THE RAPTURE OF THE TRUE BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH February 20, 2008 These are the Words of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. These Words are what they have said regarding the True Rapture of the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. These Prophetic Words have been compiled from the Prophecies spoken and written through Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah. These are only excerpts from Prophecies that mention the Rapture or Catching Away. Please click on the Prophecy number and title to read Prophecy in its entirety. Updated with new Prophecy excerpts on August 13, 2010 starts at Prophecy 93 Now for another shocker, are you ready? Yes, you shall be caught up to meet ME in the air. Truly you shall be enraptured with your Savior in MY arms. But first I remind you, did I not walk the earth for 40 days after MY resurrection, in MY Glorified Body? You are the body of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and so shall you do the same again witnessing for ME and warning the heathen to not take the Mark of the Beast. Proving Heaven is real. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is real. Death is not the end but the beginning of either salvation, or damnation. Then after the 40 days where you walk in your Glorified Bodies, where no bars can hold you and no need for food or water, but you can have it if you choose. Did I not eat fish? Did I not have a body where Thomas poked me in the side? So shall you also. Did I not walk through walls? The door was locked when I first went to MY disciples remember? So shall you walk through walls. Nothing will be impossible for you for 40 days. Those who don't have Glorified Bodies will grieve for they will know that YAHUSHUA spoke the truth when he said, "As you have seen ME go into the clouds so shall you also." Get in NOW, the Ark Door and Book of the Gentiles is closing. Come into the Ark. Come into MY arms where there is safety. For those that call ME Beloved and I call them MY Beloved Bride, MY Children. Come believe once again in your BLESSED HOPE, Your ALMIGHTY GOD, LORD, SAVIOR and BRIDEGROOM. Believe in the BLESSED HOPE. I will rescue you from the wrath that is to come. For those that refuse the BLESSED HOPE, MY coming for MY Beloved Bride, eloping with her in the midnight hour. You insult ME to say I will cause her to suffer the Wrath of ALMIGHTY GOD. She is MY Beloved, why would I beat MY Bride up? I am not a wife beater. You have already been tested and found worthy of being called MY Bride, or I would not be catching you away with ME. Don't you see MY Beloved? That is why I want to bring you near MY side, to be MY Bride. Why do you wait? Do you think I lied? You need not worry or fret. Those of you that are ready, I will take you home, those who are ready and have the faith to believe that I will keep them above the Judgment and wrath that is to come. I kept Lot from the wrath. I kept Noah above the wrath. Why should I not keep MY Bride above the wrath? For those that trust, I will do so. Where your faith is, I will answer. Do you have faith to believe that I will protect you during the time of the wrath and Judgment on this earth that is coming? Do you have faith to believe I will come and rescue you before the Wrath of ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH falls? Salvation depends on your faith. Why do you think this is any different? This is the day I will come again! Yes, I said keep the Sabbath from this day forward for those who claim to be MY Bride! Get ready for your Bridegroom doth come and will arrive on a Sabbath. You know not which one. But those not waiting for me on the SABBATH will MISS ME. Yea, I say again, as MY coming to earth draws closer, on this day let ME be in your thoughts, words, and deeds. Enjoy this day with ME. Can you not forsake your pleasures of the world for ME one day a week? Practice this now. The time is coming when the evil ones will take note who is really MINE and who is not really MINE. They will know by the MARK of whether you observe and keep MY laws. They will forbid you to gather on the Sabbath or acknowledge this day is the Sabbath. Remember Friday Sunset until Saturday sunset. This is the SABBATH. Keep it HOLY and a day for you and I to cuddle and get to know one another. You are MY Beloved. Those who do this will know blessings unlike any you have known before. Now I have spoken these things to MY servants and I have delivered this message to you the people in the midst of a personal prophecy given to those in this ministry. Yet I leave you with these words to those who profess to be MINE, and those who lead souls to ME, teach MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect to be Sabbath keepers not Sabbath breakers. By this, shall all men know thee! By this shall ye be ready for MY coming. Those with ears to hear shall hear, all others shall remain deaf. Leave them deaf, for it is a spirit of rebellion that enters in their hearts and souls. Leave them! Again I say try not to change their minds. MY scripture speaks the truth, it changes not. Honor the Sabbath Days, also the High Holy Days, April 1, April 2. Honor all Sabbath Days which is on Friday sunset, till Saturday Sunset....not Sunday as so many of you remember ME on Sunday and live like the devil on Friday and Saturday evenings partaking of the worldliness on the days set aside for our Sabbath. Pray for the Passover from the wrath to come upon this world. Pray you will be counted worthy and these bowls and trumps of MY wrath will Passover you and you will be counted worthy to escape. For "I AM" is a GOD that cannot nor will not lie, I prophesy what is to come to pass through MY prophets so no one can say "I AM" didn't warn the people. When you Passover to the other side will it be Heaven or hell and curses? When your Passover comes, will you experience Rapture or Great Tribulation unlike this world has never known or never will know again. What will you do with this prophetic message from "I AM"? Will you Passover it and forget it dismissing it as foolishness or folly? Or will you prepare for your Passover whose NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Pray today for all those reading this and don't know how to be ready without spot or wrinkle. Write this Pastor. She will introduce you to the true Passover Lamb that was slain and arose again from the dead on the 3rd day. Who willingly laid his life down for you so you could be saved by having all your sins washed away with the perfect Blood of the true Passover perfect sinless Lamb of GOD, Son of "I AM" whose name is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH HE alone is your MESSIAH for those that accepted "I AM's" Passover gift at Calvary. Now in closing I want to comfort MY Babies that come to ME in tears, and fearful of what is going to come to pass. If these words of wisdom go unheeded "I AM" did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Thank ME ahead of time for your Glorified Bodies. Bodies that no bars will be able to hold, bodies that cannot be killed, bodies that will still do what the saints did when MY Son YAHUSHUA rose from the grave. So arose also the saints in Jerusalem as their Spirits joined with their bodies and they arose in the first resurrected bodies, to be a witness YAHUSHUA lives, rules and reigns, HE is MESSIAH. Again I say, as it was then so it will be again. First came YAHUSHUA then the saints rose and witnessed to Jerusalem. Read MY Holy Word as it was then so it shall be again. This is the dead in the MESSIAH that will again witness to this world; YAHUSHUA is MESSIAH, along with those that are alive and called MY Bride. Watching, waiting, yet doing the work set out by your Heavenly Father, will be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air. Bodies of flesh and blood no more, but Glorified Bodies, that will accomplish more for "I AM" than in the mortal bodies of clay. If you believe MY Holy Word then you will know this is not the first time "I AM" has done this, remember Elijah of Old, and remember Enoch? Why do you think I can only do this two times, is not "I AM" able to do this again and for those that can believe in faith I shall do it. When the Children of Israel were next to the Children of Egypt, and yet the plagues did not come nigh them, even the darkness did not befall them. The blood of the sacrificial lamb was over the door posts, now you have another sacrificial lamb, the only Holy Lamb without spot or blemish. No sin was found in YAHUSHUA. So all those who have washed their living Temples in HIS shed Blood at Calvary, for the remission of their sins, repented and turned away from sin, loving and seeking YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their lives, filled with MY RUACH ha KODESH. Just as in the times of the Evil Pharaoh, when the spirit of the evil pharaoh comes again, so too will the miracles come again, like Moses and the Children of Israel. If thou can believe, then miracles yet untold you will see. I will still have martyrs for it is predestined and they already know in their spirits and are prepared, but MY Children who put their faith in "I AM" and hearken to MY voice, will know what to do, and where to go, and will escape the hand of the enemy time and again. Not all will get Glorified Bodies, for not all believe. Some want to test ME and stay with their unsaved loved ones. Have faith for the miracles needed, to try and warn them not to accept the Mark of the Beast, others know they are going to get Glorified Bodies, this is why there is such division, both are right. I have already put it in your spirit if you are MINE whether you will be martyred, or whether you are to be the dead in MESSIAH, and you will die first, arise, or whether you are caught up to meet ME in the air while you are yet alive. Stop these foolish arguments. Don't you yet see that is why I spoke audibly to this handmaiden Sherrie Elijah and said "First one rapture then another for those that I love?" I love them both! The dead in MESSIAH that arise, and you which are alive to be caught up to meet ME in the air. Don't you yet see, that is why I spoke audibly to her and said, "Say not that you are pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib, for it is none of these things. Don't you yet see it is because all of you are right. Even those who believe YAHUSHUA comes again after the Tribulation, for does HE not come to rule and reign on earth as he does in Heaven?" How much anger you have caused ME over this foolish division. Can you now put this debate to rest? Has not enough hatred and hard feelings from MY own children been caused by this debate that satan stirs up within you. Work together, not apart. Stop rejecting the apostles and prophets. You need the eyes and ears of the body of YAHUSHUA. Pastors, stop thinking the flock needs no one but you. The flock is not yours but belongs to the only Good Shepherd. Enough is enough. What will you say to those that are left behind, all because you did not allow MY Prophets and Apostles to warn the sheep and lambs and the black sheep that could have become white, but you were to busy lining your pockets with gold to even care when the sheep and lambs go astray, as long as the sheep and lambs don't call you to repentance. The sheep and lambs eat the same food day in and day out. You fear anyone else feeding them, in fear, the congregation who I call MY sheep and lambs, will prefer fresh spiritual food from Heaven. Fresh new wine and insist that pastors, throw out the old wine so the wineskin does not burst. Prophecy 66
