ones that loved YAHUSHUA and they wonder why this happened? It is because your loved ones while in these states and nations, that experienced a sample of YAHUVEH'S wrath finished their job here on earth and now they are in Heaven, a far better place where they no longer suffer.

New Orleans, how dare you schedule a Mardi Gras parade! Haven't you yet learned that YAHUVEH will not be mocked! Where is the spirit of repentence and turning away from evil? Do you not know that vengeance is mine, sayeth YAHUVEH! YAHUVEH is roaring with Fury! He Roars through the Hurricanes, sending A Mighty Wind to bring his wrath and wake-up call to repentence. How few are listening. The majority are shaking their fists at Heaven in rage instead of searching their souls and asking why the Creator is so angry? YAHUVEH's WRATH has only just begun to be felt around this world! It is easy to declare war on each other's nations, but how will this world fight off the wrath and war sent from Heaven and our Creator YAHUVEH'S OWN HANDS!

The worst is yet to come. Watch out in 2006 for it will be a year like none other thus far. Freedoms have been taken away from citizens all because of fear! Never will those freedoms be restored again. The lunatics are now in charge of the asylums which are the governments in this world! Repent today, and turn away from your sins, beg for mercy in the name of YAHUSHUA. Fast and remember on YOM KIPPUR the price our beloved YAHUSHUA had to pay so that all sins through HIS shed blood could be washed away! Don't take your salvation for granted! Don't assume that you will be protected from the wrath of YAHUVEH!

I, Elisabeth heard my beloved Abba YAHUVEH ROAR, audibly ROAR, but be assured HE told me that HE roars just before HE devours HIS enemies. If you are loving and obeying and trying hard to live Holy and put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in your life and love in all ways, YAHUVEH will not devour you. But sinners who don't care, beware, YAHUVEH is coming after you and HE is full of Rage and fury and the storms and quakes and floods you have seen thus far are nothing compared what is coming from Heaven very quickly!

Oh, perverted world, what will you do when YAHUVEH comes Roaring after you and HE declares war from Heaven? REPENT TODAY, THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE! It is true satan also comes as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour but he can only counterfeit. YAHUSHUA already devoured satan at Calvary and through YAHUSHUA'S NAME AND BLOOD WE NOW HAVE THE VICTORY!

Apostle Elisabeth Elijah


"Where your faith is your Passover will be! You are to fast on Yom Kippur, humbling yourself before I, YAHUVEH and fasting for the evil in your land so you will be spared when death visits MY enemies who set themselves against all that is HOLY. Is this really too hard? I GIVE YOU HOLY FEAST DAYS to feast and celebrate with the exception of YOM KIPPUR, THE DAY OF ATONEMENT when you are to fast and remember the price YAHUSHUA paid for your sins. Is it really too hard for you to learn of the HEBREW HOLY DAYS?"

Psalms 31:17-19

Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon thee:
let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.
Let the lying lips be put to silence;
which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.
Oh how great is thy goodness,
which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee;
which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee
before the sons of men!



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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5

By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5