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Intro This song, "Beauty For Ashes", is written February 18, 1994. I'd just like to give you a little intro what it is about. It's based on Isaiah 61 and it's a song of prophecy and deliverance. It's a song that's given to those of us who feel as though we've been CREMATED in a fiery furnace, reduced to ashes, because of the trials suffering and tribulation of this life. The Holy Ghost has given this song to Christ's children, His Bride, with this promise. Isaiah 61 is yours and mine. "Beauty For Ashes" is a song of deliverance and prophecy to what I call the Lazarus Generation. There are those of us who are waiting for Jesus to raise us from the dead. Though outwardly we appear to live we have suffered so much, if not physically, then mentally, spiritually, emotionally or sexually. There are many kinds of abuse and suffering. Sometimes the suffering is so great, the persecution of the enemy so intolerable, we feel as though we've stopped living. We know we can only really live again when Jesus Christ delivers us. Until then, we only exist but not really feel alive. The enemies abuse, neglect, defilement, rejection and bondage, unlove and hatred has made us feel as though we're no longer flesh and blood but has burnt us to ashes. We feel different from others, and in many ways, we are. Depression, loneliness, sorrow, defilement, bondage, hopelessness, self hatred, hatred of others have turned us to thoughts of self abuse, allowance abuse, for violence, contemplation of suicide, alcohol, drugs, dangerous lifestyles. We belong to our Lord Jesus Christ and we can't understand WHY, when Jesus and Jehovah loves us, they have not delivered us or taken vengeance on our enemies. We then start to wonder, "Perhaps Father God doesn't care…or doesn't see…or doesn't hear. Maybe we deserve this violence, bondage and abuse. Maybe…God doesn't love me. Oh well, if God doesn't care, why should I?" Do these lies from Hell sound familiar? If they do, then YOU are who this song is written for. I was told through a prophecy long ago that if my suffering, bondage, defilement, unlove and abuse was not great, then this ministry would not be great. Millions of people would be set free when I was. I believe this song is one of the reasons my life has been what's it been since I've been born. This song is NOT for entertainment, but for deliverance…YOUR DELIVERANCE …and mine. As Jesus says to me,
so He says to you. You, My children, have fellowshipped in My suffering. Now Lazarus is…
For I AM the Resurrection and the Life. Though you were dead, yet shall you live, for I have promised you life and life more abundantly, joy unspeakable and full of glory, peace that passes all understanding, prosperity instead of poverty, divine health instead of sickness, life instead of death, sanity instead of insanity, love instead of hatred. I give unto you this day Beauty for your ashes, oil of joy for your mourning. Though you were dead, yet shall you live." Hear the voice of your Lord, Savior and Master through this song. Now Lazarus is…
Be healed, mind, body, spirit and soul…in the Name of your risen Savior, Jesus Christ. I command you by the power of the Holy Ghost…
Song Beauty for Ashes… I look in the mirror, what do I see? A reflection of a reflection, staring back at me. Segment 2 My eyes are filled with all sorts of pain, suffering, sorrow, sickness, bondage, rejection, defilement, abuse and fear… Oh dear Jesus help me I've cried a river of lonely tears. Some years later… I looked in the broken mirror, what do I see? A big pile of ugly, dirty ashes, staring back at me. I am those ashes, life has been ??? Is there deliverance, healing, love for me? I will not doubt. Another day quickly disappears, Oh dear Jesus, help me, I haven't yet lived, Why must I count the years? Life's not been kind and I have to wonder why, Is this all there is and then I'll die? Oh well, praise you Jesus, At least with You in Heaven I'll forever abide. This inner me has crushed me like broken glass I only appear to live, but I'm really fine, ground ash. But in Jesus' Name, Word and Blood, I will rise up a mighty, anointed warrior from this ash. To walk not in the flesh but become whole In the anointed power, strength and might of the Holy Ghost. Thus saith the Lord…
The only love in this world I have known was sent from a hellish lie. It's a stealin', killin', destroying kind, Body, spirit, soul and mind It was sent from Hell to destroy you and me, Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and sexually. It causes every kind of pain, suffering, sorrow, spirit defilement, Bondage, sickness and abuse Oh, Dear Jesus, help us make this devil let loose. Jesus Christ, you're the only true love of my life, I will forever remain your child, warrior and bride. To You I look up 'cause I know From Your hand all good blessings do flow. My deliverance and redemption draw us nigh For you are the God of all truth sent, You are my God that cannot lie. Thus saith the Lord…
Segment 3
I feel at times I've been pushed over the line, But God's grace, love and mercy has brought me back, time after time. When I think I'm only worth pain, suffering, sorrow, bondage, defilement, Sickness, fear and abuse. Then the sweet Holy Ghost spoke to me God's truth, I saw a beautiful light of God descent on me. Then my Jesus Christ spoke these words forcefully… "Forgive those that persecute you, but know this… Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. I have promised you, My child, the dawning of a new era and a new day. You are more than a conqueror through the Name of Jesus Christ your Lord, And in My Name you shall SUCCEED and not fail. For you, My children, are the HEAD and NOT the tail. Blessings and NOT curses are yours. Deliverance, healing, prosperity are My childrens' bread. I AM the Bread of Life. Through ME you are fed, For beloved child of Mine, I've anointed you, To bring the good news to the suffering and afflicted, To bind up the brokenhearted, to announce liberty to the captives, To OPEN the prison to them that are bound. I AM sending you to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, The favor of God YAHUVEH. The day of vengeance to Mine and your enemies, To comfort all those that mourn. To all of My children it is written and I cannot lie, To all those called by My name, whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, This day I give unto you Beauty for your ashes, Oil of joy for your mourning, I clothe you in a garment of praise for your happiness and depression. You will be called trees of righteousness. I have planted and delivered you for My glory. You shall be called priests of the Lord, Men shall call you ministers of our God. Instead of shame and dishonor, you shall have a double portion of prosperity and everlasting joy. You, My children, who have suffered so much in My name, Shall be the head and NOT the tail! The wealth of the wicked has been stored up for the just. Use it for My Glory! Again I say, all those who desire what is written, Lift your hands, your heart, and repeat after me… My God YAHUVEH has promised you and me this, Speak now and receive by faith as you do your salvation in Jesus' Name, And if you've not already given your heart, soul and life to Jesus Christ, Then do it today without delay and these blessings will be yours also. For you will have become a child of the most High King! I now receive in Jesus' name, Beauty for ashes, Oil of joy instead of mourning, a garment of praise instead of heaviness. I now receive in Jesus' Name, Prosperity instead of poverty, divine health instead of sickness I now receive in Jesus' Name, Live instead of death, sanity instead of insanity, Laughter instead of sorrow, blessings instead of curses. Segment 4 I now receive in Jesus' Name, Freedom from captivity, Heaven instead of hell, And to this world I'm gonna tell, My brothers and sisters just believe, we are the head and not the tail. My brothers and sisters just believe, we are the head and not the tail. In Jesus' Name, we're destined to succeed and never fail. We are your children, Father God YAHUVEH, Reminding You of Your covenant this day, we stand on Your Holy Word it is written, The blessings of God, Deu. 28 we claim in Jesus Christ's Name. We receive Beauty for ashes in Jesus Christ's Name. The enemies of God run away in seven different directions. From this day forth, we'll never be the same, We receive Beauty for ashes in Jesus' Name. We know Your Holy Word cannot lie, Isaiah 51 is yours and mine, It's only a matter of God's set time. We are Your blessed children, we are your covenant bride. Our Father God YAHUVEH, in Jesus' Word, Name and Blood we do abide. Jehovah You didn't leave Christ on that cross, It was only love enough to save us through Your loss. Isaiah 61 is yours and mine, Deu. 28, the blessings of God, we will dine. Sweet Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ, we are your blessed children, We are Your covenant bride. What is this my eyes do see? Brilliant lightning now appears to me. My ears hear rolling, booming thunder…and then…
I look in the mirror, what do I see? A healthy, beautiful, happy, blessed whole person smiling back at me. I am that person my God has set free, Now He'll do for YOU what He's done for me. In faith believe and receive as you did your salvation. And know this…God gives to you, this day, Beauty for ashes, full of joy instead of mourning, A garment of praise instead of heaviness. God gives you this day… Prosperity instead of poverty, divine health instead of sickness. God gives you this day… Success instead of failure, laughter instead of sorrow. God gives you this day… Vindication instead of persecution, Heaven instead of Hell. God gives you this day… Blessings instead of curses, life instead of death. God gives you this day… Cleanliness instead of defilement, freedom from captivity. No longer will we be deceived, Fear, sickness, abuse and unholy bondage is not for you and me. For Jesus' Word has set me free, Who Jesus Christ has set free is forever free indeed.
We look in the mirror, what do we see? A whole, happy, healthy, beautiful, blessed people Looking back at you and me. We are that people our Father God Jehovah has blessed, And proven to us Beauty for ashes really is the best. We are your children, we are your covenant bride, Precious Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ. We are your blessed children, Father God YAHUVEH, Reminding You of Your covenant this day. Isaiah 61 is yours and mine, and Deu. 28 the blessings of Father God Jehovah we will dine. Segment 5 Beauty for ashes is really the best, In God's promises we now rest. Isaiah 61 is yours and mine, It's only a matter of God's set time. Precious Holy Spirit, Father God YAHUVEH, precious Lord Jesus Christ, We come to You as Your children this day. We are Your blessed children Father God YAHUVEH, We are Your blessed children and we know our prayers are going to be answered This very day. Precious Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ, We are Your blessed children, WE ARE YOUR BLESSED CHILDREN, FATHER GOD YAHUVEH! We are your covenant bride. All Praise, Honor and Glory goes to You, Jesus Christ, our Lord, For now speaks unto us the Lazarus Generation and now says…
We know that it is the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage, not the quality of my voice. It is Your promises, Holy Ghost, that You have given me, through this song, to give to your people. Now I ask that the mighty anointing of the Holy Ghost comes down on this tape right now in a mighty way, comes down on this song right now, 100 fold, I ask sweet Holy Ghost. Intervene for the sake of the sheep right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Shepherd, I ask NOW, sweet Holy Ghost, speak with tongues of fire of deliverance to me right now, not only for myself, but FOR YOUR PEOPLE! [ Speaking in tongues. IMPORTANT: Even if you are deaf and cannot hear the audio files, play them anyway through your computer speakers, ESPECIALLY this part. Your spirit will hear the Holy Spirit speaking these tongues!!! ] SATAN, SET GOD'S PEOPLE FREE NOW! [ Speaking in tongues. ] In the Name of Jesus Christ, my risen Savior… [ Speaking in tongues. ] Praise You, sweet Holy Spirit. Praise You, sweet Father God YAHUVEH. Praise You, my Lord Jesus Christ, my risen Savior. Praise You, Praise You, Praise You, Praise You, for letting God's people go, free of Satan's bondage now. In the Name…Your Name is above all names, the Name of Jesus Christ of Calvary, I pray. | | These are mirror sites, please go to the other if one is off line. We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists Click Here For More Info ![]() ![]() Mailing and Email Addresses |