Blow The Trumpet And Warn, YAHUSHUA Is Not Coming For The Church But For HIS BRIDE! December 8, 2002 This ministry has not spoken forth words for itching ears but rather for Holy ears that want to be pleasing and obedient unto YAHUVEH as Enoch and Elijah of Old walked, so shall those that listen and obey and those pleasing YAHUVEH and shall be called YAHUSHUA's Bride. I, YAHUVEH, am not sending MY Son to catch away the churches but rather the Bride of YAHUSHUA who are the first fruits. There are requirements to be YAHUSHUA's Bride. I, YAHUVEH, have told you audibly, YAHUSHUA is not coming for a disobedient Bride. Remember the 5 wise virgins with oil in their lamps? Remember the 5 foolish ones disobeyed. Both were warned the Bridegroom cometh. Both waited. The Bride will receive their Glorified Bodies and hardly will the world take notice as she is caught away and prepared with marching orders how to help the guests and protect the guests who were not fit to be called the Bride, for the guests did not go the extra miles it takes in obedience and Holiness forsaking the things of this world for the sake of the Kingdom of YAHUVEH. The guests love the Bridegroom but not enough to forsake the heathen ways and holiday seasons, including the churches of Babylon and manmade spiritual laws. The guests knew who Jesus is but refused to learn more about who YAHUSHUA is, the King of the Jews, your Jewish High Priest who obeyed and kept the Jewish High Holy Days and Feasts. The guests insisted on staying comfortable in a routine partaking in fellowship that fed them stale crumbs of bread instead of fresh manna from Heaven. The Bride of YAHUSHUA is concerned with more than just themselves but work to bring others to the truths of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will prepare the guests for the wedding banquet as they are doing now in their mortal bodies and will continue to help prepare the guests after the Bride changes into their Glorified Bodies and will warn the guests not to take the Mark of the Beast and to help protect them both in the physical realm and the spiritual realm. Prophecy 76
Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, Arise and Prepare Yourself for Your Bridegroom Doth Come! September 12, 2004 Arise Bride of YAHUSHUA, as the 5 wise Virgins in the Parable I gave in Matthew 25:1-13 and prepare yourself, for your soon coming Bridegroom and MESSIAH is coming oh so quickly. Pray that you will be counted worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Take this not for granted. Do not become puffed up with pride, for some will find out they are the guests and not the Bride for this reason. Too much is given, much more is expected. I, YAHUSHUA, am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go to any other master. As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so I share secrets now with MY Beloved Bride and the honored guests that will be invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And only those who will attend, their names are found in the Lamb's Book of Life inscribed before the foundation of this world. Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why Enoch, Elijah, and Elisha are of great importance. I, YAHUSHUA, teach you now this is relevant to the Bride of YAHUSHUA. I am speaking forth this revelation. Behold it is a new thing. The Book of Enoch was not included with the Books which are in the Bible and yet I give you this mandate to find this book and study it and allow YAHUVEH to teach you truths seldom taught, for there are books that should have been included in the Holy Bible and were purposely left out because they would be too confrontational. Not all called the missing books of the Bible, but some. You must use discernment which books are of the Holy Spirit and truth and which is manmade. Ask yourself, why would the Creator put in 66 books in the Bible, for this is not a holy number. Six is the number of man, 666 is the number associated with the antichrist. I speak this to those who have Spiritual ears to hear and listen, all others will remain deaf and mock what they do not understand. Verily I say unto you, I give you strong spiritual meat to eat. It is not meant for the spiritually weak! Elijah of Old was but a shadow of the catching away of the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Elijah of Old knew what mission he needed to finish and knew he would not die at that time. Elijah of Old knew what day, hour and minute YAHUVEH would send the Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven. And Elijah of Old knew in advance who would be honored to behold this with their own eyes and the man's name was Elisha. Elijah of Old was taken to Heaven by Heavenly transportation and so shall also the Bride of YAHUSHUA be caught away when I, YAHUSHUA, personally come for you MY Beloved Bride. (2 Kings 2:1-14) Re-read all the Prophecies and you will see for many years I have called Elisabeth MY Elijah of New. Yes, her legal maiden name is Elijah, but that is not the reason I have done this. She only recently learned the reason and it is more than sending her to the widows of Zarephath to test them. And they know it not for their famine has not yet come, it is not just this reason as stated in many of the prophecies I have spoken through her. I audibly spoke to her on Passover, April 5 (one day after her birthday) and told her, awakening her with the words she did not understand and only through this message will understand more fully "You are MY Ring Maiden." Verily I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I, YAHUSHUA call her "MY Elijah of New" and reveal these secret revelations given to her straight from Heaven, to be a blessing unto her as well as the True Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Just as Elijah of Old knew when to expect YAHUVEH's horse drawn Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven and he knew the exact time and day and was prepared and warned Elisha in advance to watch him. Elijah of Old is the shadow of what will happen with the Bride, so why would I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA? I will first send Archangel Michael to come and clear the path for the Angel Gabriel to come to tell her. I have told her and her husband to wait for the birth of the announcement of the date YAHUSHUA will come for HIS Bride, then one of her mandates will be as MY Ring Maiden to ring this news around the world to all the Elite called the Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA. Beloved, ask yourself this question, and again read Matthew 25:6-7 and hear it now with Holy ears for it says, "And at Midnight a Cry was heard, see the Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him. Then all the maidens raised up to trim their lamps." Verily I say unto you, someone was chosen to be that messenger to Ring forth that Cry that the entire Bride of YAHUSHUA will hear. And I have chosen this