These Songs Are For The Lazarus
End Time Generation!!!
Thus saith the Lord, "I have anointed you as Isaiah 61, to bind
up the brokenhearted, to set the captives free in the mighty Name of
YAHUSHUA. It has been decreed. I use this one, My handmaiden speaking to
call the Lazarus' forth, for she also is one. Lazarus was bound from head
to toe as he was put inside that tomb. But even the meaning of the world 'bound' as the Lazarus' are bound.
Bound with the cares of the world. Bound by the attacks of Satan. Bound by
the spirits that have hurt them and they must be freed, and this is why
I'm sending you forth. To unbind the Lazarus Generation...My children, the one's that I raise up that are on that wall that
Elisabeth was told to assemble the troops is all part of the
Lazarus End Time