Courtesy Jim Bramlett Ministries

Last night, on 11.11.02, I got a telephone call from Rev. Ron Patterson, the father of Ronnie, Jr., the then 19-year-old boy who had the powerful visitation from the Lord in September, 2000, when the Lord told him that He was coming soon, and in context, extremely soon.

Ron related that the other day the Lord visited His home in a special way. They did not see anything or hear an audible voice, but there was an awesome Presence. The whole family noticed it, and just worshipped the Lord throughout the day. They had never experienced anything like it. Ron said the climax of the day was when the Lord clearly spoke to His spirit (not audible, but very strong in his spirit) and told him to go to Luke chapter 24 because He wanted to show him something. Ron was shown that the passage about the empty grave and resurrection gives insights about the rapture and the church.

Ron said the Lord told him to consider references to His body in this passage to symbolically mean the church, His spiritual body.

Verse 1. They brought "spices" to where they thought Jesus' body was. Spices were for the purpose covering the odor of a dead body. The dead body represents the dead church. The spices represent those things that people try to use to cover the odor of spiritual death in their churches, all the "religious" things as opposed to the truly spiritual things that should be. This may include wonderful music and programs, stained-glass windows, ministers in ornate costumes and robes, and titles. These things are not all bad in themselves, but they can be used as "spices" in some churches.

Verse 3. "They… found not the body of the Lord Jesus." This refers to the rapture. People will look for the bodies of those missing but they will not be found.

Verse 4. "Two men stood by them in shining garments." This refers to the two witnesses in Revelation 113.

Verses 5-6. "(The two men) said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen remember how he spake unto you…?" After the rapture, people who are seeking the missing will be reminded how they were warned but they did not believe it. Such a thought seemed too preposterous at the time. But suddenly they are faced with the reality that it happened and they missed it.

Verses 10-11. "It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles. And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not." The unbelieving apostles represent leaders of the apostate church. When the rapture is reported to them, they will consider it as an "idle tale" and will not even believe it after it happens.

Verse 12. "Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass. " Peter represents the lukewarm church. He too discovers what happened. He had denied the Lord and fled. He represents the lukewarm church which is left behind. Peter was later filled with the Spirit and became a bold witness, winning many to the Lord, as will many lukewarm believers who are left behind will do, bringing a great revival after the rapture.

Ron said that he recently preached a sermon on this at Dr. Eby’s former group in California and there was a tremendous anointing on the message. Two women reported liquid fire running through their bodies.


Ron also said that a friend of his had a prophetic dream the other day that she is convinced was from the Lord because it was so vivid, clear and relevant. She and her husband were at a party, and everyone was "eating and drinking" and exchanging gifts. It was a festive, feast season. Suddenly she saw a terrible, ominous storm in the distance and it was rapidly heading their way. She tried to warn everyone but no one would listen. They just kept eating and drinking and partying, just as in the days of Noah. She saw this as the soon-coming tribulation about which many warnings are going out from God’s anointed, but most everyone keeps parting and acting as though there is no danger (such as my previous comparison with people dancing on the deck of the Titanic, with music playing).

Ron said the excitement of his son, Ronnie, Jr. (now age 20) about the rapture has not only not waned but it has grown tremendously. His experience of being taken to heaven in September 2000, seeing Jesus and the preparation for the rapture was so real and vivid that it totally and radically changed his life and is now all he thinks or talks about. He acts as though "he knows that he knows that he knows." He is constantly saying, "He’s coming!" Ron said that he has shared with Ronnie some of the speculations about timing and all Ronnie does is confidently smile and say, "He’s coming." Ronnie has shown no interest in specific timing because he already knows all he needs to know He’s coming!

Jim Bramlett

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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5