Ring Maiden to have this honor. What YAHUVEH did for MY Mother, Miryam (Mary) when I YAHUSHUA came to Earth, I will do for MY Bride and send Angels to Elisabeth to proclaim the Bridegroom doth come. Make yourself ready and wait for ME on this date, for I come to elope with MY Bride. Again, I say unto you, Elijah of Old was a shadow of MY Bride being caught away, and MY Bride will be endued with a new outpouring of an anointing while on this earth as a standard against the evil that will come against you like none other given before. All of MY Bride will know this message is true, for some have known this would happen and have been waiting for this announcement to come to the 4 corners of the earth where I have hid MY Bride. This date will be spoken in secret and only to MY True Bride will she speak this to. You will never see this posted anywhere unless it is done without MY permission, and woe be unto the Judas who would do such a thing, trying to endanger MY Bride. You who would attempt to do this will suffer the same fate as Judas. Do not think Elisabeth asked for this, for truly I say unto you, I sent many Prophets to her after Prophecies 74 and 75 to tell her this would happen, and she said she was not worthy of this honor. Her husband and she replied, this Ministry never wanted to be a rapture date setter and verily I say unto you both, you are not the date setter. No one will have to take the word of the calculations given to a mere man or woman. Angels will be sent from MY Throne to announce the date, so MY Bride will be as the 5 wise virgins and be prepared for her MESSIAH Groom to come. To those who say, "But it is written no man was to know the day or hour," this is true, when the scripture was written over 2000 years ago, what value would it have been? Why would ABBA YAHUVEH release thousands of years in advance the date when I, YAHUSHUA, would come for MY Bride as spoken of in Matthew 25:1-13 . What purpose would it have served to frustrate those who would have to wait? Remember Beloved, even the 5 foolish virgins knew the Bridegroom was coming but were caught unprepared. The Parable that is spoken shows the 5 foolish virgins that did not have the anointing and watched and waited with those with the anointing to know when the Brides Groom would come. This Parable also shows how I warn the 5 foolish virgins that thought the anointing of the Bride could be bought with money, that it is not for sale and the Bride knows this, and mocks those who think YAHUVEH's gifts are for sale. When the 5 foolish Virgins returned, the Bridegroom and the Bride had eloped. When they pounded on Heaven's doors to be let in with the Groom and Bride, they were sent away weeping as the Groom said, "Depart from ME, I never knew you." Not every one is fit to be the Bride; there are stiff qualifications. And the 5 foolish I recognized not as MY Bride. However, I leave them a warning and that is the 5 foolish virgins know not when I shall return for the Guests, and they had better be ready unless I, YAHUSHUA, the MESSIAH/ GROOM come again and find the Guests sleeping or without oil in their lamps. (Matt 25:1-13) All of the 5 foolish virgins will be tested in the fire of affliction and some will come out as gold, some will be martyred, some will remain, and some will with ME be caught away. Some of The 5 foolish virgins are guests and were not found fit to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA. I will not catch MY True Bride unaware, for she will hear the Shofar horn blowing and she will awaken to this Cry I shall ring forth from this Ring Maiden of MINE. Remember, satan seeks to go before ME, so do not be fooled by the counterfeit date and woe be unto anyone that calls themselves MY Ring Maiden besides the one I have anointed, that I use now to speak forth as MY mouth piece. There will be an anointing that will not be able to be counterfeited when the Angels bring this message so the True Bride of YAHUSHUA will give birth to an out pouring of an anointing from Heaven like none other thus far. It will be the former and the latter rain anointing put together, combined with the double portion of Elijah anointing. Even your Shadows will heal the GODLY, for MY healing balm of Gilead shall be in MY entire Bride I spoke audibly to Elisabeth the words years ago: "Gift of Healing, Sound of Trumpet." She never knew the meaning of these words until now. Just as the Shofar Horn is blown at a Jewish Wedding to announce the Groom, so too will I, YAHUSHUA, have the Shofar Horn blown to announce MY coming for MY Beloved Bride listen for that Shofar Horn, it is not afar off. I prophesied through this Ring Maiden that I would return again on a Sabbath and I spoke to her, "What IF Rosh Hashanah is the Day I would come," you know not yet which one. I also prophesied through her and spoke audibly to her, "First one rapture then another for those that I love." The guests will be in that second catching away in the parable of the ten virgins; the second chance is giving to the foolish so-called Bride that is when I tell them to watch therefore, for you know not what hour I will come again. Elijah of Old had to have his body also changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, for mortal bodies must put on immortal bodies to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven so too will MY Bride. Elijah of Old dropped his Mantle (prayer shawl), his garment of clothing he wore. (II Kings 2:12-13) Just as you who are the Bride of YAHUSHUA will not have need of your earthly clothes when I change your clothes into the most beautiful sparkling, irridescent White Robe which no earthly robe or garment can begin to compare. For you will sparkle like the most brilliant diamond this world has yet seen. I shall place a Tierra upon the female's head as MY Beloved Bride is adorned and the men shall have a crown filled with precious stones none can compare on this earth. Elijah of Old had an anointing that killed the prophets of Baal as well as the enemies that pursued him and so to will you. The True Bride of YAHUSHUA will have that same anointing to call forth Fire from Heaven that will consume your enemies. You, the True Bride of YAHUSHUA will also fight against and win the war against the Jezebel demons. The fate of those who try and destroy MY true Prophets and Bride by trying to wear them out with the demonic Spirits of Jezebel and Ahab will suffer the same fate as the prophets of Baal, as well as Elijah of Old's enemies. You, the Bride of YAHUSHUA will do what Elijah of Old did and even more before you leave this earth. And after you return from Heaven, you are endued with new powers with your Heavenly Orders to be carried out as partly stated in Revelation 14. The rest is secret for now; we don't need to let the enemies know in advance. You MY Beloved Bride, will sing a song like none other and I shall teach it to you MYSELF. