shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever and take out
the wicked from among the just. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there
shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50

One thing about
Hell is it's no respecter of persons. The rich go to Hell, the poor go, to Hell, the Old go
to Hell, the teens go to Hell! the Jew goes to Hell, the gentile goes to Hell! even those
that never hurt anyone, and even help others, those that are kind and generous to
charities, in the worlds eyes we would say they are NOT bad enough to go to Hell with
Hitler and the Satanic worshipers, murders, etc. but the bible says ALL Have sinned and
fell short of the Glory of God! All of Us need a perfect savior and that is
There is ONLY one entrance way one door into Heaven and that is YAHUSHUA /Jesus Christ! It does
NOT matter how famous you are in this world, in HELL you are a NOBODY! Satan has
no favorites he only wants to do one thing, to take as many souls to HELL with Him to
suffer with him for all eternity! Please don't be one of these many faces! Please warn
others! Grandma's, Grandpa's, Moms, Dads, Sisters, Brothers, Husbands, Wives, and
Children (teens) are in HELL! All races are in hell. Warn THEM before its too late! In Hell there is no healing! You die
in sickness and pain! if you choose to go to HELL after
reading this I can NOT stop you its Your Choice!!!! But at least you were warned!
Copyright by Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah
Here is a link to another interesting page about HELL on the internet.
The Truth About HELL!
Excerpt from "The Truth About Hell" page...
Several years ago a
book was published, entitled Beyond Death's Door by
Dr. Maurice Rawlings. Dr. Rawlings, a specialist in Internal
Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, resuscitated many
people who had been clinically dead. Dr. Rawlings, a devout
atheist, "considered all religion
"hocus-pocus" and death nothing more than a
painless extinction". But something happened in
1977 that brought a dramatic change in the life of Dr.
Rawlings! He was resuscitating a man, terrified and
screaming — descending down into the flames of hell:
"Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the patient
screamed, "I
am in hell!" He
was terrified and pleaded with me to help him. I was
scared to death. . . Then I noticed a genuinely alarmed
look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the
expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque
grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated,
and he was perspiring and trembling — he looked as if
his hair was "on end."
Then still another strange thing happened. He said, "Don't
you understand? I am in hell. . . Don't let me go back to
hell!" The man was serious, and it finally occurred to me that
he was indeed in trouble. He was in a panic like I had
never seen before."
(Maurice Rawlings, Beyond Death's Door, (Thomas Nelson
Inc., 1979) p. 3).
Dr. Rawlings said, no
one, who could have heard his screams and saw the look of
terror on his face could doubt for a single minute that he
was actually in a place called hell!
We agree with this other
site on Hell, except we do not believe people take the form of satan. The worm
this Pastor speaks about is that everyone in Hell has their own flaming worms
that crawl in and out of every opening of their bodies for eternity! As
Apostle Elisabeth saw in a vision of a man in Hell.
The citizens in
Hell are covered in
The torture we cannot even
imagine! Hell is so horrible God the Father paid a great price and sent his
own son YAHUSHUA, to keep us out of Hell! YAHUSHUA, loves us so much he was
willing to suffer agony of crucifixion to provide a way of escape! If Hell
wasn't real ask yourself would GOD the creator of ALL pay this price for a
place that doesn't exist? NO! HE WOULD NOT! Hell is real! It was created NOT
for Humans but for fallen angels DEMONS and of course SATAN! ANTI CHRIST, AND
We are linking to this ONE
page we cannot say if we agree or disagree with everything else the other
ministry speaks on. We leave it to the People to discern the truth and rightly
divide it. Please bookmark our site and come back.
* * * * * *
Warning To All
Who Want to Cause Trouble
(Read Here!)

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand
take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will
reward them that hate me."
Deuteronomy 32:41
"When the enemy shall come in, LIKE A FLOOD
the Spirit of YAHUVEH shalt lift up a standard against him."
Isaiah 59:19
"If any man love not YAHUSHUA
ha MASHIACH, let him be ANATHEMA.
1 Corinthians 16:22 MARANATHA!!!
This is a POWERFUL verse!!!
Anathema means given up to the curse and
destruction, accursed!! Maranatha means our Lord has come!!! an exclamation of
the approaching DIVINE JUDGMENT.
However, if you come to cause trouble or try to harm
the ministry and ministers involved, you will be noted in heaven. Vengeance
is Mine said the Lord and He will repay. And any curses sent to this
ministry and ministers are rendered null, void, and powerless in the name
of YAHUSHUA (Jesus) for the blood of YAHUSHUA is against them.
The Lord says, you must either repent and cease your
wicked ways or you will wear those curses, spells, enchantments, hexes,
evil prayers, like SECOND SKIN! These are the words given to Apostle
Sherrie Elijah for although we are to bless our enemies and those that
despitefully use and curse us, He is not speaking of spiritual curses, but
of verbal curses (profanity) and the only blessing you will get for
cursing this minister and ministry, WE WILL PRAY THAT YOU WILL REPENT AND
And if you are sent to this minister and Ministry
set to destroy it, we remind you of the DOOM and judgment of your
"Master" satan which has been set at the time appointed.
"And the devil that deceived them was cast
into the lake of fire and brimstone; where the beast and the false
prophet are and shall be TORMENTED day and night for ever and
ever." Rev 20:10
Warning to all witches, warlocks, shamans, evil
medicine men, satanists, evil kabbalists, voodoo priests, evil rabbis who
are Jews but they are the synagogue of satan ( Revelation 2:9)! anyone
practicing the occult and the black arts, when you try to come to Apostle
Sherrie Elijah in the spiritual realm, no unwelcome guest is allowed in
her house, ministry, loved ones, and congregation!!!
If you think the Holy Spirit wont tell her,
you're wrong it has been proven already!! For she has the authority and
the anointing in the Name of YAHUSHUA (Jesus) to use the spiritual rod and
the double edged sword to CUT YOUR SILVER CORD!! For the innocent ones who
don't know what this means, you need not fear, but the evil ones know that
they could die when this happens. For they use the silver cord to travel
out of body. As one warlock told Her who was coming to her out of body, no
you can't do that for he could die and she says you been warned!
Everyone knows someone that has died is in Hell
right now or someone that is making their reservations for Hell, "Don't
Be Smug In Your Own Salvation". For the sake of
unsaved souls, Christians, use the open vision of hell given to Apostle Elisheva
to warn that hell is real. All of us are working on our salvation with fear and trembling (it's all you do with the
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu Is Visited By A Soul...From HELL!
www.amightywind.com |
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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5