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will be the first fruits redeemed from this earth before the great day of YAHUVEH's wrath called the Great Tribulation. You who are the Bride of YAHUSHUA are eternally faithful and true to your MESSIAH and Groom. You the Bride of YAHUSHUA will also have the gift to translate anywhere in the world and will have no need of earthly transportation. Need I remind you of how some of MY disciples of old did not have a glorified body and yet they could do the same? (Acts 8:27-40) The Bride of YAHUSHUA can have different appearances as I, YAHUSHUA, did after MY resurrection. MY own Apostles did not recognize their Master. Verily I say unto you, just as Elisha bore witness with his own eyes and saw Elijah of Old taken up in the horse drawn chariot of fire, because Elisha refused to forsake him and was at his side when he was caught away, he received a double portion of anointing as Elijah of Old had prophesied. Here is a mystery: Have you wondered why Elisha was separated and not taken by the Chariot of Fire with Elijah of old? (2 Kings 11). It is because Elisha was a shadow of the 12 Tribes of Israel in Revelation 7 and Elijah is a shadow of MY Bride in Revelation 14. So too will the sealed 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel be protected and sealed on this earth as it is written in Revelation 7 by an Angel from Heaven. Weapons of man shall not harm them nor shall the plagues come near them, for they are not appointed to YAHUVEH's wrath. They will remain under YAHUSHUA's Grace, the bloodline that YAHUSHUA drew at Calvary and satan can't cross that bloodline. These 144,000 will behold the Bride's mantle as the anointing falls upon them in a way they had not known before. Verily I say unto you that Enoch was a Shadow of the Bride of YAHUSHUA. For Enoch was translated to Heaven, for he had this testimony. He did not die but was translated to Heaven, for he was found pleasing unto YAHUVEH. So also will you the Bride of YAHUSHUA be translated, for you will also have this testimony that you please YAHUVEH the Father of all Creation as well as I, YAHUSHUA, HIS Son because you obeyed and keep yourself Holy without spot or wrinkle. This is why I told Elisabeth in a dream to memorize Hebrews 11:5. You the Bride of YAHUSHUA, will bring YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA, and the RUACH ha KODESH, also called by some the HOLY SPIRIT, no shame. MY Bride, you do not just obey the 10 commandments, for what challenge is there in that? I will release to you some of the major qualifications of how you will know if you are MY Bride or if you will be the Honored Guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in this end time message for MY Bride and the Honored Guests. This message is not for the heathen except to warn them. Beware of anyone that claims to be MINE, and yet attacks this prophetic word, for they are proving what evil spirit they are of and proving that the demonic spirit of Jezebel is attacking MY Ring Maiden that I have anointed to hear MY Voice so the Bride as well as the guests to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be blessed and encouraged. Satan is the only one that would send his wolves dressed as sheep to attack MY Apostolic Prophetic Ring Maiden, named Elisabeth (Elisheva) Sherrie Elijah. I use her full name for MY own reasons that concern no one but the enemies that seek her destruction, that use her names as they cast curses. So to all you who wonder why Elisabeth would bring this upon herself, it is because I use this ministry to separate the wheat from the tares. As you hear this, you will know whether you are wheat or a tare. Are you a weed only to be consumed by MY rage, MY consuming fire? Though I use her now to cry out to the Bride, as a voice will cry out to the five wise virgins, do not compromise, be prepared, for your bridegroom doth come for HIS Bride on a Rosh Hashanah and a Shabbat. YAHUSHUA's Bride be on your knees before ME. Stay Holy and stay humble. Pray that you will stay worthy to be MY Son YAHUSHUA's Bride which is symbolized as the five wise virgins. Which is the first catching away commonly called the Rapture. Guests, pray that you will be part of the second catching away so you will be the guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb [Rev 19:9] the guests are symbolized as the five foolish virgins who are told that the Bridegroom would come again after the Bride of YAHUSHUA is caught away. So stay alert because you know neither the day nor the hour. [Matt 25:12] By the time MY Son YAHUSHUA comes to catch away the five foolish virgins, they will be wise. Prophecy 80
Rejoice Bride of YAHUSHUA, very quickly now you shall be caught up to meet
YAHUSHUA in the air alive and your bodies shall be changed in a moment, in
the twinkle of an eye. And when you return you will no longer be hindered in
frail earthly vessels of clay but instead supernatural in strength, youthful
appearance and healthy in all ways. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Bride of YAHUSHUA, Pray That I, YAHUVEH, Send Your Enemies to the Winepress of MY Wrath! January 18, 2006 Victory over all your enemies and every demon. If you want to eat food you can eat all you want yet food is not what will give you nourishment. Instead the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH will nourish you. Every Spiritual Word that proceeds out of your mouth through the Holy Scriptures will nourish you.
If you want to sleep you can, but sleep will not be necessary to restore your strength.
No jail bars will hold you; no doors will hinder you from going where I tell you to go. You will have bodies that can be invisible as you will it; you can take on various appearances as you will it. No distance will be impossible even if it be to Heaven or another planet or at the far end of the world or even the moon. It will be as easy as thinking of a place and you will arrive. No man, woman, demon, not even satan himself can keep you from going where YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA tell you to go.
You will be as Elijah and Enoch of Old. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will have bodies that cannot be harmed or die except for MY Two Witnesses at that scriptural time by a supernatural weapon from the bottomless pit inspired by satan. But 3 1/2 days later, MY Two Witnesses shall live again in that glorified body and be caught up to be with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the Bridegroom. Beloved Children, be not weary in well-doing and in obedience to I, YAHUVEH, and your Messiah YAHUSHUA whether you are the Bride or the Guests. Blessed are all those invited to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. As you see, the evil grow by leaps and bounds. It only hastens YAHUSHUA's return. You want to know why the Holy Angels didn't come yet, Elisabeth? You already knew, I told you I would tell you. I told you that you are the Ring Maiden, I never told you to listen to another. I told you it would line up with MY Holy Feasts. I told you it would line up with MY Holy Word. When you found out that which was spoken to you by another was not lining up with MY Holy Words, why did you not rebuke what you heard? I allowed this to cause you to be more bold, for both you and your husband knew you could not believe what you were being told. I will have a Bride, she is sealed already, and the foolish look on, making excuses to sin, but I do have a Bride. That is why I have told you and your husband again and again, I demand Holiness. This Ministry stands for Holiness. This Ring Maiden is to expect Holiness. This doesn't mean that I don't love the others. But I have but one Bride. As I have told you Elisabeth and you have not been bold enough to speak it but now I shall. On Rosh Hashanah on 2005, when you prayed, "Oh make me worthy to be called your Bride as in Revelation 14 for we know this alone YAHUSHUA is your Bride." And I said, "Listen Elisabeth, if I choose to protect and I choose to seal and I take some of MY Bride out as Revelation 14 states, redeemed from this earth, sealed and protected in this way and I choose to leave some of MY Bride as spoken of in Revelation 7 sealed and protected but I leave them in this world to keep on preaching MY Words, to be the standard against the evil, am I not still protecting and sealing MY Bride?" What is it any concern of yours how I protect and seal all MY Bride? Some of these are as Revelation 14, and they are MY first fruit, Elisabeth. I have already told you that is the group, you will go. Some are MY Shield Warriors and Shield Maidens in Revelation 7 and they are already sealed, they only await that which I have said has to take place, but they are sealed and no harm shall come to any of them. Both are MY Bride. I have but one Bride. I just choose to take some home first, and I choose to leave some here on this earth. Now will you speak forth what I told you to say in boldness? How many of MY Bride has said, "I just don't feel like I am leaving this earth just yet." That is because they are of Revelation 7 because I put a warring Spirit in them, a Spirit of survival. The others in Revelation 14 long for ME to come. They do not see themselves warring on this earth, but I shall come for the Revelation 7 Bride just as surely as I will come for the Two Witnesses. The Two Witnesses, again I repeat unto you, are part of the Bride of Revelation 14 and they will be taken first as the first fruits and then they will return. The guests to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will come out of the Great Tribulation. They will be those that have washed their garments in MY Shed Blood. There is coming a false rapture. The devil means to mock ME in all ways. This is why it is so very urgent to get the word out so that people will not be deceived. But the end is nigh. When the sealed prophecy is released [78], one of the seals will be broken. Woe be unto this world when Elisabeth speaks forth what I have hidden. Oh, but MY Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, those who are the members of Rev. 14 and Rev. 7, you need not fear. All the Guests who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, it is true you will have to suffer for HIM [YAHUSHUA]. Oh, but the rewards that you have coming. ![]() Oh, but you precious Bride of Rev. 7, you are already sealed, Beloved Ones. No one can harm you. There will be a short time you will take up arms and defend and help the guests to fight satan and those with the mark of satan and then you shall walk in that glorified body when you hear the words, "And the dead in Christ shall rise first." As you learned the word Christ is the only reason I speak it forth. It is the dead in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH which will be the Two Witnesses and those being martyred at that time. These are in the second rapture and along with the Rev. 7 Bride shall also be taken up before the heathen's eyes. These are the secrets reserved for YAHUSHUA's Bride. Prophecy 87 Israel, O' Israel, Hear O' Israel, Jerusalem And The Rest Of The World, What I, YAHUVEH, Have To Say! August 27, 2006 Hear O' Israel, Jerusalem and rest of the World, just as satan could not keep YAHUSHUA dead and on the 3rd day YAHUSHUA rose again, so too no matter what satan, the false prophet and satan's son the anti-messiah do, they cannot stop the resurrection of MY Two Witnesses rising from the dead 3 1/2 days after their death. Satan cannot stop people from all over the world seeing and hearing about this and surrendering their lives and souls and accepting YAHUSHUA as the only true MESSIAH the Son of I, YAHUVEH. Hear O' Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, just as YAHUSHUA ascended to Heaven in front of witnesses so too shall MY Two Witnesses ascend to Heaven before witnesses of this world. On your airwaves worldwide, this shall be seen. As it is written and the dead in (Christ) YAHUSHUA MESSIAH rise first, this has been a secret and released through this prophet already. MY Two Witnesses along with MY other Holy children who are martyred at the same time, these will be the dead that rise first demonstrating the anointed power that raised YAHUSHUA by MY hand. I, YAHUVEH, shall do it again for the world to see. As it is written, "They which are alive and remain will be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air," these will include the Rev. 7 Bride. The time of witnessing is 3 1/2 years symbolized by 3 1/2 days and MY Two Witnesses bodies lay dead although their Spirits will be in Heaven. 3 1/2 days later their Spirits will be called back into their bodies like YAHUSHUA and rise from the dead and multitudes shall bow down, repent and worship YAHUSHUA as MY SON and the true MESSIAH. (Rev 11) Elisabeth, I'm going to prove to you I'm a YAHUVEH that does not lie. Before MY YAHUSHUA comes for the Revelation 14 Bride, I told you I'd send you an angel. A Holy angel shall come once again. I told you to warn the others not to listen to Shelby Corbitt. Now their hearts are broken and bleeding. They feel so defeated. They make excuse after excuse to believe her but you warned them. As she was deceived so that spirit of deception came on others because YAHUSHUA cannot come until, "Line upon line, precept upon precept," of the Holy Word is fulfilled. Now, do not grieve and do not weep and say, "Oh that's going to be so many years." I am going to do things so quickly, faster than your eyes think they can appear! I know who belongs to ME. I know who is washed in YAHUSHUA's Blood. I know who has repented and turned away from evil and their heart is full of MY Love. Prophecy 92
BE OF GOOD CHEER FOR I, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, AM THE ONLY GOOD SHEPHERD AND I BEAT THE WOLVES AWAY! October 27, 2007 Shelby Corbitt refuses to repent and admit the date she gave, that I, YAHUSHUA, was to return did not come to pass. Because I did not give her that dream, nor interpretation, nor date for MY return. This Prophet I now speak forth from told you in advance, not to believe her. I sent this Prophet to warn you, so you would not be dismayed when the time passed. Watch, wait and work until the true catching away. I have said in Revelation 14 there will be a first fruit rapture of 144,000 first. How few want to believe this, for it goes against your itching ears and your flesh. You slander this Ring Maiden I speak this Prophecy through and yet, she is the one I use to be the cryer to warn the True Bride, as written in the parable of the ten virgins. Again I say, I will send Michael the Archangel to her along with Gabriel and they shall speak the date to Elisabeth, and at the precise time the trumpet blows, she cries out, "Behold the Bridegroom doth come." All the true Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH spoken of in Revelation 14 all over the world will hear it at the same time and arise in the air. No one does know the exact time and hour. I have only told her the Holy Day will be on Rosh Hashanah. Since Rosh Hashanah is 2 days, and many people have different calculations which date it falls on, it is true, she does not know the hour. However, just as Elijah knew he would be taken, just as Noah knew the day he was to enter the ark and close the door, so it shall be again. MY Bride will know when they hear in the spirit the cryer cry out and say, "Behold the Bridegroom doth come." You see satan wearies and mocks you now, as one after another proclaims they know the day and hour, and yet again, I repeat MYSELF so none will be deceived. This is why I command you to cover her in prayer, for there is but one I call MY Ring Maiden. Elisabeth Elijah will not know, until I send the Holy Angels to her, like I have before with other Holy messages given to her. I did this so she can believe, as I sent MY Holy Angels first to Montana then Idaho and South Africa. I will do it again. In South Africa both her and her husband saw Archangel Michael in a place they least expected it, in a restaurant in Camps Bay, South Africa. Michael had instructions to appear before her and her husband Niko noticed Elisabeth starring at a man and he starring back and as soon as Niko saw Michael he knew this was no ordinary man, it was a Heavenly Spiritual connection.
Update August 14, 2010 starts here Prophecy 93
2008 Will be a War Like None Other Against the False Prophets of Baal! December 26, 2007 Oh MY beloved Treasured Ones, even though YAHUSHUA did not come on the date (rapture) that you set, do not be discouraged for your job is not yet done. But I command you to get angry and call the prophets who are false, false. Do not encourage them to lie anymore. You know when a dream is just a dream of the flesh. You know when a dream is just a dream of deception. For the date will come and the date will go. You know when a prophecy is just a prophecy of the flesh. A prophecy of deception. For the date will come and the date will go. Now some innocently have done this and all WE command them to do is repent. Humble themselves, admit they missed it. Do not make excuses. Shelby Corbitt, you say the rapture could be held off because if MY People fall on their faces and humble themselves and repent the land will be healed? Since when is a catching away of the Bride punishment? Why would YAHUVEH hold that off? The only thing that would do is extend the time of mercy, this is true. But it would not stop YAHUVEH from telling YAHUSHUA, "Go get YOUR Bride!" Just admit Shelby Corbitt, you missed it. Pride goeth before a huge fall. The end of the year shall come. 2008 shall appear. Fall on your knees and repent before the world for you missed it. You allowed the spirit of a Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the lying serpent's tongue, to permeate your mind, to contaminate it. Oh I listen and I shake MY head and I weep as one rapture date after another is given and even they (those who are setting these rapture dates), if truth would be said, do not meet these qualifications. They say, "Grace, grace, all it takes is grace! It doesn't matter how I sin. It doesn't matter how I offend YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. We'll do it our way. We'll set the date. Let's see, let's do math, we'll get it to line up! I awoke at 4:44, no, I awoke at 1:11..." Away from ME!!! Away from ME!!! Away from ME!!! This is not the qualification for you to be caught to meet ME in the air!!! Where is this in the Holy Scriptures? For those of you who are counting down the days and there is a website at Five Doves, how much harm you have done and although you mean to honor ME, you build people up for such a day that you say, "The rapture shall come." You tell people, "All you have to do is accept YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH and you are guaranteed in that first rapture." You Americans are so puffed up in pride. ![]() Instead of rebuking one another, instead of saying, "A lying, deceiving spirit has spoken from your dream, your vision, your revelation," where was the rebuke for Pastor (F.M.) Riley? Where was the rebuke for Jim Bramlett? And all the others who spoke falsely? What's the matter Jim? You won't post it. You won't acknowledge it. How many have been torn down? How many have been embarrassed, humiliated, given up, instead of admitting that you were wrong? Pastor Riley, I have this against you, you who use your format at Five Doves, it is not enough just to be in elementary school, call it grammar, kindergarten, in your eyes, preschool. When someone just accepts YAHUSHUA they're in preschool. They haven't even yet begun to obey the Ten Laws yet you guarantee them Heaven?! You guarantee them the rapture?! You give a date that does not come. How many have been destroyed, how many will go to hell? Where this Ministry speaks out the Truth and fear offending no man or woman. You must live Holy. You must be Holy. You must strive to be Holy or you'll not see Heaven! You cannot lean over hell as far as you can go and think you will not fall in! REPENT! REPENT! REPENT! All you who are in America, you are so puffed up in pride, you think that war will never come to your shores. You say, "I am the greatest nation!" But I look upon you, oh, America, I look upon the one you just elected president and it was not by MY hand but I allowed your choice because the one that you elected shows the spirit in America and it is nothing to be proud of! IT SHOWS THE AMOUNT OF THE STENCH OF SIN! Prophecy 108
Beware, The Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away! February 19, 2010 Released June 27, 2010 My Beloved Son (Amightywind Youth Minister), you've done a teaching exposing the lies of the devil in regards to the catching away called the Rapture, and how few want to know the Truth. The Church of the Pretenders would rather believe the lies, 'live any way you want, sin any way you want, it's just enough to make others be convinced you are a Christian, you don't really have to follow what you write, what you speak, you don't have to be an example of who YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is, it's just enough to pretend. It's just enough to say, 'Jesus bless you.'' Woe be unto these Judas' who lead MY Sheep and Lambs astray, but you see MY Sheep and Lambs names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and they will return again to the GOOD SHEPHERD YAHUSHUA. It may take suffering through the fires of persecution with untold agony in the Time of Jacob's Trouble, that which you call the Great Tribulation, but MY Sheep and Lambs shall return to ME even if it's with their last breath. Their faith will get hot through the fire of persecution. Please send any comments to Contact Us | | Please go to the other if one is off line. We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-Day Adventists Click Here For More Info ![]() ![]() Mailing and Email Addresses |